Thursday, October 31, 2019
Reading responds Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Reading responds - Article Example Pentagon capitalism’s importance is paramount, since no other force other than military helped define and change the course of the technological history. The times in 1890s can be envisaged without the presence of much technological inventions in empires, but the importance of Pentagon capitalism is so much that we can not imagine the era of 1990s without nuclear weapons, other military related technologies used in warfare and also the internet. It was the military who launched the rockets, the satellites which ran the space programs (Misa, pg 190). Scientific mass-labor refers to the large number of people needed to synthesize and patent new dyes in the German Chemical industry resulting in taking in many scientists in the industry. Scientists went to universities and made discoveries in the laboratories contributing to the rise of Germany during the second Industrial revolution. Examples include Hoffman leaving London for University of Berlin and Caro leaving from Manchester to work with Bunsen in Heidelberg, Adolf Baeyer researching into natural products like indigo in Gewerbe Institute in Berlin, setting up of Hoechst dyeworks, commencement of alizarin factory. German’s were able to dominate and leave behind British people in the race of this second industrial revolution because they had a deeper understanding of the basics of science. Their works, researches and discoveries resulted in improvement of technologies which ultimately led them to rule over the world market. It led to the stabilization of innovation of te chnology (Science and Systems 2014). During the Second World War, two atomic bombs were being developed. Uranium- 235 was the most essential raw material for the Manhattan Project. It was utilized as fuel for reactors and its enriched form was used in the atomic bomb. The Gun-type fission atomic
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Cosmic Redshift Essay Example for Free
Cosmic Redshift Essay The new Physics of Cosmic Redshift Introduction:As we all know that light travels from source in a straight line(ray) according to concepts of classical ray optics. Redshift is the phenomenon by which light rays from distant stars that are observed on earth, show smaller frequency (longer wavelength) i. e. shifted towards the â€Å"red†end of the visible light region. This phenomenon of redshift is conventionally explained by the well-known â€Å"Doppler effect†. But according to the book â€Å"QED: The strange theory of light and matter†by Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman Redshift occurs due to the quantum mechanical propagation of photons. The Problem:Edwin HUBBLE discovered that light from distant stars exhibits longer wavelengths or reduced frequencies than that from similar radiation sources on Earth. All specific frequency lines in the electromagnetic spectrum of distant cosmic radiation sources appeared shifted towards the red end of the visible spectrum. His discovery therefore was called â€Å"astronomic redshift†defined by the redshift ratio, z = ? / lo (1), ? l: the elongation of a specific wave length lo: the original wave length of emission at the source Frequency n and wavelength lo of the radiation are correlated by the velocity of light in vacuum, c = n x (2). From on its discovery the Redshift phenomenon was referred to the â€Å"Dopplereffect of wave dynamics†, occurs when the source and the receiver are moving relative to each other. Hence this theory proved that all the distant stars , galaxies are moving away from the Earth i. e the universe is expanding. The apparent radial recession velocity away from Earth can be calculated following the Doppler equation: n/no= (1-v/c) (3) n: a specific frequency of the arriving light, no: corresponding frequency of emission at the source v : the recession velocity of the source c the velocity of light in vacuum Simultaneously, HUBBLE discovered that the apparent recession velocity of cosmic radiation sources increases proportionally to their distance r from Earth: v = H x r (4), H means the famous HUBBLE-constant currently estimated at about 70 km/s per megaparsec or per 3. 6 million light-years. Hubble’s theory led the current view that the universe has formed from a gigantic explosion called â€Å" the Big Bang†, which spontaneously arose from a tiny volume of matter at unimaginably high temperature followed up by adiabatic expansion and the condensation of matter while cooling down. Apparently, this expansion process is still going on today. Following HUBBLE? s law (4), the escape velocity of an extremely distant galaxy might gain ultimately the velocity of light in vacuum, meaning its redshift ratio would theoretically equal unity. Physically of course, this is impossible nevertheless redshift ratios of z=5 and even z=7 have been measured in recent years showing supernova explosions, which apparently occurred further away from Earth than the age of the Universe postulated at about 14 billion light-years. In addition, as well known, various other inconsistencies weigh upon the Big Bang theory and many a scientist therefore questions this view. The new theory (methods used and result): The new theory uses the concepts from the â€Å"quantum electrodynamics†. He (Richard Feynman) explained the quantum mechanics of the linear propagation of photons. He showed that from the countless number of radiations that are emitted from the source only those are really effective which reach the source (cover the distance b/w them) via straight line and in close company i. e. when they cover the distance in the shortest possible time. All other dispersed photons take larger time to reach to the receiver and hence are ineffective. He said that the straight