Monday, September 30, 2019
Persuasive Writing: Bio Chip Technology Essay
Abstract This paper focuses on the controversial subject of the human biochip through science and technology. I do not discuss the ‘Mark of the Beast’ aspect or any religious side to the topic. Some of the biochip’s first uses are explored before a possible future scenario is played out; a few points of concern are addressed and then you are introduced to Professor Kevin Warwick. I then explain how the biochip is in use today mainly as an identification device and what some possible future uses may be, such as a source of information. The paper concludes with a comparison of peoples’ feelings concerning new technology through time. Keywords: biochip, Professor Kevin Warwick A great many things are considered controversial: the death penalty, animal testing, adoption, abortion, genetic engineering, and cloning are only a few of the many subjects out there that people argue about. The biochip is an ever growing controversy that is taking many scientific and technological leaps. Though the biochip has proven beneficial in helping scientists monitor protein levels and root out cancerous cells in the human body, it has a different facet I will currently be focusing on; as an identification and a potential information device. The first use for the biochip was monitoring fisheries in the early 1980’s; it quickly moved to tagging pets, luggage, and monitoring mailed packages. Some chips are already in use in children’s backpacks and are a feature on some cellular phones, which enables parents to know where their child is at any given point in time. But the real controversy on this topic comes in with people’s concern about Big Brother. There are many misconceptions made about the biochip; some people may think that if they have one they can be found anywhere on the globe by satellite, everything about them can be found out in seconds, and that they will be controlled by the chip somehow. These statements are all untrue. The chip is so small it is only able to contain one alpha numeric series of digits to identify the holder of the chip; it doesn’t carry your name, your pin number, what car you drive, your address or anything other than the identification number. It doesn’t have enough power or range to be read or tracked by satellite. It can only be read by a scanner and only from a distance of two to twelve inches. And it in no way controls what people think or do; this concern mainly comes from conspiracy theorists. Try to imagine, you’re shopping with your kids in a large store and you turn your back for one second. The next thing you know, your youngest child is no longer with you. Through the gut wrenching panic you register the fact that there are hundreds of people around, and any one of them could have taken your child without so much as a pause in their step. Now imagine that as you entered the store, there were scanners set up at the entrance that scanned everyone as they passed. Knowing this, all you have to do is alert security about your child’s absence and they will make sure your child is still in the store. What a relief knowing that your child can be found anywhere that has a scanner to read a biochip. This scenario is still a few decades in the future, but seeing the benefits of such technology is easy. However, some downsides need to be taken into consideration as well. Say you or your child were kidnapped, what would stop the kidnapper from removing the biochip themselves to keep you or your child from being found? To keep that from happening, the biochip would have to be inserted under general anesthesia just to keep the chip safe from removal. But this process in itself is another concern; many people don’t agree with the thought of being ‘tracked’ in the first place; why would them being unconscious as the chip was placed make them feel any better? Even though many concerns can be quieted by the fact that no more information can be stored on the biochip than an identification number, who’s to say that will be the case in the future? With technology booming like it is, the next likely step in the biochip’s technology is to store more information on it. Soon, it may not be necessary to remember your car keys, your driver’s license, your social security number, or your ATM card. Before long it may be as easy as walking into a room for the lights to come on, the television to change channels, or the radio the change stations. We already see subtle changes in the way information is stored. Smart cards are used with more regularity, there are chips in breast implants, pacemakers, artificial limbs, and artificial retinas, even paraplegics have had silicon brain implants able to control computers. Professor Kevin Warwick of the University Of Reading, England is the first human biochip implant recipient. â€Å"On 20 April 1998, Professor Warwick had a glass capsule about 23 millimeters long and 3 millimeters wide†¦inserted in his left arm. The chip, in conjunction with computer equipment in his house, turns lights on and off when he enters and exits (a) room, and gives him a spoken, running tally of the mail in his email box. The chip merely sends out an identifying signal†¦but (it) is still a step forward since his body has not rejected the foreign matter.†(Mamatas 2002). It may be another decade before technology like Professor Warwick’s becomes an everyday item for everyday people, but it is easy to see how it may be as essential to us in the future as cell phones and computers are today. There are many uses and qualities in a biochip and they are already widely used in a vast number of applications: tracking cell phones, tagging pets, monitoring waste output in garbage bins in the UK, and the pharmaceutical companies are even starting to do research with the biochip technology to monitor protein levels. The next step seems to be human biochip implantation. (Chu 2005) When you compare the hesitance people felt at the thought of the social security number when it was first introduced in 1935, you can see the similarity in the concern people feel about the biochip technology today. I believe the use of this technology can be a great asset to our society and way of life no matter what application is set to use. From identification to medical research, the benefits of the biochip technology far outweigh the few possible downsides worrying people now. References Chu, Wai Lang (2005). Preclinical Research, Biochip Technology Redefines Drug Discovery, Retrieved 12/16/2010 from, Mamatas, Nick (2002). Not Found, Kevin Warwick: Cyborg Professor, Retrieved 12/16/2010 from, The University Of Reading: Professor Kevin Warwick. Retrieved 12/18/2010 from,
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A&P by John Updike Essay
The story A&P by John Updike is quite well-written. Despite the fact that the story itself does not have too much content, the author is able to keep the reader interested till the very last line. It’s a simple story and the main theme is the rejection of societal norms and restrictions. Sammy who works in the A&P store represents a teenager who takes an on-the-spot decision to stand up to his boss, disagree with his actions and move on with his life. This occurs when three girls in very skimpy clothes visit the store to buy snacks. Their skimpy attire offends the store manager Mr. Langley and he makes it a point to inform the girls that they should be dressed more appropriately next time they enter his store. â€Å"He comes over and says, â€Å"Girls this isn’t the beach†and when the girls react to his statement he says â€Å"I don’t want to argue with you. After this come in here with your shoulders covered. It’s our policy. †Basically, Langley is a conservative who did not like these girls indecently exposing their bodies. On the other hand, this is a free world and people like Mr. Langley have no right to impose their point of view on others. That is precisely why Sammy decided to quit his job even though he is aware that once he loses this job, his life will become more difficult, and his parents will be worried and angry and that there will be consequences of his action. â€Å"You’ll feel this for the rest of your life,†Lengel says and I know that’s true, too†. Nevertheless, he wants to prove his point and wants to stand up for what he believes and that is why he quits and moves on with his life. Overall, it’s a simple story but makes a valid point and is narrated in a very interesting manner. Some questions for others to think about: 1. Why did Sammy feel so strongly about Mr. Langley’s behavior? 2. Do you think Sammy did the right thing? 3. Do you think its right for teenagers today to behave indecently or do you think it’s the old generation which needs to change their attitude? Bibliography 1. Updike, John. (1993) A&P from Rubinstein and Larson’s Worlds of Fiction. Macmillan Coll Div.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Chinese negotiation style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Chinese negotiation style - Essay Example Coping with cultural differences was ranked as the first concern among business people. Other challenges included international trade dispute affecting business partners and intellectual property issues. 'Although the international business community has made great strides in understanding China's tradition, it is still important to be sensitive to the issues raised by cultural differences.' Most westerners, when preparing a business trip to China arm themselves with "a handy, one-page list of etiquette how to's, carry a boatload of business cards and bring their own interpreters", that's what Chinese tipsters say. However, such advice wont sustain the kind of prolonged year in, year out associations that Chinese and western business people achieve. In fact, breakdowns between foreigners and Chinese business people happen time after time. The main cause of failure is that of the westerners, to understand the much broader context of Chinese culture and values, a problem that too often leaves western negotiators both confused and flailing. (Lin 2003) The cultural influences outlined on the PowerPoint will give a clearly defined set of elements that underpin the Chinese negotiating style. Many foreigners often find these elements as confusing, but to ignore them at any time during the negotiation process, the deal will easily fall apart. (Graham 2003) These are in order of most important: 1. Guanxi (Personal Connections) The Chinese place a premium on individual's social capital with their group of friends, relatives, and close associates. 2. Zhongjian Ren (The Mediator) Business deals for Westerners in China don't have a chance with the zhongjian ren, the intermediary. In Australia, we tend to trust others until or unless we're given reason not to. In China, suspicion and distrust characterize all meetings with strangers. 3. Shehui Dengji (Social Status) The causal style of communication in Australia, such as "You can just call me Ben" does not play well in a country where the Confucian values of obedience and deference to one's superiors remain strong. The formality goes much deeper, however - profound so, to many Westerners. 4. Renji Hexie (Interpersonal Harmony) The Chinese sayings, "A man without a smile should not open a shop," and "Sweet temper and friendliness produce money," speak volumes about the importance of harmonious relations between business partners. 5. Zhengti Guannian (Holistic Thinking) The Chinese think in terms of the whole, while Australians think sequentially and individualistically, breaking up complex negotiation tasks into a series of small issues: price, quantity, warranty, delivery and so forth. Chinese negotiators tend to talk about those issues all at once. 6. Jiejian (Thrift) China's long history of economic and political instability has taught its people to save their money, a practise known as Jiejian. Chinese business negotiators will try to save money through a lot of bargaining over price -
