Saturday, August 31, 2019
Essay, Valentine Carol Ann Duffy Essay
The poem Valentine is written by Carol Ann Duffy. Throughout the Poem she shows the positive and negative sides about love by comparing love to an onion. She does this by using different techniques such as language features such as metaphors, simlies, Imagery and word structure. All these techniques make it interesting because she uses an onion as a girft to represent love and relationships. In the begining of the poem Duffy starts off with a negative in opening line. â€Å"Not a red rose or a satin heart’. She tries to tell her Valentine to not expect anything romantic. This is telling the reader that it is not somthing sweet, romantic or taditional gift but something unique and original. Then in the following lines she sets out why and onion is a good gift. Duffy then uses a metaphor â€Å"It is a moon wrapped in brown paper. It promises light like the careful undressing of love’. The ‘brown paper’ is the outside of the onion that hides the white vegetable inside. This brown skin is the wrapping paper of the gift, the onion. Duffy compares her gift, the onion, to the moon being wrapped in brown paper. This picture of the moon represents the whole onion, just afger it has been peeled. The words â€Å"it promises light’ give a positive conntation meaning the moons ‘light’ represents love like a new start and begining of a relationship. Moonlight often provides a romantic setting. The peeling of the onion is also like two people taking off each other clothes before they make love â€Å"like the careful undressing of love’. THe different layers of the onion are like the layers of someones discovering the layers in a relationship. Therefore Duffy begins the poeam with a negative conatation and a positive connatation about the onion befoere giving it to her Valentine. In the second stanza of the second line a similie is used â€Å"It will blind you with tears like a lover’. To show that onions will make you cry and make you blind of the pain and that love can do the same thing to a person. This shows that she is giving her partner an onion because love can be beautiful but can also cause pain and upset. She then relates it too â€Å"your reflection is a wobbing grief†. Duffy relates this quote to one quote from the other stanza before â€Å"undressing love’. Here a metaphor has been used. A †wobbling photo of grief is compared to a mirror. â€Å"wobbling’ refers to photo which has become blurred from the tears created by the onion.When you look at a photo with tears it doesnt give a real image to that photo but a blurred or wobbling image. Also when you begin to â€Å"undress’ (discover) when you make love it can also cause you grief. This stanza shows that onions can make you cry and feel pain like love does and a good language feature has been use to help describe the aspects of the onion. Duffy then laters combines these quotes and makes a last stanza that gives more negative connatations towards the end. Duffy demands that her lover takes her gift †Take it’. She then talks about marriage †Its platnium loops shrink to a wedding ring, if you like†She suggests that the bright white layers of the onion are relationships and rings. Duffy imagines that the ring is made out of white valuable metal, platnium. She tries to tell us that the smaller the rings get the more chance of marriage increases but however if somthings †shrinks’ it becomes less valuable and more restrictive and perhaps somthing at the end of the relationship. Duffy thinks marriage is like a knife †Its scent will cling to you fingers, cling to your knife.’ The word â€Å"knife’ links marriage to a wound, and that Duffy may have been hurt in previous relationships. This shows a negative view of love and that someone had a knife and may have ended the relationship.†Cling’ has been repeated twice, Even if one brakes up with partner the scent or the thought will be clinged to your mind , like the smell of the onion on knife after its been washed. Therefore Duffy finishs the poeam with a negative connatation and tells us that onions do have simliarities as a ring or relationships. In conclusion Duffy shows her feelings about love in positive and negative connatations throughtout the poem by using different techinques to show how intresting this poem is when comparing love to an onion. And how the reader of this poem should understand why she thought an onion was a good choice as a gift by being original and unique.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Environmental Experiences Essay
The capability of a location to enhance environmental experience depends on the landscape and its potential to foster and create subjective interpretations among individuals. These places also are significant to visitors since it promotes education and other indirect effects. Recognizing the need for architecture is important for people to fully understand and feel the landscape experience. The Tree Top Walk at the Valley of Giants in Australia â€Å"is a walkway that rises up to 38m above the forest. †Visitors can be able to create the feeling of environment. Visitors get a different perspective on the shapes, sounds and movement of the forest. The Oregon Paleo Lands Institute will help you discover Oregon’s past and explore its present landscapes. The place helps educate individuals and visitors of the wonders the place has to offer. Our mission is to help northwest residents and visitors of all ages to explore, understand, and enjoy the world-renowned natural history of north central Oregon, the ancient and living landscapes of Oregon’s last 400 million years, and the full fossil record of earth’s last 50 million years. The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Texas seeks to inform individuals of the diverse native plants in the region. First as the National Wildflower Research Center and later as the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, this special place exists to introduce people to the beauty and diversity of wildflowers and other native plants. This is in response to the threats and the call for preservation of these plants. These places help enhance their experience of understanding landscape by how each one creates the feeling of satisfaction and cultivate the feeling of appreciation that contributes to the landscape experience. It must be a mixture of both understanding and at the same time appreciation of his/her perceptive abilities. However, an individual must not only settle for what is observable. The visitor must create and conceptualize his/her own interpretation of the landscape. This image will bear some relationship to the way in which the individual responds to and structures his world as a result of his physical perceptual capacities, socio-economic, cultural, personality, experiential and other characteristics. The three types of places mentioned give both direct and indirect experiences to the visitor. Looking at it, the area of indirect experiences is classified to be relative. An experience of an individual may vary depending on how each one perceives a landscape and associates it to personal experience. A person feeling can range from curiosity over the landscape to happiness and awe. There are varied reactions among people and this creates different reactions that cultivate experience. On the other hand, there are also direct experiences that the landscape contributes to a visitor. These are (1) education, (2) environmental education and (3) interpretative centers. Education can be considered as one important contributions of landscape experience. It creates awareness that has been stimulated by the actuality of perceiving, analyzing and understanding the landscape. A visitor creates its connection with the landscape by the way it manifests itself to the viewer and in return how the person responds to it given the factors that revolve around the environment and the individual. Thus, this creates the process of education for each visitor. Environmental education can also be seen as an outcome of landscape experience since the three examples that were given are primarily natural or ecological sites. Landscape experiences gives idea to visitors of the current situation of these sites. This experience creates awareness especially during this time that the call for environmental concern has been constantly increasing. Effective and meaningful environmental education is a challenge we must take seriously if we and future generations are to enjoy the benefits of our natural heritage. Thus, landscape experiences creates an avenue for environmental education by showcasing visitors the beauty and wonder of these sites and how each one is responsible for its protection and continued sustenance. The last mentioned is landscape experience creates interpretative centers. Landscape experience gives opportunities for interpretative centers to provide adequate information regarding the site. Also, interpretative centers provide cultivate interests of volunteers and organizations to further promote the site. Architecture plays an important role in landscape experience. People who have background in the topic understand that its facets are diversified. To fully appreciate architecture, students need to deconstruct its meaning from a variety of perspectives: artistic, social, and scientific. Architecture serves as a guide for visitors to engage in their local landscape. The idea is that each individual seeks find meaning and experience in the landscape however this cannot be done without an understanding architecture. Another is that architecture’ diversity and varied perspectives paves the way for an increased landscape experience among visitors. Different meanings and interpretations are derived from these sites that foster deeper learning experiences. There are many variants and factors that determine the landscape experience of an individual. The capability of an individual to associate the landscape with an understanding of architecture and different subjective interests’ can create a meaningful and worthwhile experience. The full appreciation of the environment experience again is achieved if a learning process is obtained by the individual upon exposure to the landscape.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
A Definition Of Monopoly Economics Essay
A Definition Of Monopoly Economics Essay Monopoly is an industry that has only one firm that sells a good which has no close substitutes. Monopoly firms also represent industries because there are no other firms in the market. Products that are from monopoly market are electricity, water, cable television, local telephone services and many more. Examples of monopoly firm in Malaysia is Tenaga Nasional Berhad, TNB’s unique position as a monopoly in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in Peninsular Malaysia. TNB is the only firm that provides us electricity to every building in Malaysia. Another monopoly firm in Malaysia that only provide sewerage services is Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd. Indah Water Konsortium is the only firm in Malaysia that mainly responsible for operating and maintaining the public sewage treatment plants and network of underground sewerage pipelines. Characteristics of Monopoly Market One seller and large number of buyers Monopoly market characteristics are they is onl y one producer or seller in the market and there are many buyers. Therefore, the firm had the power to control the whole market whether it is from the angle of determining the price or the quantity of production. A monopolist has the power to determine the level of price because there is no competition from other firms. Therefore, if the monopolist intends to sell a bigger quantity, it has to reduce the price. This means that the monopolist can only control the price or the quantity of sales, and not both at once. No close substitution Furthermore, monopoly firm’s goods have no substitutes, its means consumers have no choice other than what is produced by the monopolist and they can’t find any substitute of the product. For example, Telekom Malaysia is a firms that provide home telephone services which has no close substitutes but if the buyer can find another firms that provide home telephone service therefore the product is no longer in monopoly. Restriction of entry of new firms All the competitors are prevented from entering the market due to strict barriers to the entry of new firm. To restrict the entry of new firms into the industry, there are barriers to entry that are natural or legal restrictions. There are no competition faces by monopolist is because of barriers of entry. Advertising A monopolist doesn’t need to advertise their product or services to increase sales because monopolist had the right to control the market and consumers know where to obtain the products and they have no choice to buy from other producer. Monopoly firms that provide local public utilities such as water, electricity and home phone services doesn’t need to advertise since they are the only firms that provide it and customers had no choice to buy it from another firm. Intro to Question 2 It is traditional to divide industries into categories according to the degree of competition that exists between the firms within the industry. There are four such categories. First of all is perfect competition is the market where there is a large number of buyers and seller. The goods sold in the market are homogenous where most of the goods are alike and most likely the same. Therefore, sellers can easily enter and exit from the market. Most of the agricultural goods are included in perfect competition market such as vegetables, fruits, rice, coffee beans, wheat, primary commodities, gold, silver and others.