stream of photons emitted from the distant source to the Earth will meet/collide innumerous bodies (such as stars, galaxies, planets, comets, meteorites, grains, etc. hich are swirling around in the universe with a typical speed of few hundreds kilometers per second) through which the photons can not pass. When those bodies cross a straight ray of light, this ray will be interrupted shortly and all photons dropping onto the bodies will be removed from the stream independently of their individual energy or frequency. After many such interruptions only the few remaining photons will reach the Earth and the frequency of these radiations arriving on the Earth exhibit lower frequencies because the dispersed photons did not rech in time to the earth. Thus the frequency shifts towards the red end of the visible region (spectrum). As the number of interruptions depend (directly proportional) on the distance between the source and the destination, the redshift ration is also directly proportional to the distance between the source and the receiver ( Earth ). Thus this theory confirms the Hubble’s discovery that the redshift ratio depends upon the distance. HUBBLE? s law still implies another connection. When replacing in equation (4) the recession velocity v by the product z x c, i. e. y a fraction of the ultimate velocity of light, an interesting correlation arises: z = H/c x r (5). The constant factor H/c can be regarded as a modified HUBBLE-constant, which amounts to 0. 00023 per megaparsec or 0. 00007 per million light-years. This modified HUBBLE-constant signifies the loss of photons suffered by a beam of light, which has traveled one million light-years through the Universe. It is a very small loss of photons in fact ov er such big distance, confirming our experience that the Universe is largely empty of solid matter. The reciprocal of the modified HUBBLE-constant i. e. 1/0. 00007 gives 14 billion light-years, in accordance with the postulated age of our Universe following the conventional theory. However, the meaning is different. It shows namely that ordinary starlight cannot propagate further through the Universe than 14 billion lightyears. All photons grouped in a straight light beam from a remote source to the Earth would have got lost due to the absorption effect of celestial matter. Usually, we cannot look deeper into the Universe than this distance, corresponding theoretically to a redshift ratio of unity. However, what about those bigger redshift ratios of z=5 or even z=7, which have been observed in recent time? We know from nuclear physics that energetic radiation penetrating through a shielding medium will be absorbed according to the general correlation, E = Eo x e^ µ(gama) (6), E means the radiation energy behind the shield, Eo the energy of emission at the source, the absorption coefficient of the shielding medium and r the traveling distance through the medium. In the present case, it makes sense to take the modified HUBBLE-constant H/c as a cosmic photon absorption coefficient and r as traveling distance of a stream of photons through the Universe. The energy of photons emitted by a heat source corresponds to the well-known correlation, E = kxT (7), T: the surface temperature of the source k: is the BOLTZMANN-constant On the other hand, the photon energy corresponds to PLANCKs equation, E = h x n (8), h is the PLANCK-constant and n the frequency of the photons. From equations (6), (7), and (8) follow the correlations, n/no = T/To and E / Eo = e-H/c . r (9). Referring to the previous equations (1) and (2), one finds that the cosmic redshift ratio equals z = e H/c . r – 1 (10). The distance of a cosmic radiation source therefore can be estimated from its redshift ratio according to r = 1 / H/c x ln (z + 1) (11), with H/c = 0. 00007 per million light-year. For a redshift ratio of z=1, for instance, one finds 9. 9 billion light-years, and for z=5 a cosmic distance of 25. 6 billion light-years. Conclusion: -According to this new theory more accurate age of universe can be calculated -In contrast to the traditional redshift theory, the present new physics of cosmic redshift doesn’t show any upper limit of ‘z’ or any restricted age of our Universe respectively. Referring to the aforementioned equations, the cosmic redshift ratio also equals, z = To/T – 1 (12), i. e. it is proportional to the ratio of the surface temperature of a cosmic radiation source To and its apparent temperature T observed on Earth. The light rays from a remote cluster of galaxies at an average surface temperature of about 5800 °K as our sun would show the apparent temperature of 970 °K (700 °C) on Earth, when arriving from a cosmic distance of z=5 or 25. 6 billion light-years. This cluster, of which most of the photons got lost on the way to Earth, would be invisible to ordinary optical telescopes. However, cosmic radiation sources of much higher surface temperatures or bigger emission energy like supernova explosions would still be visible over such extraordinary distances, which largely exceed the age of our Universe as postulated from the big-bang hypothesis. taken from the paper itself) -In contrast to the conventional theory of cosmic redshift, the present new physics does not present any difficulty to explain those observations. In addition, this physics still offers another interesting conclusion.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Outline Academics Contexts Where English Is Important English Language Essay