Interactions of hazardous materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Interactions of hazardous materials - Essay Example However, putting water on the liquid brings the liquid to behave aggressively and the mixture of the water and the liquid will explode (â€Å"NFPA Labeling Guide†). The most important step that should be taken before proceeding to the incident is to call the emergency service to reach immediately at the spot. As, the emergency service lacks the suitable equipment to treat such chemical, it is better to contact the company’s emergency team giving then information what type of chemical they should take with them. The second step is to keep an eye on the driver of the tanker. The most significant step is to help the driver to leave the tanker (United States Department of Labor, n.d.). However, as the equipment I have are only bricks, bags of cement and sand and different prices if wood. Before proceeding, I will check that there is no sigh of flame of spark coming out of tanker. The second step it will take is to have a close look the driver and then ensure that the driver is safe. The next step is to reach the driver of the tanker and then making him fairly enough away from the spot of the incident. The next step that should be done is to advice the people not to gather at the spot of accident, as the liquid dripping out of the tanker is flammable and can catch fire easily (United States Department of Labor, n.d). There is a need to take serious steps to avoid any further accident at the spot. The equipment that I have bought for the backyard project can be utilized making the traffic away from the spot. The blocks and the pieces of the wood and limber can be utilized to on the road to stop the traffic from to the spot of the accident. The concrete blocks and timber pieces can be placed vertically on the road to identify that there is some reason for closing the road. On the other hand, police department should be contacted to take control of the situation and properly close the road (United States Department of Labor, n.d). The more
Thursday, September 26, 2019
ESD ( Emergency shout down) tool (chemical engneering) Essay
ESD ( Emergency shout down) tool (chemical engneering) - Essay Example With all the components functioning properly, ESD can process an incoming input from the sensors and sends an output signal to initiate a response that handles the emergency. The principle parts of the system are the sensors, valves actuators and the logics units. When an output signal is sent to the valve in the event of any risk, a solenoid valves responds by initiating failure response and the programmed logical action is carried out. An impedance device with direct current power system boosts the solenoid operations, the power also runs the processor, but it has to be converted back to alternating current. In most cases, emergency tools or devices are used to perform safety operations, which includes shutting down an equipment or process when a fault is detect, such faults includes damage to the system or improper operation that can lead to damages. In some cases, emergency shutdown system can isolate a part of a system that may be presenting some risks such as deactivating hydrocarbon inventories, stopping hydrocarbon flow and depressurizing the system. ESD gives the operator a variety of integration options; one can integrate it as a stand-alone or full integration courtesy of its unique circuit design. It has a fully loaded library with operative commands that includes graphics, trend extended automation entities such as faceplates, graphic elements, trends, document links and alarms and events. In addition, ABB provides a broad family of industry-specific libraries that contain Control Modules, Function Blocks, Data Types and graphic elements including special safety systems features for ESD applications1. These pre-tested and safety-certified libraries significantly reduce the time required to engineer, test and maintain control while minimizing project risks. These libraries are certified for Safety Integrity Levels 3 and 2. The visualization system can be designed specifically fit the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Data Warehousing and Data Mining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Data Warehousing and Data Mining - Essay Example The main objective is to eliminate or minimize the redundancy and at the same time increasing database efficiency. The negative part illustrates that too much implementation of normalization can cause issues. The objective is to deploy the highest acceptable level of normalization. If we compare three of these NF’s, the 1NF removes replication in groups. The 2NF reduces data replication or redundancy and the 3NF reduces columns from the tables that are not reliant on primary keys. Therefore, database design must demonstrate the highest level of normalization possible, in order to make database efficient and robust. In order to maintain 3 large databases for a VLDB and to keep them efficient for two years if required, there is a requirement for constructing a ‘store and forward’ mechanism that will process the data or information from and through each distribution center database. Likewise, at the same time embrace that data or information pending till the completi on of EDW. Moreover, data archiving is also required for maintaining each distribution center becoming a VLDB. EDW is efficient enough to support this scenario. A study demonstrated the overall cost of this disease throughout the world is $376 Billion annually. It is now almost fundamental that a person exceeding an age of 60 have more chances to get this disease, as it is now considered as the fourth largest live taking disease globally along with making its name for the fourth most common disease that contributes to a death of a person. However, the most common of all diabetes is the type 2. As there are almost 20% habitants suffering from in the United Arab Emirates alone, many research studies and debates are conducted yearly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Moreover, awareness sessions are conducted in every town of the cities to aware the people about this disease (MoH launches second phase of diabetes campaign.2010). However, this case study demonstrates the disease diabetes and medic al data associated with patients from the Middle east region i.e. United Arab Emirates for discovering concealed patterns and the valuable information that can be utilized for decision making process. In addition, these informed decisions are performed by medical personnel and practitioners. Therefore, this case study can be utilized for illustrating the requirements for medication for each type of diabetes and also forecast the futuristic elements reflected in the extracted data (MoH launches second phase of diabetes campaign.2010). In the process of data mining, the data associated with people has risky ethical significances. Data mining experts need to deploy norms for making the data application resilient (Keating, 2008). As far as humans are concerned, this method is associated with disparity along with behaviors such as racialism, as they are negative to norms. Perception that is considered as another example is dependent on the applied classification, as it is recognized in s plitting a disease that needs urgent attention. However, in case of a financial institution or a bank, loan acquisition is a non-ethical characteristic. Similarly, there are numerous factors that may be relevant to data mining. For instance, a report that was published from a leading consumer illustrated that in France, customer possessing a red car are more likely to be defaulters in returning loans back. As it is a debatable issue on categorizing it as ethical or non-ethical issue, similarly, insurance companies are always
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Evaluation of Apple Store Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Evaluation of Apple Store - Assignment Example This makes the reader interested to know the various items found in the apple store. The article has described apple commodities as those which as combined with technology and are easy to use. By touching on the issue of technology most readers, both young and old will like to know more about the commodity because the world is technology oriented. Â The article has used amazing pictures for advertising apple commodities. Readers are likely to have the first-hand experience and understand the commodities found in an apple store. The article has also explained how the commodities are used and in case of difficulties, they have illustrated how to get a solution to the problem. The language applied to this piece of writing is simple and easy to understand since it explains everything in details. A subdivision in subtopics prepares the reader for what he is reading under the subtopic. Â The article has used bright colors in its pictures that are appealing. This makes a reader interested to read on what is being offered in the apple store. It is one strategy for advertising apple products. The background of the picture is also bright; hence, readers do not have to strain while reading the article. Pictures are large enough to pass the intended message clearly (Apple store, Pp 8). The pictures are put at the center for customers get a clear illustration of apple commodities. Â The article has done a tremendous job of explaining how apple commodities work. They have clearly illustrated to the reader how an individual makes a movie through the iPhones. This is captivating to teenage readers since they are interested in this kind of staff. This is a strategy of catching the attention of a larger population (Apple store, Pp 9). The article has used a technique where pictures change constantly to show the diversity of the apple store commodity.
Monday, September 23, 2019
The UK manufacturing sector has declined significantly over the last Essay
The UK manufacturing sector has declined significantly over the last 40 years - Essay Example This structural change had created disturbances in the labour market as jobs had to be redistributed from declining to growing sectors leading to significant shifts in the design of industrial specialisation at both the national and regional level (Robson 2006). Changing patterns of domestic demandâ€â€Pattern of domestic demand saw changes due to economic development. With the maturity of the economy the consumer demand changed from goods to services. Due to increased presence of public sector services, it led to growth of tertiary sector. The shift in UK demand for manufactured goods grew faster than expected, which was hardly relevant for a bigger changeover for the UK industries producing goods. As the pattern of demand is also impacted by changes in the age structure of population, it affected the demographic pattern by 1.68M less people in the age group of 16-24 in 1996 in comparison to 1981. Growth in education, recreation and entertainment sectors suffered due to lack of resources. Statistics show that between 1983-1993, the total actual consumer spending at 1990 prices increased by 33.5% but on recreation, entertainment and education it increased by 55% while on food items it went up only by 11.3% (Lam 2010). Changes in the availability of resourcesâ€â€the availability of resources, as it happened very unexpectedly with oil finding in 1973 and 1979 when OPEC decreased the production of oil, its prices shot upward. It directly affected the substitutes and compliments prices like coal, gas and cars. It affected the production and employment in energy-related industries such as steel industry (Griffith 2003). International competition and globalisationâ€â€has been a force affecting the economic structure of the UK. Due to changing consumer tastes, introduction of new products and reducing comparative costs, economic functions got reallocated globally. For example, the UK motor-cycle industry could not meet the standards,
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Self Reliance Paper Essay Example for Free