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Imperialism, WWI, and Modernism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Imperialism, WWI, and Modernism - Coursework Example As such, it was important at that time that the U.S. did not willingly get involved in any types of skirmishes overseas. The attitude toward the individual in the World War I era was the preceding boondoggle that would eventually cast a pall over the country as the Great Depression later set in. Conrad’s story reflects this pessimism. According to Conrad (2006), â€Å"Between us there was, as I have already said somewhere, the bond of the sea. Besides holding our hearts together through long periods of separation, it had the effect of making us tolerant of each other's yarnsâ€â€and even convictions†(pgh. 4). Conrad mentions that he is â€Å"tolerant,†but not acceptingâ€â€which is an even higher form of tolerance that moves beyond just allowing someone or something to exist without deference for the person or thing itself. T.S. Eliot’s poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock takes an even more pessimistic view on life. Obviously he feels the prob lems that come with getting old, and sounds like a whiny elderly man. He talks about how he’s losing his hair, and how he wants to walk upon the beach, eat a peach, and basically do whatever he wants. However, he feels that he is being constrained by the social duties placed upon him in life. According to Eliot (1917), â€Å"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons†(line 51). ... All three of these writers basically make clear that the World War I era was full of people whose personalities were somewhat diluted because of the fact that people were trying to maintain societal images, while all the time inside themselves, people were wanting to act out and do things their own way. The early 20th century was a time when mobility changed from horse and buggy to the car. The new stressors that came with modern life fully affected people, and life began to go at a faster pace, yet still peoples’ minds slowed down as they tried desperately to maintain social order and good social graces in the face of WWI. Imperialism and the development of colonies all over the world by various European countries compounded this depressive attitude. Modernism in literature definitely mimicked this attitude well, as can be seen from the literature surveyed here. Part Two: Does this more depressed view of humanity and the individual continue to the present? Use your own experi ences to help answer this question. (280 words) This more depressed view of humanity continues to haunt us in present-day America. People are very upset with the fact that there are two wars going on overseas and our national budget is at over $10 trillion dollarsâ€â€not to mention the U.S. owes a lot of that money to China. Americans are depressed because they can’t get jobs. Americans are depressed because our military budget is overreaching other forms of budgeting that would provide assistance to those Americans who are most needy. In my own experience, we live in a very depressing era becauseâ€â€although the world is becoming much more technologically advanced and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
DEVELOPING AND MANAGING PERFORMANCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
DEVELOPING AND MANAGING PERFORMANCE - Essay Example Building performance is not a day affair in business management; it is rather a value creation that should run throughout the existence of a business organization. This value creation must be evidenced in the way a manager handles performance in the workforce. Hence, the staff must be recognized and encouraged if a manager really wishes them to do their best in the workforce. Staff encouragement must be an ongoing process of overseeing performance throughout the year (‘Performance management’ 2012). Organizations should map out policies and strategies that will lead to the improvement of performance. The issue of performance in the workplace is multi-faceted because there are a lot of sub-issues in it. This includes issues of reward, compensation, giving out responsibility to the employees, creating conducive environment for learning and career advancement etc. In this paper, we will look at how overall performance in a workplace can be easily managed for good productivi ty. 1. How 2 key elements of the reward and development practices used either explicitly or implicitly in the case study organization could contribute to the overall performance of the organization – a critical evaluation. The case-study organization, Pentangelli’s, has two major elements in the creation of the performance policy in the organization, namely reward and development. ... The aspect of reward that could be given a considerable attention by Pentangelli’s is mainly internal since there is no visible sign of lack in external reward which is mainly monetary compensation (Ingram 2012). Because of this, the management of Pentangelli’s could have looked into the internal reward system which would have not only boosted the morale of the staff but also contributed intrinsically in the development and success of Pentangelli’s. Giving someone recognition and acknowledgement for a work done has the psychological power of increasing the effort of a person. Praise naturally will make a worker strive for perfection which can lead him to an overall effective performance (‘What is total reward’ 2006). Recognition can come in various forms. It can be in the form of recognizing the importance and talents of the workers by constantly engaging them in the day to day running of the business. Allowing the managers to take decisions independ ently is a motivation that is even better than monetary compensation (Schalkwijk 2013), and this is where Lucas, the second manager of Pentangelli’s, failed. His mistake was that he appointed one person, Jean, to run the 6 outlets of Pentangelli’s without giving consideration to time. As a human being, Jean was not to be expected to run the 6 business outlets, especially considering his approach towards the issues of management. As reported in the case study, he always insisted on detailed explanation of how the managers he appointed should look after the outlets. This certainly was counterproductive because time did not permit him to achieve this. This could be a reason why he suffered an accident
Monday, August 26, 2019
Consumption in Wall-E Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Consumption in Wall-E - Essay Example Consumption is often thought of in regard to food; the act of hoarding food to the point of becoming overweight. Though this holds true in Wall-E and plays an essential role in the story, consumption can also mean the obtaining of consumer goods. Similar to hoarding food, this definition of consumption means to hoard consumer items, such as electronics or other material possessions, until there is simply too much of these items. In Wall-E, consumption is seen in both of these ways. The humans displayed in the film are overweight due to food consumption and are in the position of not being able to live on Earth because of mass consumption of consumer goods while they were living on the planet. Wall-E uses the conditions of the people and the Earth to show the message of how serious consumption can be and how close we are to following some of the actions seen in the movie. The film opens up to reveal an empty, trash-filled Earth. Due to mass consumption, which essentially took over the Earth, the extensive litter left behind made the air toxic, therefore making the Earth uninhabitable to people. Until the Earth is cleaned and habitable once again, the humans live on a spaceship hovering above the Earth. Far from being concerned about the state of their home, the humans lounge happily away in chairs that take them to whatever part of the craft they want to go to. They have all of the food that they could want, making it easy for them to gorge themselves to an unhealthy weight. These people let consumption get the better of them, resulting in a decline in health and control over their lives. Instead of learning their lesson about what took place on Earth, they continued to consume now that they had a new place to do it. The people in Wall-E, as well as the condition of the Earth, reveal how important we allow products to be in our lives. People have been known to throw away all of their money just so that they can have the newest top-of-the-line cell phone. A month later, when a newer model comes out, that first model goes in the trash and the new one is bought. The cycle continues, gradually covering our world with garbage, which is all due to our need of having stuff. More products are being created and thrown out than we can keep up with. We begin to think less of ourselves, less of our surroundings, and more about the wonderful toys and gadgets that we can get our hands on. People would rather risk being unhealthy and living in a dirty world than giving up even a single material possession. We no longer allow ourselves and our world to define us; our products and our need to have as much stuff as possible is what defines who we are. The world may be polluted, but we do not mind that as long as we have our cell phones. We have become both masters and slaves to material possessions. We are masters in the sense that we create products to do what we want them to do, which usually includes having them be capable of completing a task that makes our lives easier and less busy. We control what these products can do. On the other hand, we have become so consumed by material possessions that we are also slaves to them. We have allowed them to take over our lives to the point where many of us are willing to admit to it, yet refuse to do anything about it. We may be slaves to them, but they seem to be doing us so much good. This is where it tends to get confusing; we believe these products are
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Gel point and fractal microstructure of incipient blood clots are Essay
Gel point and fractal microstructure of incipient blood clots are significant new markers of hemostasis for healthy and anticoagulated blood - Essay Example This way, the study aimed at investigating the value of dimension Df that characterized incipient clots formed in unadulterated blood samples, which were extracted from healthy participants. This was with a view to establish a â€Å"healthy index†which was to be used in representing a value of an incipient clot microstructure in terms of fractal dimension, and to further manipulate a healthy blood using unfractionated heparin. It also aimed at comparing any change in Df against standard thromboelastography (TEG) and laboratory coagulation markers. The subjects were divided into two groups: the healthy group and the Anticoagulant group. For the healthy group, strict exclusion criteria ensures healthy volunteers who were on antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy, and those with a family or personal history of thromboembolic disease, and any acute disease, hepatic, renal dysfunction, or cancer were eliminated. This group consisted of 23 women, and 29 men totalling to 52 healthy patients. The mean age for the subject of this group was 33.6 years. On the other hand, the anticoagulant group had 38 healthy adults: 13 women, 25 men, and a mean age 25.2 years. In studying the impact of inhibiting production of thrombin on an incident clot, volumes (>10 uL) of unfractionated heparin were added to a volume of 20 mL of blood in vitro. The resulted in the production of an effective Antifactor (Xa) concentration ranging from 0.05 to 0.08 IU/mL. To minimize any dilution effect, a small volume of heparin was added to a larger volume of blood. The unfractionated heparin was altered to prolong activated partial thromboplastin to the range corresponding to the 0.3 to 0.7 U/mL of heparin. For analysis purposes 4 ml aliquots of blood was extracted from a sample for full blood count analysis including a platelet count. Samples were collected into full-draw dipotassiu, ethlenediamitetraacetic acid vacuattes. The Sysmex XE 2100 was used to analyse FBC. In the Rheometry, aliquots