Outline Academics Contexts Where English Is Important English Language Essay Oral presentation is synonyms with public speaking or speechmaking. Its may describe as a public speaking which is mean as delivering an address to a public audience. Public speaking also is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence or entertain the listeners. Oral presentation also means as a verbal presentation to a lecturer and possibly other students by an individual student. It may be on a topic researched by the student in the published literature or summary of project work undertaken. Oral presentations mostly deliver in English language. This is show how important to dominate the English language. Outline academics contexts where English is important Firstly, it is agreed that English are importance because English are the worldwide languages. English are the only language that truly links the whole world together. If not for English, the whole world may not be as united as it is today. The other languages may be important for their local values and culture. English can be used as a language in any part of the world. This is because at least a few people in each locality would know the language. Though these people might not have the same accent as others, the language at least will be understandable. When a person travels to another part of the world either for the sake of business or even as a tourist, the languages may differ. In these conditions, English is the language that helps people to deal with the situation. It is like a universal language. In countries like India, where the land is so vast with people of various cultures live, the languages of each part of the country also differ. Under the circumstances, English can be the only link as people in each place will not be able to learn all the other languages to communicate with the people. English bridges this gap and connects the people. The presence of English as a universal language assumes importance in the fact that more and more people leave their countries not only for the sake of business and pleasure, but also for studying. Education has increased the role of English. People who go to another country to study can only have English as their medium of study. This is because the individual will not be able to learn a subject in the local language of the country. This again reinforces the fact that English language is very important. All correspondences between offices in different countries and also between political leaders of various countries are in English. This linking factor also tells of the importance of English language. In spite of the growth of Internet in various languages, English is the mainstay of the Internet users. This is the language in which most of the information and websites are available. It is very difficult to translate each and every relevant webpage into the language of various countries. With Internet becoming very important in E-commerce and also in education, English language is bound to grow. Thus the importance of English as a language is emphasized. Speech in academic context In academic context speech has been very important. This is because when the teachers want to deliver their syllabus to the student they had to give speech to the student. In this situation of communication is same as transactional model. When student not understand they had to ask a question to the teacher and the teacher answer the question. This shows the process of transactional model communication use in academic. Need for speech training in English There is important to do speech training before doing an oral presentation. It is important to make sure that the pronunciation is correct so that the audience could understand the speech. Speech training also important because can make the speaker ready during the speech this is because when the speaker not ready they can lose their concentration during the speech. This can make the speaker feel nervous when they are not 100% ready. It is said that the voice projection also important during speech. This is because our audience can hear very clearly otherwise they feel sleepy and boring during our speeches. It is need to train our voice projection before speech. Speech training can avoid long pause and to prevent of using fillers such as um or er. Academic and professional public speaking skills and strategies Content of presentation Firstly what it is said is to have the content of presentation before start our speech. Choose a topic and know what to say during then speeches. Write down the content or scratch it to fit the content within the time limit. Think carefully about how much information that can reasonably present in the time allowed and select the most important point. The content must need to hold the interest and attention of the audience. Many people lose interest towards the end of presentations that contain too much information. Think carefully about the key points that us want to get across and build our presentation around them. Some kinds of information, such as technical explanations and tables of figures, are difficult for listeners to absorb during a presentation. Think about summarizing this kind of information or referring the listeners to a document they can read after the presentation. It is agreed that need to prepare the content of a presentation and think carefully about the key point s to make it easy to the audience to understand. Structure of presentation Most presentations will consist of an introduction, the body of the talk and a conclusion. Good presentations raise questions in the listeners mind. Good speakers encourage questions both during and after the presentation and are prepared to answer them. Introduction of presentation A good introduction can attracts and focuses the attention of the audience. It is also puts the speaker and audience at ease. It can explain the purpose of the talk and what the speaker would like to archive. It also gives an overview of the key points of the talk. It is often a good idea to begin a talk with a question, a short story, an interesting fact about your topic or an unusual visual aid. Many speakers follow this with