Self Reliance Paper Essay Part I Author- The author of this document is Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson was an American essayist, lecturer, and poet, who led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century.  Audience- The audience of Self-reliance would be people reading Emerson’s literary works around the year 1841. Also, Self-reliance was a speech before it became an essay so many people listening to Emerson speak at events would have most likely heard it. He is targeting his audience at young and medium aged men. Message- The message of this essay is that humans should trust themselves and not be slaves to society. They need to think and act for themselves instead of leading lives controlled by others. Context- Self-reliance was written around 1836 in America. Emerson’s wife had just died about five years before and he was preparing a series of lectures. America was a new place for people and ideas and Emerson flourished there because he could take advantage of the easily influenced minds of the Americans. Part II a) The claim that Emerson effectively advances is that humans should not conform to society, but rather they should think for themselves and believe in what they do. He writes, â€Å"To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius.†This quote supports Emerson’s main argument that each person should think for themselves and to not just accept what is written in a history or literary book. Emerson plays on the reader’s pathos, or emotions, by saying, â€Å"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.†This statement appeals to the reader because Emerson is creating a bond between his words and the reader by relating to the audience on a personal level and telling the audience to trust them. Emerson uses logic by stating, â€Å"Who so would be a man must be a nonconformist.†Emerson feels that to be a man, one must not conform to the format set out by society. He believes that a man should follow his own ideas and beliefs instead of conforming to the popular belief. Ethos is appealed because Emerson is a very well respected author who has published well over dozens of essays. b) Emerson implements many rhetorical devices in his essay such as parallelism, diction, and repetition to further advance his argument of being independent and not conforming to society. Emerson uses parallelism by stating that, â€Å"Envy is ignorance; the imitation is suicide†. This quote is very powerful because it conveys the message that a man is only what he makes of himself, not what others make of him. Throughout his essay, Emerson uses outstanding language to control the audience. Using great diction is very effective because the audience trusts Emerson because of his knowledge of literature. Finally, Emerson uses repetition to prove his point about society. Emerson starts a sentence off with the word Society, and then starts the very next sentence with the same word. He is talking about how society is a conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members, and without repeating the word society; the point would be not as effective. Part III This argument is overall effective because as a reader, I was captivated by his language and examples of how society was affecting the human person. The text is very persuasive because he provides clear and well throughout examples to support his main argument. This is a very well written essay and it has led me to question my own beliefs about society and whether it is positive or negative. When he stated that every person must trust thyself, it was really effective for me because I believe every single person needs to trust their actions and believe that what they are doing is right. Part IV Admonition- An act or action of admonishing; authoritative counsel or warning Naught- worthless: useless Firmament- the vault or arch of the sky Bards- a tribal poet-singer skilled in composing and reciting verses on heroes and their deeds Vanity- something that is vain, empty, or valueless
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Organisational Theory Essay Example for Free
Organisational Theory Essay Apple is a global giant whose success has been built on outsourcing to a range of other organisations located across the world. How can different organizational theory perspectives assist us in acquiring different understanding of Apple, its organizational network and influence? In this essay you must use at least two perspectives to analyze Apple. Introduction In this revolutionised world, changes occur rapidly, be it in an organized or disorganized way (Henry Veltmeyer 2008). Organisations are dealing with more complex systems and concepts. The study of organisational theories gradually gains importance because it involves the study of abstract issues relating to organisations. It is essential as it benefits in analyzing and discovering new meanings to life both inside and outside the organisation (Hatch and Cunliffe 2006). Apple’s innovative story has been told and retold all around us. Its success is largely due to the late co-founder, Steven Paul Jobs. With the passing of Steve Jobs, Apple Inc is still prospering and currently the most admired company is the world (Fortune 2012). In organisational theory, the success of Apple can be analysed into two perspectives that vary extremely; Modernist and Post-Modernist. The modernist attributes Apple’s success to its unique organisation chart and ‘knowledge is power’ organisation culture. Post-modernist give credits to Apple’s acknowledgement of discourses and environment influences related to the organisation. Apple’s ability to churn out great quantities of products to meet the demand and its consistent engagement with stakeholders showed the efforts to be competitive in the industry. It is also a significant contribution to its success. However, Apple’s way of achieving success is a cause of debate due to its pathological relationship with its stakeholders. This essay aims to provide an exploration into Apple’s Inc organisation; perspectives of its stakeholders and how the relationship towards its environment. The context of the essay will be separated into two parts. Part A and B. Part A will touch on the meta-theoretical assumptions of modernist and post-modernist and how it relates to organisation’s power, control and the environment. Part B will apply the assumptions and definitions in part A to analyze modernism and postmodernism perspectives on Apple. The focus will be on the ways that Apple demonstrates power and how it influences its environment and network which includes stakeholders. Part A Ontology Ontology is defined as the science or study of reality (McAuley, Duberley Johnson 2007). It seeks to clarify what are the reality and the phenomena we take to constitute aspects of the reality. Modernist’s ontological assumption is described as objectivism. It claims that social world and reality is in order and that the reality is in a rational, structured manner regardless of our knowledge (Boisot Mckelvey 2010). They view the existent of time is real regardless of the human’s awareness because of humans develop hypothesis and propositions that showed the reality of time. On the other hand, there is no clear stance on the ontological assumption of postmodernism. It is developed in reaction of modernism position (Moore 2001). Postmodernist rejects and challenge the modernist view and argue that time is ‘created’ through the discourses of human because it provides meaning and assurance to humans. Epistemology Epistemology is the study of the criteria we set and how it justifies the belief. It seeks to clarify how beings create knowledge to claim the world is justified. Modernist takes a positive point of perspectives in viewing the world in search for knowledge. Modernist’s epistemological assumption is positivism, whereby rational hypotheses and practices of knowledge will define reality and understand nature(Hatch and Cunliffe 2006). They sees ‘truths’ to be the discovery of the human’s accurate hypothesis and conceptualization to be analyzed with the reality found in objective world. Nonetheless, postmodernism rejects modernism’s notion of ‘truths’. It describes reality as an illusions created by languages and discourses. It refers to the subjective means by which humans organise what they perceive. Discourses are thoughts, written or spoken or any mediums that construct a particular phenomenon, they are in a social and politically linguistic framework that influences humans experience and understanding of it (Crowther Green 2004). Instead, postmodernist aims to provide an alternative explanation/meaning through the use of discourses. Methodology influence on Organisation Modernist Continuing from the epistemology of modernism, it sees apprehension of knowledge means understanding all aspect of an organisation functions. Ways of solving and analyzing organisation issues are developed to better manage and create profitability for the company. Modernism and the methodological term, positivism, underpin the structures and episteme legitimacy in this ‘noisy’ world. Post-modernist Post-modern methodology lies in ‘anti-positivism’, where language, discourse and deconstruction are the main influences. Language can have different meaning and different significance when combined with other words (Moore 2001). The construction that could be produce may vary extremely in different circumstances. Postmodernists call this idea the Ludwig Wittgenstein’s notion of language games. Knowledge creates and reproduces discourse that exercise power and distort the reality that modernist assumes. The concept of discourse emerges in ‘poststructuralist linguistics as a means of discussing the collective process that constructs and shapes language in use.’ Deconstruction ‘is a way of reading and rereading texts using different contexts in order to expose their fundamental instabilities and multiple interpretations.’ Organisation Power and Control Organisations require power. Power in organisations has to operate on the phenomena of changing organisation practices and changing the ways in which organisation theorist have theorized the practices (Hatch and Cunliffe 2006). Max Weber suggested that power is making decisions according to planned results where the social actor gets to decide the means and ends of action. Political scientist, Robert Dahl further resides the relationship of the actor by suggesting that actors may be individuals or collective which leads to different instruments of power (Clegg, Courpasson Phillips 2006). ‘A’ can get ‘B’ to do something that ‘B’ would not otherwise do, just like the abstract ideology of billiard where the significant lies more on the strategy and gamesmanship behind the cue rather than final position of the balls. Anthony Giddens, expanded Weber’s definition of power stating that power involves a set of capabilities that intervene a given set of events by 2 distinct types of resources; allocative and authoritative. In modernist organisations, Weber argued, formal rationality would be best established and where dominance will be most complete. Modernism views power in organisations as a structure to coordinate activities in the pursuit of organisation goals. It seeks to impose order on the chaos and to integrate the competing interest and agendas so that a single, harmonious vision and a consistent set of premises govern the conduct of participants. The instrument of power is seen to resolve conflicts through negotiation and maximize control of operations. Modernist views controlling individuals in organisation necessary because employee possesses self-interest that will hinder organisation interest. The modernist control theories of bureaucracy, clan and agency will be applied on Apple. In contrast, Postmodernism theorist argues that unified goals can arise only when dominant actors delegitimize alternative interpretations and rationalities. It emphasizes the central role of power in shaping social institutions. The connection of power and knowledge is assumed to be inseparable and thus knowledge loses a sense of innocence and neutrality (Scott 2003). Postmodernist insist that the rational formal structure must be set alongside various informal systems that represent attempts to resist any single vision of order (Hassard 1995). Foucault’s theories pointed out that resistance towards domination is inevitable as power comes from everywhere. Any form of resistance will just reinforce them (Clegg et al. 2006). It views power as a multi-dimensional because it is like a network that dispersed throughout social, political and organisational world. Organisation Environment and Network Organisational environment is anything residing outside the boundaries of organisation that may impact upon the organisation. The organisation needs to adapt well to its environment and vice versa for the relationship to operate in an ideal prospect (Hatch and Cunliffe 2006). Modernist believes there is boundary between organisation and the external environment. Environment relates the factors such as inter-organisational network and its stakeholders. Networks are defined as stakeholders, consumers, environmental groups, competitors and so on. Modernist theorist assumes that there are inputs and outputs between the organisation and environment. The environment empowers and constrains an organisation; it impacts upon organisational goals and needs to be managed. Stakeholder theory refers to any actor that is vital for the survival or success of the organisation, and because of the boundary, other factors does not concern. As the focus is explaining how environmental influence operates, modernist researchers developed theories to analyze the environment. The Environmental contingency and resource dependent theory will be applied on later on. On the other hand, postmodernist deconstruct the dominant assumptions such that organisations and the environment are two distinct entities where there is no fixed boundaries; organisations are part of the environment (Boisot and Mckelvey 2010). By deconstructing, it aims to better serve the society’s needs and