Anthropologists Understanding of Human Health Essay
Anthropologists Understanding of Human Health - Essay Example However, the concern of medical anthropologists is to understand how communities understood the concept of health. Medical anthropologists have explored various ways, which different cultures used to understand the concept of disease and health. First is ecological or epidemiological view. Its concern posits the interaction between natural environment and culture to create pattern of diseases and health (Parker and Harper, 2005:123). Second is the critical (applied) medical anthropology view that focuses on how politics and economics affected human health. Third is interpretive view, which concerns with how culture related some symbolic meaning to understand and describe a disease. Epidemiological Perspective Epidemiology concern is to understand how factors within human population would affect human health. The concern of epidemiologists is to investigate cultural factors that contributed to diseases. These cultural factors include eating habit, sexual activity, medical practices, w ork, social interaction and geographical location (Bhasin). The paradox of this anthropological approach is that it cannot be able to identify the causing factors of these illnesses. However, traditionalists advised their people on what practices were best suitable in relation to health or disease risk. Epidemiologists’ research across cultures indicated that illnesses differ (Sharma and Gautam, 2006:143). For instance, blood pressure research conducted across cultures has indicated that pressure differs. The outcome of the study suggests differences across cultures might be the likable cause. The assumption made through medical ecology is that universal approach is applicable in categorising diseases. Measuring of diseases can take geographical dimension, where changes in pattern of settlement could project the anticipated disease or health outcome. For instance, medical anthropologists believe that measuring and mapping of haemoglobin is possible in relation to a given geog raphical region (McElroy, 2002:9). The study of disease in such area would focus on human physiology in relation to the environment. For instance, a disease such as malaria occurs in a given geographical area. The understanding of this condition is very important when it comes to diagnosing of the disease. It is not surprising that the colonial masters that arrived in Africa faced the challenge of Malaria. Ethno medicine The focus of ethno medicine is to explore practices and health beliefs, social roles, and cultural values. The perspective originally focused on the primitive system of life in relation to folk medicine. Today ethno medicine means health maintenance in the society (Elmer, 2004:27). Understanding the concept of ethno medicine, the beliefs, values, and knowledge of specialists in various communities is important. Since ethno medicine encompasses a number of factors, it gives detailed information on how communities interpreted illnesses and the techniques applied in me eting the effects of the illnesses. Traditional healers in Indian culture practice the activities alongside biomedicine that a patient in India would seek (Williams, 2006:215). The role played by the specialists in the traditional times has not faded, as one would think. Some communities demonstrate inclination to traditional methods as much as they would seek biomedicine. Interpretive Perspective Cultures a cross the globe associate different meaning to issues that
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Segmentation and Market Target Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Segmentation and Market Target Paper - Essay Example The essay discusses Apple’s criteria for market segmentation as well as market segmentation mediums. The main approach that the company uses is market segmentation. The management’s market segmentation is based on concepts of economics while dividing organizations and people into categories with a derivative of similar products. According to Hiebing, Cooper & Wehrenberg (2011), the concept responds positively to the marketing messages of the product. In achieving this, Apple eliminates wasted resources with an attempt of marketing to consumers without interests in the company’s product. The different segmentation types used by Apple include Demographic, Psychographic, Geographic, and Behavioral Segmentation utilized in creating effective marketing campaign. According to McDonald & Wilson (2011), Apple’s demographic segmentation involves division of the company products based on characteristics of certain market. The approach includes income, age, sex, race, and education. The geographic segmentation concepts are differentiated on the basis of physical locations in potential consumers. Further, Apple’s psychographic segmentation involves the lifestyles or personalities of potential consumers. Behavioral segmentation for the Apple Company is based on the analysis of consumers’ actions. According to Estelami (2009), market segmentation in has narrowed from complicated processes that required significant research on consumer behavior. Currently, the firm has in-depth understanding of company objectives and goals. The initial step for market segmentation involves identification of broad markets that are attained through existing channels. For instance, Apple Inc. has produced the iPod as one of its fast moving consumer goods. On the other hand, prior the start of research and development for the product, the department identified broad markets used by the iPod within music markets. The
Friday, August 23, 2019
Media Response Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Media Response - Research Paper Example Human behavior is the integral aspect of life since it regulates social interaction with others and determines his or her belief thereby making one unique from another. In relation to the mass media effects, there is the fact that mass media creates public opinion. Mass media perform a number of function key among which is agenda setting. Under this, a trending topic in the mass media immediately becomes a topical issue on every street. Additionally, the media has the ability to influence the opinion of its audience on the topical issues in the public domain. This makes the media the most powerful tool for spreading propaganda thereby intensifying the societal animosities. In his article, Said believes the Western media misrepresent Islam and Muslims. He also postulates that the media has established regulators who determine the media content and the western media has highly opinionated regulators who negate the faith through the spread of propaganda and hate media content. This has succeeded in developing a universal negative opinion against both the Islamic faith and Islamic countries (Said 42). He finds a way of arguing his facts but then he also has to understand that a book is particularly one of the most effective media and the ideas in his book. This includes shaping attitudes towards or against the western media especially in the Islamic society. To analyze his claims more effectively, on March 25, 2013 the New York Times ran a news story titled the U.S concedes control, almost, on Afghan prisoners. In this story, the journalist reports the fact that the United States military is slowly but steadily relinquishing the control of the country to the Afghanistans. One of the key steps towards that was the return of the Afghan prisons to the Afghanistan government. The reporter tries to remain integral in his report of the story articulating his facts clearly and corroborating most of his claims. Most of the prisoners are terrorists who had attempted or take n part in evident terrorist attacks. The journalist avoids the mention of Islam and does not refer to some of the world’s most notorious terrorist prisoners as Muslims, even though they are, but points them out as terrorist who had endangered the lives of many people who are both American and Afghans (Rod and Alissa 1). The story is sensitive since Said in his book claims that the western media has succeeded in labeling Muslims as terrorists. This story is published in a western newspaper and talks about an Islamic state and the terrorist activities in the country. The journalist who seems aware of such claims avoids associating the story to Islam in any way and concentrates only on the fact that the United States government had decided to give back the control of the country to the natives of the land. The journalist points out the weak institutions in the country such as the lacking prison services not in a manner that discredits the country but because the fact is of publi c interest. Terrorism is an international threat and some of the criminals in the story had served sentences at the Guantanamo bay and therefore require the most effective and sophisticated security system to restrain them from interacting with the society once again. It, thus, is in the public interest to know the fate and future of the prisoners especially now that the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Latin American transitions Essay Example for Free
Latin American transitions Essay Besides, scholars regard existence of effective multi-party political system in the country as a necessary element for ensuring efficient control of the society over authorities (Randall Svasand, 2001, p. 77). For example, party development is regarded among scholars as an essential element of democratization in Eastern Europe, the development of political parties was an omnipresent topic especially with regard to the new democracies in Africa, Asia and Latin America (Penna, 1998, p. 108). While definitions of democracy abound and there is little agreement on which factors contribute to bringing democracy about or to its consolidation, a recurrent refrain is the vital role that is played by parties. Surveying prospects for consolidation in sub-Saharan Africa, scholars suggests the key indicator is â€Å"the capacity to develop a political party system which is both integrative between different communities, and competitive between different parties†(cited in Randall Svasand, 2001, p.75). Similar conclusions about the importance of parties are being expressed by many experts in the field. Moreover, the role of parties has received especial attention in the literature on Latin American transitions. Scholars argue that in assessing prospects for democratic survival and consolidation in this region much may depend on political parties (Armijo, 2005, p. 2024). Scholars noted one more important aspect of political activities – that the extent to which political democracy and equality can be achieved in any society is a function of the distribution of access to political resources. They describe political resources as anything that can be used to influence government decisions: money, wealth, social standing, honor, reputation, legal status, knowledge, cognitive abilities, information, coercive capacity, organiza ¬tions, etc. (Penna, 1998, p. 105). It seems, then, that to democratize, access to these political resources must be distributed to a wider and wider circle of the population. This allows more and more people not only to participate in the political process, but to have influence over decisions. In this situation not only high art of political authorities is in demand, but in fact democratic structure of the parties and their ability to carry out effective dialogue with other parties functioning in the developing country to achieve consensus.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Current Climate Change Trend In Malaysia