an overhead transparency that shows the title, aim and outline of the talk. It is often a good idea to begin a talk with a question, a short story, an interesting fact about your topic or an unusual visual aid. Many speakers follow this with an overhead transparency that shows the title, aim and outline of the talk. The body of presentation The body of a presentation must be presented in a logical order that is easy for the audience to follow and natural of the topic. Divide the content into sections and make sure that the audience knows where they are at any time during the speeches. It is often a good idea to pause between main sections of the speeches. It is agreed to ask for questions, sum up the point or explain what the next point will be. It good to has an OHT with an outline of the talk on it, and can put this on the projector briefly and point to the next section. Examples, details and visual aids add interest to a presentation and help to get the message through. Conclusion of presentation It is important to have a good conclusion. This can reminds the audience of the key points and can reinforces the message. The conclusion should end the presentation on a positive note and make the audience feel that have used their time well listening to our speech. Questions of presentation Many speakers worry about questions from the audience. However, questions show that the audience is interested in the speeches and can make the talk more lively and interactive. Delivery of presentation Voice quality Voice is your main channel of communication to the audience, so make sure use it to its best effect. Volume Voice volume need to be loud and clear. Adjust the volume to the size of the room and make sure the people at the back can hear. In a big room take deep breaths and try to project the voice rather than shout. Speed and fluency Speak at a rate so the audience can understand the points. Do not speed up because have too much material to fit into the time available. Try not to leave long pauses while looking at the notes or use fillers such as um or er. Use pauses to allow the audience to digest an important point. Repeat or rephrase difficult or important points to make sure the audience understands. Clarity Speak clearly. Face the audience and hold the head up. Look directly at the members of the audience while deliver speeches to make the speeches clearly hear. Keep away notes and keep in eyes on the audience when are talking about overhead transparencies. When looking at the whiteboard or the overhead projector, stop a little bit and continue speech when ready to face the audience again. Pronunciation Before making the speech it is important to improve the pronunciation. Try to know how to pronounce names and difficult words. This is because to make audience understand the speech. Engaging the audience One of the secrets of a good presentation is to involve the audience. Maintain eye contact Try to look to audience in the eyes. Spread the eye contact around the audience including those at the back and sides of the room. Avoid looking at anyone too long because this can be intimidating. Ask for feedback Try to involve the audience by asking occasional questions. Try to ask genuine questions to which are not know the answer and show interest in any replies. Leave time for the audience to think and try to avoid answering the questions by ourselves or telling members of the audience that their answers are wrong. Questions to the audience work well when manage to make those who answer them feel that they have contributed to the presentation. Try to pause occasionally to ask if anyone has any questions. If a question disrupts the flow of the speech too much, try to answer it later (but dont forget to do it). Before asking for questions, make sure the speaker are ready to pick up their presentation again when the Q A session has finished. Look confident It is natural to feel nervous in front of an audience. Experienced speakers avoid looking nervous by breathing deeply, speaking slowly and avoiding unnecessary gestures or movements. Smiling and focusing attention on members of the audience who show interest can also help the speaker feel more confident when deliver speeches. Preparing overhead transparencies (OHTs) of presentation Purpose The aim of using transparencies is to support the points when making the speech. The audience will be able to follow better if they can see the key points and examples as well as hearing them. OHTs can Reinforce a point that have made Show what something looks like Illustrate relationships Show information patterns Present figures or graphs Summarize key points Help the audience follow passages or quotations OHTs are not the only form of visual aid available to the speaker. For example, if the speaker want to show what something looks like, it may be better to show the audience the thing itself rather than a picture of it. Design To be effective, OHTs must be attractive and easy to read. Some basic rules are: Use large fonts and images Present one key point or example per OHT Use headings and bullet points in preference to lines of text Use strong colors and dont use too many Use simple graphs in preference to tables of figures Pay attention to layout. Use the centre of the OHT rather than the edges Using overhead projectors Overhead projectors are designed to allow the speaker to project an image while facing the audience. The image may be a picture or graphic, notes indicating the points related to the speech. Whenever use an OHT, the attention of the audience will be divided between then speaker and the image, so there are a few basic rules to follow: Make sure the image can be seen. If possible go to the room in advance and check that everything on the OHTs can be read easily from the back of the room. If possible, make