desires. Postmodernist theorist believes discourses used to define organisation-environmental relations are served to reinforce authority and inequality between an organisation and those ‘external’ to the organisation. Its stakeholder theory examines the ethics of constructing our organisations in ways that acknowledge the rights of those whose lives are influenced by the organisation. Compared to modernist, the definition is wider because it has a boundary less organisation and environment. It includes actor that affects or is being affected by the organisation, therefore even factors outside of the organisation are being considered. Part B Apple’s Organisation Power Control This part of the essay aims to analyze and understand Apple’s organisation in different perspectives in terms of its organisation power and structure. In modernism, the notion of power is based on authority. This is where the CEO, has the right to exercise his power. Steve Jobs has been always at the center of attention for being ruthless in unsuccessful projects. For example, the failed venture of MobileMe in 2008 caused the disbanding of the team (Lashinsky 2011). This rationalization is what modernism lean towards as they believe bureaucratic justification will lead to technical efficiency. Modernist researchers analyze that positivism exist in Apple. Apple’s philosophy of only choosing the best of the best candidate during interviews mirrors Steve Jobs statement of ‘A worker hires A worker, B worker will hire C worker’ (Lashinsky 2012). It displays that only rational hypothesis of hiring and trusting talented employee through tried and tested results in the business world that will bring Apple success. In terms of output and behavior control of the employees, it is difficult to measure at times. Modernist theorist uses few methods of control theories to sought control over employees so as to maximize organisational interest. In modernist view, these theories can be applied to Apple accordingly. Bureaucratic and Clan theories aim to achieve a desirable corporate culture within the rules and authority among the employees. In Apple, there is a top down management where it all begins with the CEO, then to the executive team. They have a unique organisation circular structure where the CEO is at the center and the network of executives spread out from there. Late Steve Jobs also instilled a concept that the employees’ working style are own task-oriented, which creates differentiation and departmentalization. The corporate culture also became more united and there is no more fiefdom. The successes of the products are credited to Steve Jobs ability to instill the ‘Apple Way’ strategy to give the organisation clear directions, individual accountability, sense of urgency and the change of focus to products instead of profits. Agency theory focuses on ensuring that the executives perform in the best interest of the organisation. The focus turns to performing for the organisation, therefore controlling outputs become more important. Performing employees gets to attend the famous Top 100 meeting which the CEO will personally invite them. This theory also emphasizes the success of secrecy working in a modernist perspective where Apple controls the information that concerns their products to height up the hype and gain more profits. Alternatively, postmodernist deconstruct power and control, rebutting the single dimension and views power presence throughout social, political and organisation world. Apple’s tip top secrecy organisation is well known (Lashinsky 2012). Postmodernists look at secrecy as a form of imposing a multidimensional power on its employees by the top management. Inside Apple, employees cannot have any resistant to the secrecy culture. Any resistant will result in greater power. Greater power comes in the sense of punishment; employees may get sacked (Clegg et al. 2006). More precautions will be also taken to minimize the chances of it happening again. Therefore, instead of seeing secrecy as a form of increasing efficiency and profits for the Apple, postmodernism argues that it’s a form of power that gives the top management control over the organisation. Another aspect of multidimensional power analyzed was the ability of Apple not making any indication to stop the global group who wants to boycott Apple products due to the massive suicides rate and pressure to increase workers’ wages at its main supplier, Foxconn. Postmodernist argues that in a one dimensional power situation (modernist perspective), Apple will find means to ‘kill’ the enemy (the boycott group) with its powerful influence in the business world. Here, Apple is using a second dimension by not ‘killing’, but proving to the rest of the people that Apple is still an ethical and superior organisation. This way, Apple silently gets an army of ally to do the job to influence the boycott group to change its mindset. From another point of view, on the contrary, there is an increasing sign of fresh debates concerning postmodernism theory on whether is resistance really forbidden. The suicides cases at Foxconn and significant rise of terrorism in the past decade do post a serious question to postmodernist researchers (CCTV 2010). These extremes examples show signs that resistance might have, in fact, the ability to affect power positively. The suicides cases have indirectly forces Foxconn to reconsider its management styles and most importantly increasing the workers’ wages (Chan Pun 2010). Apple’s Environment and its Network Influence Apple’s relationship with the environment is a two way situation. The following theories will analyze how Apple operates under the environment and its network. In modernism, it can be argued that Apple seems to go against the environmental contingency theory. Apple has a vision to avoid over complicating by manipulating its environment and structure. Steve Job has been making his organisation to be simpler in every ways, from the responsibilities of the executives to its consistency simplicity of its store layouts (Froud et al. 2012). Its product variety is also purposely concentrated to a few. With the limitation of variety, Apple countered this shortcoming by introducing a multi-dimensional model which minimize cost and increase its revenue. This substantial amount of revenue also includes introducing Itunes and the unique operating system. This counterabilty of its shortcoming is related to the next theory; resource dependency (Fortune 2008). As modernist views organisation are dependent upon the environment for inputs and outputs. Theorist Pfeffer and Salancik emphasize that organisation are under the restriction of their environment hence the resource dependence theory was developed. The aim was to find counter-dependencies to prevent the organisation from over reliant on the market. Apple’s need for the analysis for its resources is due to its vulnerability in the environment and the power that environment holds. The environment has the power to make demands on the organisation, for example, increasing competitions and thus resulting in competitive prices, product differentiation and efficient organisational structures and processes. Apple’s relationship with its supplier, Foxconn, is a prominent example of apple’s ability to navigate the harsh world of environmental challenges to find ways of getting cheaper labour. The jobs created in China are twice compared to USA, but the differential in salary showed USA has a significant larger share of the payout (Freeland 2011). Apple also created counter dependency by having joint ventures with Samsung Electronics to have them make the processor chips and alliances with companies like Google and Youtube to make use of their world map and video applications. By inventing their own operating systems and programs, it also provides Apple with increase efficiency because they do not need to rely on the environment to react if they have any new ideas or concepts. Critics have argued that Apple has been adopting a narrow view on the perspective of stakeholder theory because they will neglect the factors that are indirectly connected to the organisation. This interpretation mirrors modernism due to its creation of the boundary of the ‘outside’ world and its stakeholders. The comparison made earlier with the jobs created in China and USA suggested that Apple is adept at avoiding the social obligations to provide secure, internal, high quality employment for its own nation, USA. This generates another thought on business ethics that Apple is actually prioritizing on getting the highest profit margin (their average profit is already approximately 70% of selling price) instead of the reason of the competitive industry. On the other hand, postmodernist claims that stakeholder theory is an integration of the organisation and stakeholders, thus they see Apple actions to affect anyone who are affected even if it is indirect. In Apple’s website, they have the environmental responsibility page to ensure its stakeholders are assured that Apple do consider every factor that relates to its organisation to be taken care of (Apple 2012). Postmodernist also argued that by creating boundary between organisation and environment, there will be negative externalities. Apple’s ability to entice consumers with the introduction of Iphone 5 is a cause of negative externalities. Externalities such as driving the consumption rate of the society when Iphone 4s still have a long product lifespan, this creates another issue of environmental repercussions and increasing workload/stress issues at Foxconn. Apple’s does produce positive externalities in the process of unveiling their products. For example, consumer did not have to bear the cost of intense advertising by Apple because Apple’s strategy of using multi-dimensional power to influence the public to do the ‘advertising’ for them worked. Blogs, video parody and even news were heavily speculating and discussing about the new products, thus bringing in ‘free’ advertising as a form of positive externality to the consumers. Conclusion The modernist and postmodernist theories thus assist us in analyzing Apple in a different light. It has shown the different perspective of Apple in terms of power, control and its environment. It showed that power can be multi-dimensional and formidable. On the contrary, questions are being asked of postmodernism’s resistance stance and environmental contingency theory. Although this essay cannot attribute its success to a single perspective, it did make an conscious effort to explore and improve Apple’s organisation as a whole. Reference List Apple 2012, ‘Supplier Responsibility’, USA, viewed 4 September 2012, Boisot, M and Mckelvey, B 2010, ‘Intergrating Modernist and Postmodernist Perspectives on Organizations: A Complexity Science Bridge’, Academy of Management Review, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 September 2012. CCTV 2010, ‘Foxconn Suicides Eng Sub’, online video, viewed 4 September 2012, Chan J, and Pun, N 2010, ‘Suicide as protest for the New Generation of Chinese migrant workers: Foxconn, Global Capital and the State’, The Asia Pacific Journal, 13 September, viewed 4 September 2012, Clegg, SR, Courpasson, D and Phillips, N 2006, ‘Power and Organizations’, SAGE, London. Clegg, SR, Hardy, C, Nord, WR and Lawrence, T 2006, ‘The Sage handbook of organization studies’, Sage Publications, London. Crowther, D and Miriam, G 2004, ‘Organisational Theory’, CIPD Publishing, London. 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Lashinsky, A 2012, ‘Inside Apple : how Americas most admired-and secretive-company really works’, Business Plus, New York. Marinaccio, MJ 2007, ‘Organization Structure and Its Impact on the Power/politic Dynamic: A Mixed Method Exploration of Senior Management Perceptions of Formal and Virtual Organizations’, Capella University School of Business, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, viewed 1 September 2012, Proquest. McAuley, J, Duberley, J and Johnson, J 2007, ‘Organization theory: challenges
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Life Of Walt Disney Film Studies Essay