The Current Climate Change Trend In Malaysia Climate change is rapidly increased and become very serious global issue. The emission and concentration of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases is affecting the increase in temperature, and thus leading to global warming. The world community is very concerned with the impacts of climate change and the current series of extreme weathers that could possibly affect the global climate systems. In developed countries such USA, Europe and Japan, their community are increasingly aware of and concerned about global climate change and supportive of a wide range of mitigation and adaptation policies. Unfortunately, we also still know very little about international public opinion or behavior regarding climate change, in large part because only a few multi-national surveys have included even a single question on the issue (Leiserowitz, Kates, Parris, 2005; Brechin, 2003). Large majorities worldwide believe that human activities are a significant cause of climate change, yet many continue to confuse and conflate global warming with depletion of the ozone layer, which in turn leads many to support ineffectual solutions, such as the banning of aerosol spray cans. Malaysia is one of the countries in the world which is experiencing a warming trend for the past few decades. According to IPCC in year 2001, the global land precipitation has raising about 2% since the early of the 20th century. They also reported in year 2007, the extremely hot temperature, heat waves and heavy precipitation events will contribute to become more frequent. In the past few years, the frequency of long dry period tended to be higher with significant increase in the mean and variability of the length of the dry spells. All the indices of wet in these areas show a decreasing trend. Increasing temperature with long dry periods would give variable result of weather and climate (Deni et al., 2008). According to INC, 2000; Malaysias temperature and rainfall are rapidly increasing between +0.6 to 3.4C and -1 to +32% in 60 years repetitively and the rise of sea level is about 13-94 cm within 100 years respectively. Thus, these will give impacts on water resources, coastal zone, public health, food supply, drainage, flooding, land slides, haze, typhoons, and others negative phenomenon that need national and international responses to face climate change. Realizing the importance of reducing and combating the impact of climate change and GHGs emissions, the Malaysian government has taken concerted efforts towards this issue by introducing the mitigation programs in the Ninth Malaysian Plan. 2.0 PROBLEM STATEMENT Malaysias desire to achieve the status of a developed country by the year 2020 will require rapid economic growth and expansion, especially in the urban, industrial and commercial sectors. Economic growth is guided by the principles of sustainable development. The extent to which sustainable development is achieved will ultimately depend on the ability of the country to monitor and manage the impacts of economic activities on the environment. NGOs continue to advocate national efforts to address such issues as the economics of climate change, the compilation and publication of timely data on GHG emissions, and projections of energy consumption by different end-users. Most Malaysian is not aware of the effects of global warming. Being in a hot climate country and most likely holed up in their air conditioned offices, most did not notice the changes in daily temperatures. Rising temperatures from global warming are creating violent storms in Malaysia for the past few years. A disaster caused by climate change or global warming could be defined as a serious disruption to the functioning of a community or a society causes widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Prediction about impact of climate change on public health are general, there are no specific region scenarios is available. Nevertheless, Malaysia can expect significant impact mainly because of its tropical weather with high rainfall and temperatures that make dangerous combinations for air factor, food diseases, and illness due to air pollution. In Malaysia public perception on climate change is not well documented. Hence, this objectives, want to discover the perception on climate change. With such poor understanding on structure in the climate system, people are likely to rely on the intuitive wait and see strategy that works well in a range of everyday tasks. 3.0 OBJECTIVES The purpose of this survey is to assess the public opinion, perception, and understanding regarding the current climate change trend in Malaysia. The objective includes:- 1. Public perception and awareness of the seriousness of climate change 2. The extent to which public informed about climate change. 3. To determine public attitudes towards the solution to climate change. 4.0 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY Public should be taught more about GHG that are held responsible for climate change issues. Since climate change is affecting evrything all over the world, thus, by having sufficient or extra understanding or more specifica, knowledge about this issue can be the most important way to adress our attention about it and the solution towards it. This research will contribute to public understanding about the current as well as future issue on climate change by providing information about the key point that should be seriously concentrate in environmental education effort. Climate change is widely recognized as the hottest issues on the current international environmental agenda. Climate change gives implications for many events such flood and water shortage, food supplies, human health, and social and political initiatives. Public awareness of environmental issues generally, many people lack understanding of the delicate interrelationships between man, and all species of animals and plants to climate change. There is quite small number of people that able to relate their daily activities to environmental harmless whether in the short and long term effects. Most of them only concern about the impacts of climate change without knowing the exactly causes of climate change. Since people generally have very basic knowledge about climate change, it is probable that many rely on the mass media as a primary source of information about this topic. The purpose of this research also to know the effectiveness of environmental regulation in Malaysia; hence this explanatory research which is a combination of literature review, data collection and interviews can be used to encourage the responsible bodies to formulate further solutions on the issues associated with climate change. 5.0 LITERATURE REVIEW a. Climate Change Issue on climate change arises as the increasing a number of tragedies and disaster phenomenon occurred in Malaysia. Kedah and Johor are the worst states that experienced floods recently. An analysis of temperature records in Malaysia shows a warming trend. For the assessment of the impacts of climate change on agriculture, forests, water resources, coastal resources, health and energy sectors, temperature changes ranging from +0.3Â °C to +4.5Â °C and rainfall changes ranging from -30% to +30% were used. Several fixed sea level rise scenarios within the range of 20-90 cm in 100 years were adopted for the assessment of impacts on coastal resources (INC, 2000). Every 10C temperature rise may cause 10% reduction in rice yields and prolonged drought conditions may adversely impact the current flooded rice ecosystem, putting national food security at greater risk (MOSTI, 2000). GHG emissions from sources and removal by sinks resulting from human (anthropogenic) activities have been estimated and included in the inventory. Natural processes lie outside the scope of the inventory. The sources and sinks were grouped under five categories, namely, energy, industrial processes, agriculture, land use change and forestry, and waste. According to NAHRIM, 2006 and Wan Azli et al., 2008, modeling results estimate that temperature in Malaysia may become warmer by mid and end of the century. A substantial increase in monthly rainfall over the North East Coastal region and decrease in monthly rainfall in West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia may be expected. Future river flows in several watersheds in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia were simulated as increases in hydrologic extremes when compared with their historical level. Generally, Malaysia is considered as a free zone from climate related disaster. However, mild climate-disasters are quite frequent to happen lately. These refer to the occurrence of floods and droughts that caused significant socio-economic impacts to the nation while the occurrence of land slides due to excessive rainfall and strong winds happened at the hilly and the latter, at the coastal areas caused minimal damage. The floods incidence happened in the southern states of Malaysia, such as Negeri Sembilan and Johor. There are many obstacles remaining, including our limited understanding of the current status of Malaysian public opinion and the unknown potential for rapid social change to dramatically reduce global greenhouse gas emissions at a rate fast enough to forestall large-scale climate disruptions. Malaysias national policy on sustainable development is based on a balanced approach such that environment and development complement each other. While the past and existing national policies and initiatives may have indirectly addressed climate change concerns under the context of sustainable development, the need to formulate a dedicated climate change policy is increasingly recognized. Therefore, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Malaysia in collaboration with the Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, had conducted the Policy Study on Climate Change. The aim of the study was to develop a national policy and strategies on climate change in fostering sustainable development in Malaysia to meet the needs of the country and respond to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).The other stakeholder consultants regarding to climate change issue are Ministry of Science Technology and Ministry of Natu ral Resources and Environment, DOE, Ministry of Health and Institute of Medical Research, Environmental Protection Society of Malaysia, SIRIM, Maritime Institute Of Malaysia and Business Council for Sustainable Development. To address climate change issues, RMK9 initiates the following mitigation programs such: 1. Increase supply and utilization of alternative fuel such Renewable Energy. 2. By 2010, about 300 MW of RE is expected to be generated and conducted to the TNB Grid in Peninsular Malaysia and 5o MW to SESB Grid in Sabah 3. RE project utilizing municipal waste will be promoted 4. Encourage energy efficiency in industrial, building, and transport sectors. 5. Protect forest areas via sustainable forest management to ensure the forest areas are maintained as sink to GHG, i.e., CO2. 6. Conduct Coastal Vulnerability Index study 7. Implement coastline protection program 8. Implement flood mitigation program such as Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) Project 9. Undertake study to identify the relationship between the impacts of climate change and vector borne diseases. 5.0 Methodology The purpose of this study is to investigate public opinion, perception, and understanding regarding the current climate change, and to reach this aim, respondents will be selected randomly to fill questionnaire form which would be used to collect the data for this study. This chapter is to presents the methods used to achieve the objectives of the study. The study will be conduct in 2 areas in Johor Darul Takzim where in urban cities (Johor Bharu) and rural area (Segamat) to gather the information on the public understanding regarding the climate changes trends in Malaysia. A survey will be conduct to assess the public awareness regarding the current climate change in Malaysia. Questionnaires will distribute and the collection data will be use as primary data to know the level of public understanding regarding to this study. Method to Analyze Data SPSS is complete statistical software packages that used for analyzing dissertation and thesis data and can bring in dissertation data from any type of file for analysis. The package is mainly aimed at those that want to research problems and features a wide range of analytical functions. SPSS is performed to make tabulated dissertation charts, reports, plots of distributions and trends, and expressive statistics, and difficult statistical analysis making use of the data. Though SPSS appears like a very user-friendly statistical package since it is the easiest method to translate the data into SPSS; this significantly reduces the preliminary work needed to explore new data.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Film Review King Arthur