sure the projector is in a convenient position. Decide where the speakers want to stand when speaking and then position the projector where the speakers can get to it easily. This will usually be on the side of the body that normally use for writing (i.e. left side if left-handed) Keep the slides in order in a pile next to the projector and put them back in order in another pile as the speaker take them off the projector. If possible, control the lighting in the room so that there is always a light shining on the speaker. If the OHTs are easy to read, there is no need to turn off the lights. During the presenting, avoid looking at the projected image and the transparency on the projector. It is a good idea to print out the slides on paper to keep with the notes so that can refer to them while deliver the speech. If want to draw attention to a point on an OHT, put a pen on top of it and leave it pointing at the point that the speaker want to draw attention to. Dont point with the finger because this will have to look at the projector while do so. If want the audience to read longer texts on OHTs (e.g. quotations or tables of figures) give them time to do so. There is no point in putting an OHT on the projector if the audience does not have time to read it. Make sure explain the content and purpose of each OHT. The main rule is to use OHTs to support the point during presentation. Dont let them dominate it. OHTs and handouts Some speakers give handouts for the audience to read while they are talking. The advantage of OHTs over handouts is that they focus attention on the presentation. It is often a good idea to wait until the end of the presentation before distributing the handout. Often members of the audience want to note down points from the OHTs. This can distract them from following the presentation, so it is a good idea to distribute information that the audience will want to note down on handout. As soon as someone starts taking notes, tell the audience that they do not need to do so because they will get the information on the handout. Using notes during the speech One of the decisions before giving a presentation is how to remember what are the speakers going to say. Experienced presenters use a variety of methods. On this page we outline the advantages and disadvantages of each. It is up to the speaker to decide which is best for the speech. Speaking without notes Some presenters do not use notes at all. They just remember the outline of what they are going to say and talk. Advantages: If the speaker does it well, they will seem natural, knowledgeable and confident of the topic. They will also find it easier to establish rapport with the audience because they can give them a full attention. Disadvantages: It is easy to lose the thread, miss out whole sections of the talk or to go over the time limit. People who speak without notes often fail to convey a clear idea of the structure of their ideas to the audience. This is a high-risk strategy. A few people can present effectively without notes. Reading from a script Some experienced presenters write down every word they intend to say. They may read the whole script aloud or they may just use it as a back-up. Advantages: It is easier to keep within the time limit if there is likely to less nervous and make fewer mistakes. Disadvantages: It is difficult to establish rapport with the audience. This may sound like reading aloud rather than speaking to an audience. Listeners often lose interest in a presentation that is read aloud. This is a low-risk strategy employed by many experienced non-native speaker presenters. If the speakers use it, they will need to develop the skill of reading aloud while still sounding natural. Few people can do this effectively. Note cards Many presenters write down headings and key points on cards or paper. They use them as reminders of what they are going to say. Advantages: It is easier to establish rapport with the audience. The presentation will be structured but the speaker will sound natural. Disadvantages: It is difficult to keep within the time limit. If the notes are too brief, there is possibility to forget what are intended to say. This is a medium-risk strategy used by many experienced presenters and the one most often recommended. The disadvantages of note cards can be overcome if practice before the speech. Conclusion There is important for us to know what oral presentation is because someday we are going to deliver the speech. We must prepare our knowledge on oral presentation so when time is come we can handle speech very well. We also need to improve our English Language and learn more about grammar and pronunciation because English are important to use in oral presentation.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Legal and Ethical Responsibilities. Essay -- Business and Management S
Legal and Ethical Responsibilities. Direct Discrimination :- something like putting in the job advertisement â€Å"women need not apply†. Indirect Discrimination :- saying there’s a height limit such as a 6’4†. This will limit who can apply for the job. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 makes sex discrimination unlawful in employment, vocational training, education, the provision and sale of goods, facilities and services and premises. In employment and vocational training, it is also unlawful to discriminate against someone on the grounds that a person is married or, from December 2005, a civil partner, or on the grounds of gender reassignment. The Sex Discrimination Act prohibits direct and indirect discrimination and victimisation. Although not yet mentioned in the Act, case law has established that harassment/sexual harassment and discrimination because a woman is pregnant or on maternity leave are unlawful. Equal Pay Act 1970 The Equal Pay Act 1970 makes it unlawful for employers to discriminate between men and women where they are doing the same or similar work; work rated as equivalent; or work which is of equal value though different in nature. It covers both pay and other terms and conditions such as output and bonus payments, holidays and sick leave. European law has confirmed that the concept of equal pay prevents discrimination in relation to redundancy payments, travel concessions, employers’ pension contributions and occupational pension benefits. The Equal Pay Act applies to pay or benefits provided by the contract of employment. The Sex Discrimination Act covers non-contractual arrangements including benefits such as discretionary access to a workplace nursery or travel concessions. The Act does not give anyone the right to claim equal pay with a person of the same sex. In other words, any comparison must be with a person of the opposite sex. Racial Discrimination Race discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably on the grounds of race, colour, and nationality, ethnic or national origin. It is unlawful to discriminate against any worker on racial grounds. The Race Relations Act 1976 makes it unlawful to discriminate in:  · recruitment  · pay (including bonuses and shift premiums)  · other terms and conditions (e.g. holidays)  · ac... ...use she works part-time and he works full-time is unlikely to be a good defence to an equal pay claim. Parental Leave You have the right to take 13 weeks’ leave in respect of every child born after 15 December 1999. You must take the leave either before the child reaches his fifth birthday or five years have elapsed following his placement for adoption (or before his eighteenth birthday if earlier) or, in the case of a disabled child, before the child’s eighteenth birthday. Your employment continues during your leave. You have the right to return to your old job if your leave period lasted 4 weeks or less. If you took longer leave and it is not possible for you to return to your old job, you have the right to return to a similar job which has the same or better status, terms and conditions as your previous job. If you took parental leave immediately after an ordinary maternity leave, you are entitled to return to your old job. If the parental leave followed an additional maternity and it is not reasonably possible for you then to return to your old job, you have the right to return to a job with similar or better status, terms and conditions as your old post.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
As our society continues to advance, our technology does too. One of the most recent inventions of the food system are GMOs .GMOs are organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These genetically modified organisms are seen to have both negative and positive effects in our society.One of the many examples of genetically modified animals are chickens. The main effect that chickens have on humans is the amount of chemicals are put inside them affects the human system. According to an online article written by Ultius , there is a bacteria that was created in the early 1900s that makes the chickens grow at a faster rate in order for companies to produce more chicken products at a faster and lower cost. The effects of these decisions were not studied early on, however, as time went on we have seen that there is a rise for health defects that are brought on because of these bacterias being placed inside chickens. Our bodies were made to intake natural ingredients, now these ingredients are no longer found in any of the food we intake. There has been studies that show that our food is one of the biggest causes of cancer. A documentary titled â€Å"What the Health†speaks of the truth that is hidden from the consumer about their food. In the documentary a young man goes on a journey to bring light into the issues that go on with our food. He later finds that many of the government associations that are meant to be supporting healthy eating are instead promoting it. Because GMOs help animals grow faster, the producer is able to make more money off the product in a faster rate. Although, we often don't want to accept it most of the things in life are businesses; even feeding people. We would rather feed people something that can make them sick or hurt them if it means these big companies are Martinez 3making more money for it. The business of GMOs has grown so big throughout the world that it is very rare and expensive to buy organic food because there not enough people supporting the idea behind local-GMO-free farms. This isn't only bad for the humans health but for the chickens. Chickens size in 1957 used to be 905 grams but now they have increased up to 4,202 grams which is about 9.2 pounds , chickens die because of their size and can't walk without getting tired or resting. They feed chickens so they could have bigger breast. Chickens are mistreated, they are put in a tight cage that they don't even fit in, this has cause them to break their legs because they are to big to fit in that cage. Chickens aren't the ones that are getting modified but the crops are. The chickens may also include viruses and bacteria.when they feed the chickens the crops contain chemicals which is not safe. Although there are many negatives to genetically modified chickens there can also be positive impacts to our society because of this animals. According to Techrepublic this doesn't only help grow more food but it has a positive impact on economies, and social perspective. This doesn't only benefit humans but it also helps to stop the H5N1 which is a bird flu. Since the chickens are bigger and help give us more food it helps humans to consume. When you go to the store to buy chicken their breast are bigger than usual so you get to eat more . Since the