The Life Of Walt Disney Film Studies Essay When he arrived back to the United States, Walt moved back to Kansas City where he worked on several different jobs as a commercial artist and a cartoonist. One of these jobs was a temporary contract with the Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio where he created ads for newspapers, magazines and movie theatres. It was at the Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio where Walt met Ubbe Iwerks with whom he set up Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists, which Disney soon left and began working at Kansas City Film Ad Company where he made cut out animation commercials. Disney decided he wanted to become an animator, he read a book called Animated Cartoons: How They Are Made, Their Origin and Development through which he learned about cel animation which he found to be much more promising then cutout animation. He was allowed to borrow a camera from work to experiment at home. He recruited fellow Kansas City Film Ad Company employee, Fred Harman as his own first employee and the two secured a deal with local theatre owner F rank L. Newman to screen their cartoons which they titled Laugh-O-Grams. The cartoons were hugely successful in the Kansas City area and from their success Disney was able to set up his own studio also called Laugh-O-Gram and also hire a number of animators including Fred Harman and Ubbe Iwerks. The company soon went bankrupt as the studios profits were unable to pay for the animators high salaries and Walt was unable to manage the money. After the failure of Laugh-O-Grams, Walt set his sights on Hollywood, where he met up with his older brother Roy and using the twos collective funds they set up a cartoon studio. At this stage a New York distributor Margaret Winkler signed a deal for some live-action/animated shorts based upon Alices Wonderland, which Walt had worked on in Kansas City with Iwerks. Walt and Roy had now set up Disney Brothers Studio, a single story building on Hyperion Avenue, LA where the company remained until 1939. The Alice Comedies were quite successful until finishing up in 1927 by which time the focus was mostly on the animated characters in the series rather than the live action Alice, especially Julius, a black cat that resembled Felix the Cat. In 1925, Disney had hired Lillian Bounds to ink and paint celluloid, Walt dated Lillian for a brief time and two got married in the same year. In 1927, Margaret Winklers husband, Charles B. Mintz had taken over her business and ordered Disney Studios to make a new animated series to be distributed through Universal Pictures. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was the new series and was an instant success. Oswald, a character drawn and created by Iwerks became a popular figure. The company was doing so well that Walt hired 4 more animators. In February 1928, Mintz and Disney met to discuss a new fee for the shorts. Disney was looking for a higher payment but Mintz informed him that not only was he reducing the fee per short but that he had taken most of his main animators (except notably Iwerks) under contract and could begin his own studio if Disney did not accept the cuts and that Universal, not Disney, owned the trademark of Oswald the Rabbit so they could continue to make the films without Disney. Disney declined Charles Mintzs offer and lost the majority of his animation staff and his beloved Oswald the Rabbit. After losing Oswald, Walt Disney felt like he needed a new approach to his cartoons and new character to replace Oswald. The new character was based on a mouse that Walt had adopted as a pet while working in Kansas City. Ub Iwerks took Disneys rough sketches of the mouse, making it easier to animate. The mouse was originally called Mortimer, but later christened Mickey by Lillian Disney who thought the name Mortimer was too stiff and convinced him to go with Mickey instead. Mortimer later became Mickeys rival for Minnie. Mickey first starred in two silent films called Plane Crazy and The Gallopin Gaucho, both these films failed to find a distributor. By this time other film studios in Hollywood had began using sound in their movies and after Walt had seen The Jazz Singer, the first movie with sound, Disney decided to make the fist all-sound, talking and music cartoon with Mickey Mouse starring as Steamboat Willie which was distributed by Cinephone (1928). Eight years later, in 1936 c ritics and fans all over the world agreed that Mickey Mouse was the most recognized figure on the planet. It was Walt himself that provided Mickeys voice until 1946. Although he had stopped actually drawing the cartoons himself in 1927, Disney relied on his animators to implement his ideas which included launching many other successful cartoon characters over this time including Donald Duck, Goofy and Pluto. In 1932, Disney received a special Academy Award for the creation of Mickey Mouse. Disneys Success continued to soar throughout the 30s and 40s, with 1937 1941 being known as The Golden Age of Animation. In 1934 Disney began making plans for a full length feature animation, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs with an estimated budget of $150,000 that ended up costing Disney $1.5 million. The studio actually ran out of money mid 1937 and had to show a rough cut of the film to loan officers at the Bank of America who gave them money to finish production. The premiere on the 21st December 1937 was met with a standing ovation. The film was released in February 1938 and earned over $8 million on its first theatrical release, at a time when the average ticket price was 25 cents. On the success of Snow White, Disney was able to build brand new studios in Burbank, which opened for business in December 1939. Over the next four years, Disney produced Pinocchio, Fantasia, Bambi and Dumbo and early production work had started on Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland. Although the ear ly forties proved difficult for Disney as many of the top animators went on strike. Personal Politics Throughout his life Walt Disney gave off the perfect public persona, but Walt has had many critics during his life and since his death. In the studios in Hyperion Ave, his employees knew him as Uncle Walt which at the time was a term of endearment and it seemed like a privilege to them not to have to call their boss Sir or Mr. Disney. The animators worked long hard hours to meet Disneys high standard of perfection, Everybody loved the studio, everybody joyfully worked over-time putting in all the hours needed without any pay, everybody liked each other and liked Walt Bill Melendez, animator at Disney Studios 1937-1941. But when the studios moved to the new location at Burbank, Disney introduced a high degree of specialization among his work force transforming animation into a production line process, here at last was the rationally planned factory Disney had dreamed of. Walt showed off the studio is a film called the reluctant dragon in which smiley white coated worked go happily abo ut their day. But reality at the new studios wasnt all that it seemed. The workers had been promised that the move from Hyperion was good for them as well as Walt, but this was not the case, in fact some workers fell that is was in some ways a deterioration in their working conditions. Marie Beardsley was one of the artists who made the move everything was segregated, everything got too big and too impersonal and I think thats where the trouble started. Through using this factory like method in the studio had created a hierarchy of jobs, at the top being the animators, all male and all hand picked by Disney beneath them was hundred of inkers and painters, who coloured in the thousands of pictures that made each scene. They were all women. Marie Beardsley said it probably never even occurred to Walt to put a man in the inking and paintingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ That was demeaning work, she recall supervisors walking around and standing behind and other women to see how well they were inking and how fast they were painting. They were timed to see were they worth keeping on. Bill Melendez recalls Walt saying that women were Ok to be used in a menial capacity because once they reached the age of thirty the hand got shaky so it was time to get rid of them. Things had changed in the new studio and Disneys increasingly tyrannical style of management meant for some that the words Uncle Walt took on a much more sinister meaning. Disney was unusually straight-laced for a Hollywood big shot; Marie Beardsley recalls a memo being sent around to all the girls in inking and painting saying that The married men in Disney were happily married and we want all of the girls to understand that, he disliked any sort of sexuality or even socialising amongst his employees. He and Lillian were together for forty years until his death and no one at Disney Studios recalls him ever showing any interest in any other women. He actually told one of his animators that he loved Mickey Mouse more than any girl hed ever known. On Walts 35th Birthday two of the animators made a film of Mickey and Minnie consummating their relationship, at the end of the film Walt stood up and said that it was great animation, he then asked who had made it, the animators who made it stood up and Walt fired them on the spot. Case Study: Disney Corporation vs Fitzpatrick In 2001, Denise and Francis Fitzpatrick, a young professional couple from Ireland did the impossible and defeated The Walt Disney Company in a legal battle over the rights to the name of their character Piggley Pooh for a TV series they wanted to develop. In 1999 Denise and Francis received a letter from Disney saying that the company was opposing their application for the trademark of Piggley Pooh in Europe because of Disneys character Winnie The Pooh. The Fitzpatricks faced an almost 3 year long battle with one of the biggest entertainment corporations in the world. In which they became emotionally, physically and financially broken. Winnie the Pooh is character from books written by A.A Milne in 1930 Steven Slesinger purchased the rights to Winnie the Pooh from Milne for a $1000 advance and 66% of Slesingers income, by November 1931 Slesinger had turned Winnie the pooh into a $50 million a year business. Walt Disney bought Winnie the Pooh off Slesinger in 1961 and was paying twice yearly royalties to A.A Milnes beneficiaries until 2001 when they paid a lump sum of $350 million. The lump sum was spread out between the Royal Literary Society, the Westminster School and the Garrick Club and family of A.A Milne. Winnie the Pooh now raises at least $6 billion revenues for Disney each year. As a young girl on her grandmothers farm in Co Meath, Denise had a fascination with the pigs that were there, she used to visit them every time she was on her grandmothers farm and loved to make up stories about them. The main character in all her stories was Piggley Pooh. Denise says she had never heard of Winnie the Pooh or Piglet or any of the animals in 100 Acre Wood during her childhood in the 1960s and 1970s, like most Irish children she read Enid Blyton and other English wirters. Her imagination ran wild throughout her childhood as to what this marvellous little Pigley Pooh would be getting up to. Denise also had a love for stories from Celtic mythology and old Irish seanchaà s throughout her life. This is what she wanted the Piggley Pooh TV series to be based on, a simple story for children, with a moral lesson behind it. Disney were adamant the Fitzpatricks stop the production of the Piggley Pooh TV series, or at least change the name, something Denise was thoroughly against, she would not even hear of having the h at the end of pooh dropped. After the letter in January in 1999, they decided not to let the giant corporation ruin Denises childhood dreams. Piggley Pooh was already a registered trademark in the U.S, but they were objecting to the name becoming a registered trademark in Japan and Europe. Francis met with their Trademark Agents who were quite confident that they has a pretty strong case. Disney were trying to prove that their ownership of the name Winnie the Pooh was being stolen by the use of the word pooh in Piggley Poohs name. In 2000, Denise and Francis flew over to L.A for a meeting with Steve Ackerman, Disneys chief counsel worldwide. After many attempts to postpone their meeting, Francis arrived at the Burbank Studios where Ackerman showed up 40 minutes late for their meeting without a word of apology. Ackerman straight out told Francis that the problem they had was one of theft, they had stolen two names from Disney. Pooh and Piglet. Although they had slightly altered Piglet, they had still put it side by side with Pooh, and hoped to make millions from it. This is what the Disney Corporation thought about Francis and his wife and family and it looked as if they were not going to stop at anything to get their names back. The meeting was a hostile one, with Ackerman claiming that Disney could prove that there were Winnie the Pooh books in circulation in Ireland at the time of Denises childhood. Francis was called a thief many times and an Irish bastard. But things came to a head when Ackerman threatened the Fitzpatricks children Listen Francisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Youre