Film Review King Arthur Film Review King Arthur The film I will be reviewing is called King Arthur. King Arthur is from the action epic genre and is a brilliant well put together film which will help many audiences in many ways and would be bound to sell. I will also include a historical context showing how King Arthur was related to the Roman invasion of Britain and how it also affected the characters involved. The maker of the film is Jerry Bruckheimer. The actors that star in the film are Clive Owen as king Arthur, Keira Knightley as Guinevere, Ray Winstone as Bors, Ioan Gruffudd as Lancelot Stellan Skarsgà ¥rd, Stephen Dillane. Clive Owen has a reputation for providing top class films. Back in 1990, he performed as the wisecracking, sharp-suited wheeler-dealer Stephen Crane in the hit show Chancer; he was described as â€Å"the hottest thing on TV†. Keira Knightley also has a reputation for providing top films such as her earliest Bend It like Beckham to in 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean. After performing in those still only 18 she also preformed in Love Actually and then continued Pirates of the Caribbean. From this we can see that all the actors and actresses are excellent and great performers so therefore my expectations only followed by their reputation. The film is all about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. It came out in 2004 and lasts for 140 minutes. There is a lot of history of this film as King Arthur is a legend. Similar to Robin Hood King Arthur has many different versions such as an older version and this newer version. In my opinion the film is a great one attracting a wide audience of historians, people with an interest in King Arthur and action packed viewers. King Arthur is believed by some as a myth but most believe he was a real king and that he really did make England proud. This film is set around 409 A.D. This time was when the Roman Empire controlled most of Britain. King Arthur, who is partly Roman and an ally to Rome, was mainly British and loved his country that every battle in this film he would fight would be for him and his knights of the round tables freedom. As an agreement all these British villages had to send their children and some adults to fight for Rome. Similar to subscription and they had to serve a certain amount of time where they would earn their freedom. Later on after a few years in around 410 A.D the Roman invasion had ended because Rome had redrawn from Britain due to other opposing enemies and also due to the attack of the Saxons and Scots. The film begins with a well worded description of the legend of King Arthur which reads â€Å"Historians agree that the classical 15th Century King Arthur and his knight’s rose from a similar individual who lived in a period often called the Dark Ages†. The picture comes awake with a Roman army on horseback often called the â€Å"Praetorian†an elite roman horseback army. The beginning of the film is very important because it sets the scene to what the whole film is about which in this case is about the Roman Britain Empire and its connection with King Arthur. We see at the start a map which shows how far the Roman Empire extended which was from Saudi Arabia to Britain and this is a key point in understanding why Rome called for King Arthur and his knights to carry out so many missions. The reason being that Rome was not satisfied with their land they kept on wanting more and more so leaders like King Arthur were sent on missions to keep the Empire strong. This s hows the outline of the film and the reason as to what the film is about. One key point that we notice in the film is that Lancelot who is one of Arthur’s knights is the narrator and speaks in 1st person â€Å"I was such a son†he said when at the start the roman army came to recruit him on the grounds similar to conscription. So he was off to fight for Rome. Then the scene changes and we see King Arthur as a young boy who is presented as a bright future leader both wealthy and important as we can tell by his freedom of movement. Arthur sees the young knights including Lancelot on horseback and asks who they are and he is told they may someday be his knights little does he know that one day they will. This is a use of dramatic irony as we know it is to happen by the role of Lancelot as one of his knights but the character himself is unaware. After this scene there is a gap which says â€Å"15 years later†then they are all shown as grown men and we notice that there conscription was supposed to be for 15 years therefore the director lives the audience to find this out for themselves. Then we see the characters for the first time as men and their first mission is to protect the bishop from the forest Woads who Merlin (an old friend of Arthur’s) leads. The Woads attack some Roman troops so Arthur and his knights pace to the scene and upon arrival witness the deaths of these Roman soldiers. The Knights take up their swords and fight off the Woads for now as Merlin looks on from the forest. After the attack the Bishop appears dead with an arrow straight through his head however Arthur spots it is not the bishop but a fake. The real Bishop appears and they talk about the great Samaritan Knights that Arthur leads. After they arrive at the castle where all the knights expect their freedom from the subscription that they are bound to. However the Bishop revels that the pope has one more mission for them and all of the knights including King Arthur disapprove after 15 long years of fighting however the mission is to rescue the pope’s favourite godchild and pupil so therefore on their last day of subscription they must go on this mission. As to be expected all the Knights don’t want to go but after a talk from King Arthur unwillingly for Arthur they approve. So after the disapproval of the mission the scene changes and we see who the knights will come up against. Saxons from the north. They were very strong at the time and the opposition to the Romans. When Rome left in 410 A.D it was the Saxons that took over England. We then see the Saxons killing innocent women. This demonstrates the brutality of the Saxons. Then the Knights get on their horseback and ride off towards their mission. They cut through the forest where they are being tracked by Merlin’s knights. Aware of the movement of the Saxons Merlin traps Arthur and the Knights in the forest and they agree to fight the Saxons together. After reaching their mission point they find Alecto the godchild of the pope. Arthur finds a secret door blocked up and his Knight uses his axe to break it down. Inside they find injured Woad. The Woad is called Guinevere who by legend is the eventually the wife of King Arthur therefore this is an important step because this is the entrance of a main character played by Keira Knightley. After a disagreement with the townsman leader the father of Alecto the knights take off away from the Saxons. The Saxons continue to get closer and closer. Then they reach the ice and they finally intercept with the Saxons. Ready and prepared to fight the main scene unfolds. The odds start at 7 Samaritan knights against 200 Saxons. The fight starts with the 7 using their long bows to cut off the wings of the 200 it forces them to stay together putting more weight on the ice eventually the ice begins to break however their out of range and the ice hasn’t broken. Dagenot one of the knights runs forward with his axe and breaks the ice covered by the other 6 with their longbows. Unfortunately he is shot with arrows 3 times and dies however their mission is a success in one way but a loss in another. The next scene begins back at the castle where they are greeted by the Bishop who is happy to see Alecto. They are given their freedom but Bors and all the others are unhappy due to the loss of Daganot. They buried Daganot and looked on in a sad manner. Then we see the final scene which is where the Saxons have risen to Hadrian’s Wall and are ready to attack the Emperor and the knights. However the Romans are leaving and the knights are free but King Arthur says he must stay and fight. None of the knights stay but when they see the bravery of Arthur on his own they race to back up. Then the first Saxon army attack behind the castle gates therefore the Saxon leader can’t see who is winning and only a few of his army come out and they believe there was only six knights however the Woads have joined and they all worked together and Arthur was there leader. The final Saxon army attacked and lost to King Arthur in a great battle and casualties were lost such as Bors and Lancelot which who were two of Arthur’s Samaritan knights. Also the narrator was Lancelot so we notice it is told by a character that later dies this is a technique to have a greater influence of understanding the times of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The battle ends and Arthur wins and they bury the dead and Lancelot’s request to be cremated takes place. The film ends as Guinevere and Arthur get married and Britain is in safe hands. My opinions of the movie are that it is a good exciting film. The film is entertaining and the storyline keeps the audience in suspense. Another good opinion of the film is that the historical context makes the audience want to see the film because they want to know more about Roman British Empire so they are more likely to see the film. One part I like is where at the start the knights defeat the Woads even though there are only a few knights. I like this part because it makes the knights look strong and therefore impresses me as the audience. Another part I liked is when Daganot takes his axe and destroys the ice so that the Saxons can’t cross the line. However I found this sad because Daganot gets killed in this part of the film. Another action packed part is the last scene where there is a big battle. This scene is action packed and therefore entertaining in the film. Compared to films like Gladiator this film is better because it gives a more historical outlook on the fil m. Therefore I think it is more successful and more entertaining. I think in the film that when the character of Lancelot died it was disappointing because historians know that he was a great warrior therefore the way he died was unexpected and I believe it was better to keep him alive. Therefore if I was directing the film I would have not killed off Lancelot however I like the way that the character of Daganot was killed because he was made to look like a hero. The character I am critical of is Guinevere because in the story of King Arthur she was supposed to be a high class lady from a good family however in this story she is presented as Woad like a rebel whom I think is unrealistic and completely changes the character. Therefore I dislike the character. The parts which are successful are the opening scene where the few knights fight many Woads. This is successful because it sets the tone of the film and lets the audience know how skilled the knights are and how they grew up to become knights. Another part which is successful is where Daganot smashes open the door with an axe. This is successful because it allows the audience to see how strong the knights are again and also get the audience more involved to see what is inside because the breaking down of the door is like footsteps of a massive army because the audience wants to see what will happen next. Therefore in both ways it is successful. In conclusion I recommend the film and would give it 8 out of 10. The reasons for this are because it is a successful film in the way it attracts and entertains the audience such as the start where the knights fight many Woads. It is an interesting film where there is a great historical context such as the history and leadership of King Arthur himself and Roman Britain. The reason I would only give the film an 8 out of 10 is because there were parts I disliked such as that Lancelot got killed and that Guinevere was made to look different then the real story. Therefore in conclusion I would give the film an 8 out of 10 and recommend it to people as a good film because it has many good features and covers the historical part of King Arthur as well as the entertaining action packed fighting in the film therefore I recommend it.