crops that they feed to chickens are modified it's more environmentally-friendly that results in more sustainable food product and Genetically modified crops require less fertilizer and fewer pesticides. There's not that many benefits for the chickens but there's a really huge advantages for the farmers and consumers. The genetically modified Chickens help farmers make more money because they spend less money producing more food. This also helps out companies/ Martinez 4 restaurants. For example KFC , their chicken had been modified because when you get their.chicken breast they are the size of your hand, but we get more food out of it and even get leftovers so we could eat that later again and save some money. So this also helps benefit us because not only do we get more food but it helps our environment and makes it look beautiful and healthy , it contributes to the sustaining of better air and water quality. There are many Pros and Cons about this issue. For us students at Olympian High School this issue is being talked about everywhere in school. The senior class is reading †Farm Sanctuary†a book written by activist and owner of a non-profit organization that focuses on raising awareness for the abuse of animals and the GMOs being used in our food. My sister is currently a senior and is also part of the Common Senior Experience committee, she has told me about meeting Gene Baur, the author of the book. As our society advances problems start to come up more and more; now more than ever is this issue being talked about. The main cause of diseases now comes from our own choice. Big organizations continue to tell us that we have to be careful with what we eat, however, many people don't have the resources to do so. Organic and GMO-free food is expensive and often hard to find in everyday grocery stores. Even as children we have a hard time eating healthy because many of us do not get to decide what we eat because our parents make it for us and we have no choice in whether we want to eat it or not. There are many negative parts to this issue, but maybe if we were given simple solutions that everyone, no matter their social status could use, we could eat better and also help the animals. Gene Baur suggested growing a garden outside you home with fresh fruits and vegetables; although, doing this is a lot of work the benefits outweigh the cost. Starting a garden can help Martinez 5you get free healthy food that does not harm the animals. There isn't a big price tag that comes along with it either, buying seeds from stores costs as much as 79 cents. People can take different stands on the issue and solutions are very hard to find especially since this has become such a natural thing in our environment, but nothing is impossible to do. In conclusion Genetically modified organisms are one of the most advanced technology in the world. GMOs not only have negative but also positive impact in people, farmers, environment and chickens.This is a big issue in society that is affecting everyone that has both negative and positive impacts. Source cited: â€Å"The Dangers Of Eating Genetically Modified Chickens†By Dante, Published september 11 2014.†Why Have Chickens Quadrupled In Size Since The 1950s?†By Melissa Cronin, Published October 7, 2014.†Genetically Modified Chickens†By Seattle Organic Restaurants. â€Å"Farm Sanctuary†Gene Boura GMO Essay Galilea Martinez 2/17/2018Mr.DavisPeriod 6 Martinez 2As our society continues to advance, our technology does too. One of the most recent inventions of the food system are GMOs .GMOs are organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These genetically modified organisms are seen to have both negative and positive effects in our society.One of the many examples of genetically modified animals are chickens. The main effect that chickens have on humans is the amount of chemicals are put inside them affects the human system. According to an online article written by Ultius , there is a bacteria that was created in the early 1900s that makes the chickens grow at a faster rate in order for companies to produce more chicken products at a faster and lower cost. The effects of these decisions were not studied early on, however, as time went on we have seen that there is a rise for health defects that are brought on because of these bacterias being placed inside chickens. Our bodies were made to intake natural ingredients, now these ingredients are no longer found in any of the food we intake. There has been studies that show that our food is one of the biggest causes of cancer. A documentary titled â€Å"What the Health†speaks of the truth that is hidden from the consumer about their food. In the documentary a young man goes on a journey to bring light into the issues that go on with our food. He later finds that many of the government associations that are meant to be supporting healthy eating are instead promoting it. Because GMOs help animals grow faster, the producer is able to make more money off the product in a faster rate. Although, we often don't want to accept it most of the things in life are businesses; even feeding people. We would rather feed people something that can make them sick or hurt them if it means these big companies are Martinez 3making more money for it. The business of GMOs has grown so big throughout the world that it is very rare and expensive to buy organic food because there not enough people supporting the idea behind local-GMO-free farms. This isn't only bad for the humans health but for the chickens. Chickens size in 1957 used to be 905 grams but now they have increased up to 4,202 grams which is about 9.2 pounds , chickens die because of their size and can't walk without getting tired or resting. They feed chickens so they could have bigger breast. Chickens are mistreated, they are put in a tight cage