not going to get the better of the Disney Corporation. Nobody gets the better of Disney. We got the recourses. We got the time. We got right on our side. Well go after you all around the world and bankrupt you. Youre a family man. You got children. You need to think again Youve got young childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ You and your wife have to look after them, not waste their future Francis flipped telling the corporate giant never to mention his children again. Telling him that Disney were the thieves in all this, stealing peoples dreams, peoples rights to tell stories and stealing something that had been a part of Denises life since she was a child. After this outburst, Ackerman realised that the Fitzpatricks were serious about this and would not be backing down anytime soon. The two men continued the meeting in a civil manner, with Disney proposing a settlement out of court of $500,000 for the Fitzpatricks to give up the Piggey Pooh name. They refused this offer and met the Disney Company in the European Trademark courts in Alicante, Spain in January 2001 but no oral hearing happened, it was done behind closed doors. Three months later Francis has a phone call from their Trademark Agents telling him it was good news. They had won, Disneys objection had been overruled and they were entitled to registration as owner of the trademark. But this wasnt the end for the battle for the name Piggley Pooh. In March 2002, Royal Bank of Scotland, the bank funding the TV series decided that the name Pooh must come out of the name Piggley Pooh because of Disneys powerful stance in the marketplace was too threatening to the brand of Piggley Pooh. If a Piggley Pooh soft toy were on sale for $10 in childrens shops, Disney would sell Winnie the Pooh for $8. The Fitzpatricks were back to square one. Although they had beat the Disney Corporation in the courts they had not fully won. Out of this Piggley Winks was born and turned into a successful animated TV series.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Adoption of Migration and Development Theories Essay -- Adoption o
Introduction Initially, it should be noted that the world migration mainly refers to the movement of population into another country or region from their original country to which they are not native so as to settle there to work and live. There are many factors which can contribute to the large world migration including economic and political reasons, family gathering, natural disasters etc. According to published statistics, it is said by International Organization for migration that the number of migrants from foreign countries around the globe has reached more than 200 million. It is Europe that owned the largest number of migrants since it has already arrived at 70 million. The second are is North America which has more than 45 million migrants and the following that is Asia which holds almost a number of 25 million (Gurak and Fe, 1992)The world migrants have brought about abundant labor resource and stimulated the circulation of goods and services. Therefore, it is the purpose of this paper to conduct the trend of world migration based on migration and development theory so as to provide some insights. The second section of the paper will focus on stating the life story of some migrants in terms of how they work and settle their life in foreign countries. The third part will provide useful recommendations for migration development. The adoption of migration and development theories It can be noted that in analyzing the migration and development there are two general perspectives to be adopted such as Macro theory and Micro theory. In terms of the Macro theory it is also referred to as the push and pull. With regards to push element it initially refers to the motive and stimulus to cause immigration to move from th... ... Zlotnik (eds.), International Migration Systems: A Global Approach. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 150-176. Zlotnik, Hania. (1992). "Empirical identification of international migration systems," in Mary Kritz, Lin Lean Lim, and Hania Zlotnik (eds.), International Migration Systems: A Global Approach. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 19-40. Massey, Douglas S., Joaquà n Arango, Hugo Graeme, Ali Kouaouci, Adela, Pellegrino, and J. Edward Taylor. (2005). Worlds in Motion: Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium. New York: Oxford University Press Ewing, Walter A (2006). Border Insecurity: U.S. Border-Enforcement Policies and National Security, Immigration Policy Center, American Immigration Law Foundation Fell, Peter and Hayes, Debra. (2007). What are they Doing Here? A Critical Guide to Asylum and Immigration, Birmimgham, Venture Press
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Thomas Pynchons The Crying Lot 49 Essay -- Pynchon Crying Lot 49 Essa
Peter Barry says of the cultural materialist approach to literature that â€Å"it is difficult to know how to ‘place’ writing of this kind†(189). By â€Å"writing†Barry refers to cultural materialist criticism itselfâ€â€not the work being criticizedâ€â€but it is probably safe to assume that the analysis properly reflects the analyzed in this respect. It is certainly arguable that Thomas Pynchon’s THE CRYING OF LOT 49 qualifies as â€Å"difficult to place,†and this may be its only legitimate connection offered to a cultural materialist reading. Yet similarities arise between the text and the theory that suggest, at least on some level, a harmonious ideal. Of course, should such a comparison exist, it is only by the theory’s compatibility to the text, it being the work critiqued and, besides that, having originated much earlier than the theory. But there is value in contrasting the two as if they are more than just analysi s and analyzed, but two products of a literary history whose similarities point toward or influence ongoing likenesses. Such a likeness is their contribution to an overall theme of almost fairy tale-style escapism. A fundamental start is to examine the use of Shakespeare in both situations. This may seem odd without an understanding of its intrinsic contribution to both the novel and the theory. In LOT 49, Oedipa Maas encounters a number of eccentrics and organizations that all hint at involvement in some sort of mail system conspiracy, not the least of which is a Jacobean play called THE COURIER’S TRAGEDY by Richard Wharfinger. The play and playwright are of course fictional, but what’s more, they are blatantlyâ€â€causticallyâ€â€related to Shakespeare’s HAMLET. â€Å"Oedipa found herself after five minutes sucked utterly... ... structure to which they belong. This structure, in its very essence, seeks to â€Å"project†in a variety of ways new worlds by which to interpret reality. Works Cited Baldick, Chris. â€Å"Structuralism.†OXFORD CONCISE DICTIONARY OF LITERARY TERMS. 2nd edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Barry, Peter. â€Å"Structuralism.†BEGINNING THEORY: AN INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY AND CULTURAL THEORY. 2nd edition. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2002. Pynchon, Thomas. THE CRYING OF LOT 49. Perennial Classics edition. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999. Scott, Sir Walter. IVANHOE. World Classics paperback edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Snicket, Lemony. A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS BOOK THE SIXTH: THE ERSATZ ELEVATOR. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2002.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Apple Chairman’ Statement and Reflective Writing Essay
Apple Inc. is a multiplier company. The California Corporation founded in 1977. Its wholly-owned subsidiaries designs, manufactures and markets personal computers, mobile communication and media equipment, and other internet applications, it provides the products to the different type of customers. The company gives the strategy is free, The Company’s business strategy leverages its unique ability to design and develop its own operating systems, hardware, application software, and services to provide its customers new products. The customer could through App store and iBook store to discover and download official software and third-party applications and books. The Company manages its business primarily on a geographic basis. The Company’s reportable operating main segments include in the Americas, Europe, Japan, Asia-Pacific and Retail. The Retail segment operates Apple-owned retail stores in the U.S. and in international markets. Each operating segment provides similar hardware and software products and similar services to customer. It unified the global organization. The company offers all kinds of products. Firstly, the Mac hardware products included desktop and portable computers. For instance, there are iMac, Mac Book, Mac Book Pro and Mac Book Air. Secondly, there are some small size products included iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV. Thirdly, the Company provides software products and computer technologies. The operating system software has Mac OS X and iOS system. The application software has iLife and iWork system. And there is other application software. Fourthly, Apple Care offers a range of support options for the Company’s customers. Such as the Apple Care Protection Plan is a fee-based service. The Company used all kinds of direct and indirect distribution channels, such as its retail stores, online stores, and direct sales force, and third-party cellular network carriers, wholesalers, retailers, and value-added resellers. The Company believes providing direct contact with its aim customers is an useful way to show the benefit of its products. The Company sources components from a number of suppliers and manufacturing vendors. In the company competition, the Company’s ability to compete successfully is rely on its ability. The Company continues to develop new products and technologies and to improve existing products that extend the range of its product and intellectual property. The company faced some competition, there are prodigious pressures. Therefore, it needs to improve the quality of products, in the market, research and development new technology in main status. The company is focused on extend on market opportunities. Because of seasonal demand of consumer markets related to the holiday season and the beginning of the school year, it increased net sales. The Company’s operations and performance depend significantly on worldwide economic conditions. Some economic factors could affect demand for the Company’s products and services and the Company’s financial condition and operating results. The following graph shows a five-year comparison of cumulative total shareholder return, calculated on a dividend reinvested basis, and financial statement. We could found that the Apple Inc is a rise trend. Section 2: Reflective writing 1. Description Scanning the Apple Annual Report is organised into sections under the headings. I need to write an executive summary about the annual report. There are 21 headings in the first 26 pages of the annual report. For the short executive summary, it is too much to cover all of them. Therefore, I suppose. Those similar headings, we could join them together to make a single new heading. Finally, the left headings we chosen is 8. I would through those headings to complete the draft executive summary. 2. Feelings I am so interested in the Apple Company. I need to read the Annual Report, and I need to have a general idea to write the executive summary. Since the Apple Company’s products are very popular in the world. There are many fans for Apple’s products. I want to know more information about the Apple Company. Consequently, when I finished the draft, I could get more detailed information. For instance, the Application Software, products and services. After the draft had completed, I had discussed with my partner. After exchange our ideas I find that we have different views towards the apple product, such as I inclined to choose apple product when buying certain kind of products because I like the apple company than thinking too much about the performance of it, my partner will compare three of more choices and then make decision which best meet his needs though she also like the apple product. I am more a fan than customer to apple product. Think that everyone read the annual report; there are different ideas about it. We could learn from each other. 