Monday, August 19, 2019
John Steinbecks East of Eden - The Gift of Free Will :: East Eden Essays
East of Eden - The Gift of Free Will An excellent benefit of choosing to major in English is that it has allowed me four years to dig deeply into my love of the written word. This involves looking beyond the surface of literature and studying its effects in the course of my everyday life. Some books are easy to read quickly, enjoy, and forget, but others exert an influence that is not easily discarded or forgotten. In my mental library, the classic American novel East of Eden, by John Steinbeck, falls into this category. I believe East of Eden has helped shape me morally by illustrating the power of free will in a world caught between a constant battle of good and evil. I decided to read East of Eden after hearing a friend share a short passage from it in his valedictory address. Although I do not remember the contents of that particular passage anymore, I remember that it was the power of Steinbeck's simple, direct language that urged me to take it on as my next big foray into what my high school English teacher called "real literature." The Cain and Abel story, possibly the most enigmatic story of good and evil in the Bible, is the basis for East of Eden. Although allegorical elements are scattered throughout the whole novel, the most evident theme struck me as three of the main characters discussed the ramifications of God's words to Cain after Abel's death. Lee, a Chinese servant to one of the novel's main families, explained to his two companions a little-known conflict between the translations of Genesis 4:7 in two versions of the Bible. In one translation, God tells Cain that "thou shalt" rule over sin. In another, God says to Cain, "Do thou" rule over sin. The first is a promise, and the second is an order. Lee concluded that the ambiguity presented by the two translations is at the heart of the universal human story. I agree. I know some people who surrender themselves to the fatalistic belief that everything in life has been mapped out by God. I also know people who believe that God is a harsh drillmaster who issues demands under the constant threat of damnation. Until I read this book, however, I never wondered where the dispute originated. As the characters in Steinbeck's novel discussed the discrepancy of Genesis 4:7, I also wondered at the intended meaning of the verse.
Time For Americans To Be A Family :: essays research papers
Time for Americans To Be A Family By D.C. Burch It seems to be a time for Americans to try and be a family again. Maybe a quarrelsome and restless family not entirely happy with each member all of the time, but a family nonetheless. OK, I admit it. I am confused and perplexed by the storm of political correctness sweeping throughout the nation, raising dust-devils and tempests; leaving destruction and chaos in its wake. The English language is being transmogrified to quell and satisfy members of the American society who feel they should somehow, be special; apart from our citizenry. Thus my confusion. I've been called a privileged white-boy by some, honky by others, and cracker by others still. All this because I grew up in a middle class family in Toledo, Ohio? I've never considered myself to be anything special, certainly never superior to anyone or anything by virtue of my ancestry, just your basic, run- of-the-mill guy who wants to do the right thing. From the time I was little boy, I have seen one particular group called colored, Negro, black, and now, African-American. I can't seem to find a consensus out there in any media, one moment the reference is to blacks, and the next to African-Americans, when they are referring to the same group of people. I'm not knocking what people want to call themselves, it's the mixed messages I'm getting and the inaccuracy of the terminology that frustrates me. Look around and you will see there is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Black Muslims, and African-Americans. All of these terms are used to refer to members of one group of people. Is it any wonder I'm confused? I have particular problems with the term African-American, a misnomer which would lead me to believe these people somehow hold dual citizenship with another country, or even worse, lead everyone to believe all those who use that term to describe themselves are of African origin and are exclusively black in color. As we all know, there are white Africans, too. Should they choose to come to the U.S., they too, would be eligible for the label African-American, which would further confuse the issue. Enter the U.S. Census Bureau. Rather than help clear up the mess, they perpetuate it by requesting racial information and make-up of families that does nothing more than perpetuate the lies we tell one another. At least with the Census Bureau, their are Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Other, and Whites. I don't know about you folks but, I was born here in the U.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - The Powerful Female :: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Powerful Female Character in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man  One of the most powerful nuances of any writing is the dialogue within the story. In literature, it is all too often that characters live only in the jaded voice of the author and never truly develop as their own, or are not strongly opinionated in a manner which contrasts the opinions of the writer. It is also unfortunately true that the women depicted in most male-authored literature do not often sound realistic, or how most women one would speak to in the course of the day tend to sound. All too often, women are depicted on a lower level of speech than men. For instance, Dickens and Arthur Miller both apparently subscribed to this notion, as the women in their stories were usually more passive, and not as elaborate as men in their speech, however, James Joyce did not see things in the same light. The most developed female character in Joyces A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, is one who speaks with dignity, passion, and the female tact which is all too often ignored in the c haracters of women. Joyce's Dante Riordan's words and thoughts are true to those of literate twentieth century women.    Although a short-lived character in Portrait, Dante Riordan, in a brief amount of time emits an apparently important and mysterious aura, the aura of a woman. Judging from the studies of twentieth century linguists, Joyce's brief representation of Dante through speech is nearly flawless. To more lucidly understand this, one must carefully examine some of the instances at which Dante speaks in her conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Dedalus, Charles, and Mr. Casey, and re-examine the arguments she makes. Dante is introduced into the dinner table conversation as a silent character. However, when the men's conversation turns to the misuse of the preacher's pulpit, Dante begins her interjections.    All too often, women in literature remain linguistically dormant unless called upon, however, studies conducted in the reality outside the covers of a book have shown that women will interrupt a conversation to contradict a previous speaker, and do so vehemently (Coates, 193). A nice answer for any man calling himself a catholic to give to his priest, (Joyce, 273) states Dante as her first response.    At this point, Dante has drawn herself into the conversation.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Symbols Hills Like White Elephants
Martin Chi English 102 Essay #2 Professor Crawford Hills like White Elephants In â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†, Ernest Hemingway, does not reveal the source of conflict between the young man and young woman in the story, but it is implied that the conflict is centered on the decision of abortion. The goal of the man in the story is to convince the young woman to have an abortion procedure. The goal of the young woman is to do whatever it takes to make her partner happy and thus preserve their relationship.The three main symbols are the hills, the white elephants and the rail road station. In the story, Jig looked at hills and said, â€Å" They looked like white elephants. †The man replied, â€Å" I’ve never seen one. †Then she replied, â€Å"No, you wouldn’t have. †(line 9-11). The hills symbolize the big obstacles that we must climb, but are not enormous mountains. This represents the fact that the girl’s baby is a major obstac le in her life, but ti is not the end of her life and she will make it through. Hills are also viewpoints to look out from, but also block the view for those in the valley.This represent how in the story Jig looks at the hills and sees opportunity, yuet at the same time the man looks at it and sees his vision of a positive and happy future blocked by the enormous obstacle of a child. Hills are also beautiful, natural and completely stationary. This shows that the baby will make them settle down and stay together. The author uses hills because pregnant mothers belly is a bit a hill itself. Being pregnant ties the mother down and makes her less mobile and more stationary.The element of the white elephant is symbolic of the baby. A white elephant is a precious item that has a cost which perhaps surpasses it usefulness. Jig has received a gift which is, at this time in her life, useless to her. It is a gift that could be priceless to another. The white elephant also symbolizes the fact that the man said he has never seen white elephants before. This is because he is not open to considering the possibility of keeping the child and wants the girl to have the abortion procedure.The rail road is symbolic of being at the crossroads of life during a time of crisis. The American man and the girl cannot stay at the station forever. They are travelling and there will be change. There must be a decision of where to go next. All of this is symbolic of the decision to keep the child or not. All travelling has a cost and so does the outcome of this decision. To either keep or abort the child is a costly decision. The young woman, Jig, shows herself to be very dependent upon her male counterpart throughout the story.She asks for his input on even the simplest of tasks, such as the choice and number of her beverages. Her behavior can be interpreted to be a sign of insecurity more than anything else. Jig trusts his judgment, feels secure in his company and seems willing to do any thing to keep him around. When pushed on the issue of the operation, Jig shows no real concern for her own health or mental well-being, stating categorically, â€Å"I don't care about me. †Jig's main concern is whether or not she can make her partner happy so that they will â€Å"Be all right and be happy. It is doubtful that Jig went through with the procedure with a clear conscience, which is why she was so insistent that they would not discuss the matter any further. â€Å" Hills Like White Elephants†is a story about crisis. The American man and Jig the girl have a decision to make and there is no easy way out. Even making no decision is a decision. We all can easily relate to being in this type of situation. Hemingway, Ernest. â€Å" Hills Like White Elephant†. †The Norton Introduction to Literature. New York: W. W. Norton &, 2010. 117-18. Print
Friday, August 16, 2019
Medical Office Management Final Project Kaplan University Essay
Research and describe the three types of bookkeeping systems. Which of the three systems do you think would be the easiest to work with in the medical office? (Peg Board, Single Entry, Double Entry) Why? Single entry is similar to a checkbook register. It only has one line entered in the journal for each transaction. Each transaction is recorded in the one column of the account. It is either a positive or a negative amount in the order to represent the receipt or disbursement. Single entry is extremely simple and easy to use. The concept of double entry is in every transaction there are two effects. These two effects are known as Debit (Dr) and Credit (Cr). â€Å"Accounting system is based on the principal that for every Debit entry, there will always be an equal Credit entry. This is known as the Duality Principal†(Accounting-Simplified). Debit entries include, increase in assets, Increase in expense, decrease in liability, decrease in equity, and decrease in income. Credit entries include, decrease in assets, decrease in expense, increase in liability, increase in equity, and increase in income. Double entry is recorded in every manner that the account equation is always balanced out evenly. One-Write System or Pegboard provides convenience in check writing that is not available in computer systems. Checks can be written instantly, when needed, either inside or outside the office. â€Å"The One-Write System Check Register provides an accurate copy of every check written for posting to the computer â€Å"after the fact††(inkoneverything). Pegboard is very useful in the heathcare/medical world. It is a single form that assures the collect charges and payments are recorded correctly on all other forms. In my opinion, I would like to work with the pegboard system. It may be a little harder to learn but I think it would be worth it. It has everything you need to keep an office or clinic running smoothly financially wise. Everything will be i n the system and it will be easy to look it up. References Accounting-Simplified. Concept of Double Entry. Retrieved from Southern California. One-Write Systems (Pegboard). Retrieved from QuickMBA. Accounting. Single Entry Bookkeeping. Retrieved from