3. Evaluation I enjoyed about writing the executive summary. Because of this documentation, I was interested in the Apple Company. Though, this summary is very short. I could learn from the management and market strategy. In order to have the market position, it needs to show some special and different facilities. When I read others’ draft and others read my draft. There is a process of mutual learning. We could exchange ideas. From reading the annual report and learnt from others draft; I could draw advantage and improve shortage. It could help me to finish the final version of an Executive Summary. 4. Analysis The draft is general summary about Apple Company’s annual report. Based on each heading, analyzing each part of the report, and I need to write the general idea. I think that writing the summary is a good way to analyze the report. If I have another similar work, I will use same way to analyze it. Every report has many parts. So I need to organize my time when I was working practices and organization. I think that we could analyze the producer, audience and text of the report. Then, I could clearly get the general idea of an article. 5. Conclusion All in all, I think that writing an executive summary need have means of each part, and give the precise summarization of the annual report. If I have works need to do the next time, I could use the same way as by going through the headings to write the summary. I think the best side is 8 new headings; it narrows the scope of the annual report. We could clearly summarize the report. However, there still down side of doing the work like this . I might ignore some of the important information. From that decreased headings. Section 3: Final version of an Executive Summary Apple Inc. is a multiplier company which founded in 1977. Its wholly-owned subsidiaries designs, manufactures and markets personal computers, mobile communication and media equipment, and other internet applications. The Company’s business strategy is its unique ability to design and develop its own operating systems, hardware, application software, and services to provide its customers new products. The customer could use App store and iBook store to discover and download official software and third-party applications and books. The Company manages its business primarily on a geographic basis. Each operating segment provides similar hardware and software products and similar services to customer. The company offers many kinds of products. Firstly, the Mac hardware products include desktop and portable computers. There are iMac, Mac Book, Mac Book Pro and Mac Book Air. Secondly, there are some small size products included iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV. Thirdly, the Company provides software products and computer technologies. The operating system software has Mac OS X and iOS system. The application software has iLife and iWork system. Fourthly, Apple Care offers a range of support options for the Company’s customers. Such as the Apple Care Protection Plan is a fee based service. The Company used all kinds of direct and indirect distribution channels. They believe that providing direct contact with its aim customers is a useful way to show their benefit of its products. In the company competition, the Company’s ability to compete successfully is relying on its ability. The Company continues to develop new products and technologies and to improve existing products which extend the range of its product and intellectual property. The company is focused on extend on market opportunities. Because of seasonal demand of consumer markets related to the holiday season and the beginning of the school year, it increased net sales. The Company’s operations and performance depend significantly on worldwide economic conditions. It also provided graph shows the a five-year comparison of cumulative total shareholder return, calculated on a dividend reinvested basis, for the Company, the S&P 500 Composite Index, the S&P Computer Hardware Index, and the Dow Jones U.S.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Early Intervention Of Massage Health And Social Care Essay
Massage is described as the systametic and scientific use of the soft tissue of the organic structure for the intent of obtaining and keeping wellness harmonizing to massage therapy: rules and pattern by Susan G. Salvo ( 2007 ) . Massage has been shown to cut down emphasis, enhance blood circulation, lessening hurting, promote slumber, cut down swelling, enhance relaxation and increase O capacity of the blood, ( Salvo, 2007 ) . â€Å" Because massage therapy is a inactive intervention that requires little, if any, physical demands on the single having the therapy and because it has shown to develope musculus tone for other kids ( Field,1998 ) massage therapy might heighten physical development for kids with Down Syndrome, †( Hernandez-Reif, et Al ; 2004 ) . Massage has risen in popularity over the old ages particularly for those looking for alternate and complementary therapies to supplement their medical interventions and make a positive impact on their wellness. Massage has shown good to many people ( Salvo, 2007 ) . Down Syndrome is a familial status and it can consequence one in every eight hundred to one 1000 babes per twelvemonth in the united provinces, while there are two babes born every twenty-four hours in the UK with Down Syndrome, ( Fiona Marshall, 2004 ) . Down syndrome is present in a kid when they are formed with three instead than two transcripts of chromosome 21, this gives the kid 47 alternatively of 46 chromosomes ( Marshall, 2004 ) . The symptoms vary from individual to individual and can run from mild to severe, but they can be easy recognised because of the visual aspect. â€Å" The caput may be smaller than normal and abnormally shaped. For illustration, the caput may be round with a level country on the dorsum. The interior corner of the eyes may be rounded alternatively of pointed, †( Neil K. Kaneshiro, 2010 ) . People with Down Syndrome can endure from typical physical characteristics such as: Reduced musculus tone A little olfactory organ and level seventh cranial nerve characteristics A little oral cavity and a big looking lingua Broad hands with a individual fold across the thenar Shorter than usual in tallness ( Marshall, 2004 ) . Down syndrome is a familial upset impacting 1000000s of people worldwide ( National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1997 ) its cognitive defects characterise the status ( Nichols et al. , 2003 ; Seung & A ; Chapman, 2004 ) including motor and perceptual developmental jobs ( John et all. , 2004 ; Kearny & A ; Gentile, 2003 ) . There is no specific intervention for Down Syndrome as it is a familial upset, nevertheless, due to this there is a opportunity the sick person may necessitate surgery for GI obstructions and certain bosom defects, ( Neil K. Kaneshiro, 2010 ) . Since there is no intervention for Down Syndrome much can be done to better quality of life and minimise development holds, ( Marshall, 2004 ) . Fiona Marshall ( 2004 ) , sites from Patricia Winders ‘ book, Gross Motor accomplishments in kids with Down Syndrome: A usher for parents and professionals ( 1997 ) , that the motor development can be affected by four factors: deficiency of musculus control, shirker ligaments taking increased flexibleness of the articulations, less musculus strength and short weaponries and legs. The NHS Direct ( 2010 ) , believe that an early intercession plan can supply support to babes and kids with Down Syndrome from the minute they are born until the age of five ; these plans provide health care, instructio n and interventions for illustration address therapy and physical therapy. Harmonizing to Marshall ( 2004 ) , early intercession can antagonize the inclination to hapless musculus tone and so be good for the kid to assist pattern new accomplishments such as sitting and walking. A physiotherapist uses physical methods to advance wellness and wellbeing utilizing use, â€Å" A kid with Down ‘s syndrome will frequently hold physiotherapy from a immature age because it can assist them to better their scope of motion. Babies with Down ‘s syndrome may hold hapless musculus tone, so a physical therapist can assist them to larn to turn over over, sit up or walk, †( NHS Direct, 2010 ) . Due to the hapless musculus tone of people with Down Syndrome it is harder to execute undertakings which need a grade of physical co-ordination such as eating and dressing, the NHS ( 2010 ) determine that an occupational healer can assist by interrupting down the undertakings into little stairss to assist supply an easier manner to finish the undertaking, step-by-s tep. Harmonizing to Marshall ( 2004 ) , early intercession and physical therapy needs to maintain the long-run motor accomplishments in head and non merely the short-run. Besides physical therapy may non rush up the rate of motor development but it could assist to forestall following unnatural compensatory motion forms, for illustration ; hapless position, walking with the pess broad apart or unnatural spine curvature. Harmonizing to the National Down Syndrome Society { NDSS } ( 2011 ) , references that some of the alternate therapies are aimed at handling the whole organic structure non merely the disease of symptom. It besides states that â€Å" Most of these therapies have non made claims for people with Down syndrome that have been any different from the claims they have made for the general population. However, some therapies have claimed to better motor and cognitive maps every bit good as growing and overall activity specifically in individuals with Down syndrome. Some have claimed to alter some of the physical characteristics of Down syndrome to a more â€Å" normalized †visual aspect and to change by reversal rational disablement. †NDSS merely recommends interventions that have gone through scientific tests for people with Down Syndrome. Harmonizing to Susan Mumford ( 2009 ) , massage can assist the musculuss by exciting normal organic structure processes. Waste merchandises such as lactic acid are released from the musculus fibers, enabling them to travel more freely, this returns the musculus tone to an optimal degree. It besides helps to better circulation and conveyance foods to the musculuss and variety meats and have a good consequence on the bosom rate.Case Studies- Applying Theory to pattern:The focal point of this is on whether massage therapy can assist with the betterment of musculus tone and motor development in kids with Down syndrome. In 2004, Hernandez-Reif, Field, Largie, Mora, Bornstein and Waldman decided to mensurate the, if any betterment in the motor map and musculus tone of people who suffer from Down syndrome, with the early intercession of massage. Twenty-one kids with moderate to high working Down syndrome received early intercession where chosen at random to have two half hr therapies, either massage therapy or a reading session. This went on for a period of two months. The kids ‘s operation degrees where assessed on both the first and last twenty-four hours utilizing the Developmental Programming for Infants and Young Children graduated table ( DPIYC ) and musculus tone was assessed utilizing a new preliminary graduated table ( ALT ) . During the initial first twenty-four hours the kids ‘s motor maps where measured by utilizing the following shaping characteristics, perceptual/fine motor, gross motor, self-care ( feeding etc ) social/emotional, linguistic communication and knowledge. This was used to demo any strengths and failings and to demo which developing accomplishments were emerging. The CPIYC was used in this trial for convenience and because the kids were already accustomed to it as they had been routinely administered by the professionals the kids already working with. A basal degree had been found and the survey could get down. The therapy Sessionss where for half an hr twice a hebdomad for the two months where a full structu red massage therapy was given and the reading Sessionss were done on the same clip agenda and the reading Sessionss consisted of the healers merely keeping the kids as they read the books. The consequences show that the ALT tonss reflected the original informations ; nevertheless, Mann-Whitney U-tests on certain musculuss show a tone alteration in the tonss uncovering that there was an betterment in musculus tone for the massage therapy group. For the DPIYC, measurings reflected outlooks and showed a greater addition for the massage therapy group on all right motor operation and gross motor working. They besides showed a small betterment in the group for linguistic communication development. However, the alterations might non reflect what should be shown as the developments the kids have revealed in the trials might non really be from the massage Sessionss or the control reading session but could really be due to ripening over the two months. To mensurate which could be due to the intercession or to the ripening of the kids with Down syndrome hereafter research would be needed along with another control group entering how a massage session comprising of light stroking alternatively of a force per unit area would impact the same organic structure countries as the massage therapy group. This would besides decide any cultural issues which could originate from keep backing intercessions from some of the kids. In malice of this harmonizing to Pardew and Bunes ( 2005 ) it is discussed that through research preformed, Field and co-workers in the Touch Research Institute ( TRI. N, D ) . Despite positive findings from other beginnings there is still a ground to be cautious with the usage of intercession of massage to babies as a method to advance mental, motor and /or social-emotional development in immature kids who have disablements. Up until now there have merely been three different reappraisals upon infant massage techniques ( i.e. Gallagher, 2003 ; Ottenbacher, Muller, Brandt, Heintzelman, Hojem & A ; Sharpe, 1987 ; Vickers, Ohlsson, Lucy & A ; Horsley, 2004 ) . Ottenbacher and co-workers conducted and analysis and admitted that the trial groups did better than the control groups nevertheless there was the recognition that there where design flaws with the surveies and where more likely to bring forth positive results for the survey group. The other two reappraisals found that although t he surveies provided positive consequences the credibleness was compromised by methodological defects. While Gallagher ( 2003 ) finalised that the infant massage can non be recommended as grounds for the positive effects on cognitive, motor or social-emotional development in high kink babies. Harmonizing to McWilliam ( 1999 ) Therapeutic, educational and medical are three countries of early intercession controversial interventions. Silver, ( 1995 ) considers discoursing intervention with kids with larning disablements controversial if: â€Å" ( a ) the attack was presented before any surveies were available or when pilot surveies had non been replicated, ( B ) the presented intervention went further than the information, or ( degree Celsius ) the intervention was used in an stray manner when a multimodal appraisal and intervention attack was needed. †Any curative patterns can be seen every bit controversial as they are described to necessitate a certain sum of clip per hebdomad, McWilliam ( 1999 ) . Whereas the more-is-better phenomenon is seen as a subject in the surveies about service use ( McWilliam, Tocci & A ; Harbin, 1995 ) and service integrating ( McWilliam, Young & A ; Harville, 1996 ) . This besides explains why in a therapy service the early intercession squad plans a therapy on the footing of a kid ‘s diagnosing alternatively of be aftering it to back up the ends of the survey ( McWilliam et al. , 1996 ) .Validity and Recommendations:The cogency of this trial might be discussed as there were so few patients involved in the test ; there were merely 21 patients who received merely two 0.5 hr therapies a hebdomad for eight hebdomads ( Hernandes-Reif, et Al, 2004 ) . It could hold been due to ripening effects that the consequences had shown that massage was effectual in the early intercession and to analyze this, an other control group would hold to be involved to find if the consequences were right. This control group would dwell of kids with Down Syndrome who would non have early intercession services to find if the consequences were affected by ripening, nevertheless this would be seen as unethical to with keep the intercession for research intents. ( Hernandes-Reif, et Al. 2004 ) . Although a 2nd control group might hold been added with a assumed massage that merely received stroking to the same organic structure parts alternatively of using force per unit area, this would be a one manner of deciding the ethical issue and would besides be a control for attending and â€Å" prove the effects of moderate poetries light force per unit area massage effects, †( Hernandes-Reif, et Al. 2004 ) . Another restriction of this survey was that the DPIYC profiles a kid ‘s age scope ( in months ) and non the development age in months, due to this the cogency of the tonss is unknown. A recommendation for this is to utilize another step to change over the information into age tantamount tonss, for illustration the â€Å" Peabody Development Motor Scales ( Folio and Fawell, 1983 ) for gross and all right motor appraisals, †( Hernandes-Reif, et Al. 2004 ) . â€Å" It is of import to observe, nevertheless, that none of the reappraisals indicated that infant massage was an uneffective intercession for immature kids but instead that to day of the month surveies have been conducted in a mode that adequately paperss efficaciousness. †( Pardew and Bunse, 2005 ) . R. A. McWilliam ( 1999 ) in Controversial patterns: The demand for a re-acculturation of early intercession Fieldss ; believes that physical and occupational therapy have questionable research as there are no published true experimental surveies demoing the effectivity of one signifier of intervention over another as nil adequately separates the intervention from the control.Decision:The consequences show that massage therapy could assist in bettering the motor map and musculus tone of kids with Down Syndrome, nevertheless, with the restrictions and the recommendations added by those who created the tests and perceivers this could merely be a computing machine mistake, trial mistake, or even happenstance. To turn out that this would really work other factors would hold to be tested alongside the chief trial country as control groups to restrict any false consequences.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Jimmy Sevile: Icon in Life, Sexual Predator in Death Essay
Child abuse and pedophilia is absolutely rife, not just in Britain but all over the world and most people have no idea the kind of scale we are looking at. Perhaps equally as shocking, the people being exposed as ring-leaders in the abuse cases are often high profile celebrities and well known public figures. The information that becomes public over the coming weeks and months could shatter not just the BBC, but the whole country from top to toe, as entertainers, public figures and even former Prime ministers and current politicians are being exposed as child abusing pedophiles. This isn’t just a cover up, it is one of the biggest scandals of all time orchestrated by apparently respectable members of the British establishment. That a BBC children’s presenter, Sir Jimmy Savile, was also one of the UK’s most active serial pedophiles is still a shock that is reverberating throughout the United Kingdom. Sir Jimmy Savile, was a TV and radio presenter who fronted various kid’s shows for the taxpayer funded BBC. The most famous of his shows was called Jim’ll Fix It where kids all over the UK would write letters to him personally to ask if the show could grant their various childish wishes. This was allegedly comissioned after complaints about Savile’s sexual interest in children had surfaced. Savile is estimated to have raised ? 40 million for charity. One cause for which he raised money was Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where he volunteered for many years as a porter. He raised money for the Spinal Unit, NSIC (National Spinal Injuries Centre), and St Francis Ward – a ward for children and teens with spinal cord injuries. Savile also volunteered at Leeds General Infirmary and Broadmoor Hospital. In August 1988, he was appointed by junior health minister Edwina Currie chair of an interim task force overseeing the management of Broadmoor Hospital, after its board members had been suspended. Savile had his own room at both Stoke Mandeville and Broadmoor. In 1989, Savile started legal proceedings against News Group Newspapers after the News of the World published an article, in January 1988, suggesting he had been in a position to secure the release of patients from the Broadmoor Hospital who were considered â€Å"dangerous†. Savile won on 11 July 1989; News Group paid the legal costs, and he received an apology from editors Kelvin MacKenzie and Patsy Chapman. In 2012, it was reported that Savile had sexually abused vulnerable patients at the hospitals. It was reported that the civil servant who proposed Savile’s appointment at Broadmoor was investigated by police and prevented from working with children. From 1974 to 1988, Savile was the honorary president of Phab (Physically Handicapped in the Able Bodied community). He sponsored medical students performing undergraduate research in the Leeds University Research Enterprise scholarship scheme, donating more than ? 60,000 every year. In 2010, the scheme was given a commitment of ? 500,000 over the following five years. Following Savile’s death in October 2011, it was confirmed that a bequest had been made to allow continued support for the programme. The ramifications of the story are however far bigger than just another stomach turning media scandal. In his lifetime Savile had been embraced at the very heart of the British establishment. He was entertained by the Prime Minister Margret Thatcher at chequers, blessed by the Pope and Knighted by the Queen. It has recently come out that in the 1980? s he was taken on by the UK’s Conservative Government to look after a high security mental hospital, Broadmoor, where it appears he was given his own set of keys despite no related qualifications or training whatsoever. It remains a mystery to many why Her Majesty’s police never managed to catch the man. Scotland Yard now describe him as â€Å"one of Britain’s worst sex offenders†. Furthermore some people are saying his sexual predilictions were a bit of an open secret at the BBC in the 1960? s and 1970? s so it’s troubling to think that he was not screened out of the British Royal Family’s social circle by an organisation such as MI5. One thing is clear, Sir Jimmy Savile operated underneath the nose of the UK’s establishment and only in the aftermath of his death did anyone dare take him on. Jimmy Savile was at the centre of this Pedophile ring that procured children for well-known figures in the British Establishment, including former British Prime Minister, pedophile and murderer Edward Heath. The perverted life of Jimmy Savile was exposed as a pedophile and necrophiliac by researchers such as David Icke as far back as the 1990s, but, people just ridiculed the accusations and the police, media, politicians and of course the BBC have all covered it up. In August 1988, shortly before the publication of a highly critical report into its operating procedures, the entire management board of Broadmoor secure psychiatric hospital was suspended by the Department of Health, which at the time had joint responsibility for its direct management. The running of Broadmoor, the highest-profile facility of its kind in the country and the home to many of Britain’s most notorious criminals, was placed in the temporary control of a â€Å"taskforce†to be headed up by an unexpected figure, Jimmy Savile. West London Mental Health NHS Trust, which now runs the hospital, believes Saviles involvement as a volunteer began in the late 1960s or early 70s. He had his own office in the grounds of the hospital, a bedroom and his own personal set of keys to the hospital wards. Savile also has some ties with Peter Sutcliffe known as the Yorkshire Ripper. Jimmy Savile, became very good friends with the mass murderer while doing voluntary work at Broadmoor. The vast majority of the victims currently coming forward allege that Jimmy Savile abused them. But detectives announced that they were mounting a full criminal investigation after some of the hundreds of people who have come forward in response to the unfolding scandal made allegations that they were abused by other individuals who are still alive. It is understood that most of these claims of sexual abuse relate to people who were associated with Savile in some way. The Savile case is just the tip of the iceberg because pedophilia is widespread amongst the ruling class of the world but it’s easily covered up. If the police investigation gets too close to people at the top there will be another cover up. A few more celebrity names will be charged and that will satisfy the public’s demand for prosecutions but those at the top will once again escape justice. Ritualistic satanic child sex abuse is real. It’s widespread especially within the ruling elite and it’s up to all of us to expose it and put an end to it. If Savile had been exposed while he was alive he would have taken many famous people down with him including those within the British Establishment.
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