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Early years education Essay
1.1 – Summarise entitlement and provision for early year’s education There are many different types of early year’s provision which has been funded by the government for early years education. All three and four year olds are entitled to 15 hours of free early year’s education entitlement per week across the 38 weeks of the annual year. Theirs are five different settings where Parents can choose to give their child for their Free EY Entitlement they are: †¢Pre-school playgroup-. It is an early childhood program in which children combine learning/education with play and it is an organization that is provided by fully trained and qualified staff †¢Private Day nursery- A facility provided for the care and learning for children from the birth to 5 they are usually run by a business or a private organisation and are not linked with the government. †¢Child-minder (who belongs to a registered child-minder network)-child minders are self-employed providing the care for children in their own homes , they offer full time or part time places or flexible arrangements. Child minders are registered with the Ofsted and are inspected in accordance with the Ofsted procedures and regulations to ensure that he child-minder is providing and safe and suitable environment for the children. †¢Maintained nursery school- is a school for children between the age of 3 and 5. It is run by fully qualified and trained to staff who encourage and supervise education play and learning rather than just providing childcare. It is part of early childhood education. †¢Nursery or reception class in a primary or independent school -Nursery schools provide a more direct and structured education for early years children aged 3 to 5 Some may be part of an independent school for older age groupseg infant and primary schools. Reception classes are run by a qualified teacher. 1.3 – Explain the post 16 options for young people and adults
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Coursework: Is Chester Zoo value for money? Essay
Introduction Chester Zoo is built on an area of over 100 acres. The Zoo, founded in the early 1930s by George Mottershead, is said to be the best zoo in Britain and under Europes top 30. Because the zoo receives no government funding it is based on the foundation. The zoo is split into three separate directorates under the management of the Director General, Gordon McGregor Reid: * Conservation and Education * Corporate Services * Commercial Services In 2006 Chester Zoo had more than 1,680,000 visitors, for that it was the most visited zoo in Britain. Chester Zoo has also won the â€Å"Zoo of the Year†award more than once what supports its importance under the Britain Zoos. Chester Zoo takes care for 7602 (2006) animals representing 424 (2006) different species. Nearly half of them are endangered. The Zoo is open all year from 10.00am except Christmas Day & Boxing Day. From Sunday 28th October to 31st December (excluding Christmas Day & Boxing Day) the last admission is at 3:00 pm. Strengths In General It is very interesting issue education is a key theme for Chester Zoo. Chester Zoo supports the learning of animals for student by reading, touching and smelling. They want to encourage you to take care for the environment which has never been as important like today. Chester Zoo has great plans for the future. Chester Zoo is working on a master plan for development and expansion called ‘SuperZoo’. It will become a world-class visitor attraction. The SuperZoo will be constructed in four phases. It will cost over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½300 million of capital investment. In the first phase it will be in the region of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100 million, and the size of Chester Zoo is going to be tripled. The estimated completion date is 2020 and will divide the zoo into four zones representing African savannah, grassland, forest and island and wetland habitats. In the next 18 months, Chester Zoo is going to be built a new aquarium building called Origins. It is scheduled to open late 2008. Chester Zoo has a wide variety of animals and a lot of uncommon animals which number can just protected when they live with human supervision. There are children’s play areas, shops, kiosks and several picnic lawns sited around the zoo. Directions One of the strengths is the very good location the zoo has. It is very easy to reach by road, by bus or by the rail. One of the most used motor ways are going near to Chester Zoo. You can easily reach the zoo by following the brown Chester Zoo signs from M56, Junction 14 or Junction 12 on the M53. The zoo is also clearly signed on the A41 Chester road. Another opportunity is the bus or the train. Monday to Saturday the visitors can use the bus from Chester Railway Station and Chester Bus Exchange or from Ellesmere Port and Cheshire Oaks, Liverpool and Birkenhead every 20 minutes. Sundays every hour. Zoo shops All of the Chester zoo shops sell a wide range of merchandise to suit all price ranges, tastes and age groups. They offer an enormous range of animal-themed gift ideas, as well as books, videos and music. For your convenience films, batteries and other essentials are also available in the zoos retail outlets. The Ark Shop The largest shop is the â€Å"Ark Shop†. It is located at the main entrance, sells a vast range of gifts and souvenirs. Open all year round, the Ark Shop also sells useful items to help make your visit more enjoyable, such as waterproof ponchos and umbrellas, should the weather take an unexpected turn for the worst. The Fountain Shop Conveniently located in the centre of the Zoo, the Fountain Shop sells a wide range of gifts and is open all year round. The professional Face painting service, which is highly popular with the younger children, is available here during school holidays and weekends. Arara Shop Open during peak periods only, the Arara Shop sells a smaller range of popular goods and is located near to the Spirit of the Jaguar enclosure. Guided tours for groups There’s a new 90 minute guided tour exclusive to groups showing the party the zoo attractions, an insight into ‘behind the scenes’ and the zoo’s vibrant history. A maximum of 20 people can take part in each tour, at a cost of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½35.00 in addition to the admission charge. Children’s Wristbands The zoo is also able to supply groups with plastic wristbands – ideal for writing contact mobile telephone numbers on in case of an emergency. It can supply these to the visitor in advance at a charge of five pence per wristband. Events for Groups On summer evenings the zoo offers a safari adventure complete with barbeque or dinner, evening picnics and exclusive tours through its gardens. For groups of 50 or more the event team can make an exclusive evening just for the visitor. Adopt an animal The zoo has a scheme whereby people can adopt an animal of their choice. They can also become zoo members. Every three months members and adopters receive the zoo magazine, called Z, which provides updates and information about what is happening at the zoo. Anyone can join the scheme for as little as à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½50 per year. You can pick an animal from the list. Everything the adopter gives goes to a special account for animal foodstuffs. The adoption runs for a full 12 months from whenever you can start, and they send a renewal reminder. Weaknesses The high price is a weakness of the Zoo. It costs à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½13.59 from march to October. In other European zoos the admission fee is the half (for example Berlin) and you get a much more breadth variety of animals there. Because most of the areas in the zoo are not be roofed, that’s a big problem for the zoo that the visitors won’t come on rainy days and spend no money on the zoo. Opportunities A lot people are watching animal documentations on TV. You also can go to the cinema and watch animal film. Threats Our guide told us that when Greenpeace had a demonstration against the bad care for animals in Britain Zoos they didnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t come to Chester Zoo because they have the highest standards of welfare and the best care for all animals. Conclusion All in all Chester Zoo is a very good Zoo, but there are Zoos in Europe which can offer you a wider variety of animals and a lower admission fee. On the other hand Chester Zoo is a foundation which has to be in a plus at the end of a year most of the other Zoos are subsidized by the government. Chester Zoo also is very interested in education and wants to give the visitor a lot of knowledge to save the environment. Therefore Chester Zoo is value for money.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Violence In The Workplace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Violence In The Workplace - Research Paper Example is there in the workplace on the basis of a number of reasons such as inappropriate attitudes from management and co-workers, injustice, sexual harassment, inequality, presumptuousness, workload and social pressure. The management and the employer must take preventive measures to control any act of violence and aggression. Violence and aggression are such concepts that come to the forefront many times because of the inappropriate attitudes of the employers and co-workers. There are many kinds of violence that can take place in the workplaces. The workplace stress and aggression is a reality that is faced by a number of people who work at different work places (Gill, 2002). At some occasions, where the management is very responsive, there are fewer chances of these attitudes. Violence cannot be considered as a negligible aspect because it affects the employees, the workplace and customers to a great extent. Violence is considered to be an outcome of personal problems, physical and emotional dysfunctional behavior, social pressure, workplace pressure, employers’ demands, workload, inequality, harassment and much more (Glomb, 2000). When an employee acts violently or aggressively, it cannot be considered as wholly as the activity, which is only employee-based. There are reasons behind the violent act of an employee. The purpose of this study is to find why violence in the workplace place is caused and what are the effects of the violence in the workplace? This study considers a detailed literature review in which, various articles, books and journals are analyzed in terms of their notification about violence and its reasons in a workplace. This research paper takes into account the workplace stress and aggressiveness experienced by different workers of different workplaces to form an opinion regarding the type of stresses and aggressive attitudes felt and experienced by the employees. This research proves that the workers and employees show stress, violence and
Healthy food on the go chain companies at start up level Research Proposal
Healthy food on the go chain companies at start up level - Research Proposal Example Although the customer lost the case, it entailed negative publicity about MacDonald’s image causing serious damage that took time and huge amounts to repair. For some time, the company experienced drop in sales. In the past, fast food chains and restaurants continue to add healthier supplements to their recipes with success and sometimes with big misses. MacDonald’s for instance, flopped with its introduction of low-fat beef burger dubbed the McLean. Pizza on the other hand, failed with the addition of lower-fat pizza toppings in the Hut. Success started emerging with new entrants in the food industry such as EAT and Burger King started grilling chicken with much success. The company labeled the grilled chicken, BK Broiler now referred to as Tendergrill. People find it challenging to shop for healthy foods produced responsibly. Sometimes the labels are confusing and the lists of ingredients are complex with few directions on government regulations. It is challenging to people to identify true foods for families because the environment provides a tricky situation in most cases. Some fast food chains and restaurants take the initiative to provide reliably healthy foods that give priority to the health of their clients, the environment that they produce foods in, and producers. This is a family-owned coffee-roasting fast food located in the Pacific Northwest. The fast food offers sustainably and fairly produced foods and drinks to customers. The products benefit the consumers, the environment, as well as to the suppliers, a position taken by farmers. The company operates on the mission of supporting social equity and environmental sustainability using organic, trade, and shade-grown coffee. The health of the products offered by Grounds for Change restaurant is certified organic (Pinto, 2010, p. 42). Food materials come from farmers emphasizing on using
Monday, August 12, 2019
Binh Danh Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Binh Danh - Research Paper Example In his words, "Its almost my religious practice when I make my own artwork because Im coming up with my own concept about what is life, what is death, what is consciousness, what is history.†(Sparks, 2006). Binh Danh has tried to pay respect through his work to the people who have suffered during the war of Vietnam; the soldiers, the common man and the children who lost their parents during the brutality of war. In Binh Danh’s own words, â€Å" for me its becomes almost a religion, it’s almost my own religious practice when I make my own artwork, because I am coming up with my own concept of what is life and what is death, what is consciousness and what is history†(Sparks, 2006). Binh Danh has derived his inspiration from the life he had seen in Vietnam; the war, the tragic incidents of life and death that moved around him. His work displays more reality and it is closer to the bitter realities and life circumstances faced by every Vietnamese. His main theme of the work is focused on the subject of life and death. His photographs reflect the memories of his stay in Vietnam which made him suffered in a bad way. His images portray violence, blood, death and war scenes that are scribbled on his mind. His images clearly tell the scenes of war in Vietnam and the political crisis that overall affected the wheel of economy of the country. Binh Danh used a uniquely different technique in his photography which distinguishes his work from the rest of the work. He invented his own technique which is different from what was being used by the other artists. His technique is innovative and as well as, it is organic in nature. His style is also known as chlorophyll technique in which the artist uses the most suitable leaf to take a print on it. Sometimes he picks fresh leaves for more clear images and sometimes, he also picks leaves which are marred
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Oil Prices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Oil Prices - Essay Example The oil market has highly inelastic demand and supply especially in the short run mainly because there are a few if any substitutes for it. Scientists have attempted tirelessly to create solar and CNG run cars and there has been an attempt to harness nuclear power at all levels of the industrial use. Oil supply is also inelastic because of the cost of the refining and infrastructure costs incurred by the crude oil suppliers to make the oil marketable. Also associated are the costs of maintaining such infrastructure because the cost of infrastructure remains constant regardless of any output. For example when in 1973 the OPEC cartel announced a US-Israel Boycott there was a reduced supply in the overall oil output therefore for any given price level, there would be lesser oil supplied. Natural causes like earth quakes or war situations also have a significant effect on oil supply. An example is the recent disaster of the Hurricane Katrina which affected production in the Gulf of Mexico. More so the increasing industrial demand for oil in the third world countries is also a factor in the rising oil prices. In the following diagram at any given level of price, more oil is demanded and the price increases. However with regard to oil prices in the long term there are other factors at play. The long term demand and supply of oil are very much elastic. Long term demand is likely to change if the oil shortage is constant. A short term disaster may change consumer behaviour temporarily but in the long term if the supply remains short constantly the following might happen; People might start adopting to the shortage by using more fuel efficient cars, using CNG,solar power or even nuclear power. At the industrial level nuclear power or coal power can replace oil powered generators.These are slow changes but have permanent long term effects on the demand of oil. There might be increased oil exploration in areas where previously it was too difficult to start wells. This may be because a supplier is restricting the oil supply. The effect of finding new oil fields will be to break already established cartels or oligopolies. There is not just one answer to the reasons behind the rising real oil prices.This has become an issue much influenced by war and politics.The demand and supply factors are very much influential in the short term but in the long term the consumption trends and investment are greater reasons for the shifts in the demand and supp
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Religious nationalism in India and how it relates to globalization Essay
Religious nationalism in India and how it relates to globalization - Essay Example Religious nationalism in India and how it affects the economic development of India has been well portrayed in the book "Religious Nationalism: Hindus and Muslims in India" by Peter Van der Veer. The author has considered many factors such as religious movements, discourses and practices, which retard the progress of globalization process in India which are untouched by others so far. The book extensively reviewed the structure of major Indian religions Hindu and Muslim identities in India. The Ayodhya issue ( Babri Masjid demolition by Hindu fundamentalists) which contributed immensely to the current conflicts between the Hindus and Muslims in India. The author argues that larger frameworks of locality were already available in India before the colonial era and the religious nationalism has builds on such earlier frameworks. The rituals of the larger community, Hindu have been incorporated to religious nationalism in this book. He claims that the transnational experiences reinforce the nationalists and religious identity in India. He attributes the Ayodhya issue as a conscious, planned action by religious and political movement. The interpretations of history in favour of either community by the fundamentalists enlarged the Hindu Muslim conflicts further. The author argues that religious nationalism combines anti-historical feature of religious discourse with an empiricist search for â€Å"facts†that has been highly influenced by orientalism, in this book. In this book Van der Veer looks, from a comparative perspective, at the development of Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim religious communities. Religious nationalism in the past 2 centuries builds on the forms of religious identities. This book also discusses the features and implications of the languages Hindi and Urdu used by Hindus and Muslims. The author tries to relate these languages to sacred languages Sanskrit used by the Hindus and Arabic used by Muslims. The book tries to
Friday, August 9, 2019
Unites States current macroeconomic status Research Paper
Unites States current macroeconomic status - Research Paper Example to zero and in effect risk inflation or raise interest rates in the near future to increase the economys productive capacity (productivity) but at the risk of furthering its recessionary tendencies or forces. The Fed has tried all the monetary tools at its disposal but the economy simply would not budge. The high unemployment rate fell from a high of 9.5% (14 million jobless) to about 9.0% (12.8 million out of work) in December of last year. It further improved to only 8.3% unemployed in February this year, with 227,000 non-farm payroll jobs added (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012, p. 1). Most of the new jobs were in professional and business services, health care, hospitality, mining, leisure and manufacturing. A fiscal policy the government is pursuing right now is the signing into law the JOBS Act (or Jumpstart our Business Startups) which is a fancy name for incentives intended for small businesses to more easily raise capital through crowdsourcing (Futrelle, 2012, p. 1) as it en deavors to clear away red tape and hopefully create more new jobs in the process. The Fed is a bit apprehensive about stoking inflationary pressures but the threat of a double-dip recession is a much more real risk and so the Fed is embarking on third-part installment of its quantitative ease program (QE1 & QE2) and dubbed as â€Å"Operation Twist†to bring long-term interest rates lower, but downside is it might again lead to a moral hazard and a financial bubble (Curtin, 2011, p. 1). This monetary policy of the Fed to increase the money supply is consonant with all the other pump-priming activities of the government through its fiscal policies of reducing taxes and increased government spending for certain public infrastructure projects. However, those chronic budget deficits of state governments had nullified most of the benefits of this program, as they in effect struggled to contain their deficits from large expenditures and lowered tax revenues. This was shown in August of 2011
Thursday, August 8, 2019
US National Security Policy Towards Pakistan During the Last Three Research Paper
US National Security Policy Towards Pakistan During the Last Three Administrations - Research Paper Example The various issues which the United States has to take into account while dealing with Pakistan include the role of Pakistan in the Afghanistan war, the nuclear weapons proliferation, the Kashmir issue, and India-Pakistan relations, economic development of Pakistan and ensuring human rights protection and stability of the democratic process in Pakistan. Since the very beginning of the relationships between the United States and Pakistan, immediately after Pakistan’s independence from British colonial rule, the United States has managed to exercise a great influence over Pakistan because the United States realizes very well the geostrategic importance of Pakistan. Whether it was the issue of the Soviet expansion in the world during the Cold War era, or the Soviet War in Afghanistan or the recent War against terrorism, Pakistan’s importance in the global scenario has always been at the crests. Moreover, due to the Soviet influence on India and the increasing power of Chin a, the United States want to have a good influence in the region and that is best served by influencing the Pakistani administration. The whole story of the relationship between the United States and Pakistan has been very complicated one. Though Pakistan’s first Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan’s eagerness to visit the United States despite an invitation from the Soviet Union is widely seen as Pakistan’s inclination towards the United States from its very inception, however this is not true because of the fact that Pakistan’s foreign policy during the very beginning was of non-alignment. And this was not actually planned by the Pakistani administration of that time, rather they were forced to have a policy of non-alignment because of the inclination of both the British and the US governments towards the Indian administration under the Indian National Congress which was seen as a party which shared similar policies with the Labor Party in Britain and the Democrats in the United States.
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