that they don't even fit in, this has cause them to break their legs because they are to big to fit in that cage. Chickens aren't the ones that are getting modified but the crops are. The chickens may also include viruses and bacteria.when they feed the chickens the crops contain chemicals which is not safe. Although there are many negatives to genetically modified chickens there can also be positive impacts to our society because of this animals. According to Techrepublic this doesn't only help grow more food but it has a positive impact on economies, and social perspective. This doesn't only benefit humans but it also helps to stop the H5N1 which is a bird flu. Since the chickens are bigger and help give us more food it helps humans to consume. When you go to the store to buy chicken their breast are bigger than usual so you get to eat more . Since the crops that they feed to chickens are modified it's more environmentally-friendly that results in more sustainable food product and Genetically modified crops require less fertilizer and fewer pesticides. There's not that many benefits for the chickens but there's a really huge advantages for the farmers and consumers. The genetically modified Chickens help farmers make more money because they spend less money producing more food. This also helps out companies/ Martinez 4 restaurants. For example KFC , their chicken had been modified because when you get their.chicken breast they are the size of your hand, but we get more food out of it and even get leftovers so we could eat that later again and save some money. So this also helps benefit us because not only do we get more food but it helps our environment and makes it look beautiful and healthy , it contributes to the sustaining of better air and water quality. There are many Pros and Cons about this issue. For us students at Olympian High School this issue is being talked about everywhere in school. The senior class is reading †Farm Sanctuary†a book written by activist and owner of a non-profit organization that focuses on raising awareness for the abuse of animals and the GMOs being used in our food. My sister is currently a senior and is also part of the Common Senior Experience committee, she has told me about meeting Gene Baur, the author of the book. As our society advances problems start to come up more and more; now more than ever is this issue being talked about. The main cause of diseases now comes from our own choice. Big organizations continue to tell us that we have to be careful with what we eat, however, many people don't have the resources to do so. Organic and GMO-free food is expensive and often hard to find in everyday grocery stores. Even as children we have a hard time eating healthy because many of us do not get to decide what we eat because our parents make it for us and we have no choice in whether we want to eat it or not. There are many negative parts to this issue, but maybe if we were given simple solutions that everyone, no matter their social status could use, we could eat better and also help the animals. Gene Baur suggested growing a garden outside you home with fresh fruits and vegetables; although, doing this is a lot of work the benefits outweigh the cost. Starting a garden can help Martinez 5you get free healthy food that does not harm the animals. There isn't a big price tag that comes along with it either, buying seeds from stores costs as much as 79 cents. People can take different stands on the issue and solutions are very hard to find especially since this has become such a natural thing in our environment, but nothing is impossible to do. In conclusion Genetically modified organisms are one of the most advanced technology in the world. GMOs not only have negative but also positive impact in people, farmers, environment and chickens. This is a big issue in society that is affecting everyone that has both negative and positive impacts. Source citedâ€Å"The Dangers Of Eating Genetically Modified Chickens†By Dante, Published september 11 2014.â€Å"Why Have Chickens Quadrupled In Size Since The 1950s?†By Melissa Cronin, Published October 7, 2014.â€Å"Genetically Modified Chickens†By Seattle Organic Restaurants.â€Å"Farm Sanctuary†Gene Boura GMO Essay Galilea Martinez 2/17/2018Mr.DavisPeriod 6
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Bauhaus Notes essays
The Bauhaus Notes essays When Walter Gropius resigned as the head of the Bauhaus in 1930, Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe (1886-1969) became its director, moving it to Berlin before political pressures forced it to close in 1933. In his architecture and furniture he made a clear and elegant statement of the International Style, so much so that his work had enormous influence on modern architecture. Taking his motto "less is more" and calling his architecture "skin and bones," his aesthetic was already fully formed in the model for a glass skyscraper office building he concieved in 1921. Working with glass provided him with new freedom and many new possiblities. In the glass model, three irreguarly shaped towers flow outward from a central court. The perimeter walls are wholly transparent, the regular horizontal patterning of the cantilevered floor panes and their thin vertical supporting elements. The weblike delicacy of the lines of the glass model, its radiance, and the illusion of movement created by reflection and by light changes seen through it prefigure many of the glass skyscrapers of major cities throughout the world. Georg Muche's Haus am Horn, the model house for the Bauhaus exibition in 1923, was the first house he had ever designed. It is an extraordinary little Modernist Villa, classical in its own way. As the floor plan shows, it was designed for a single family with young children and no servants. The living room stands at the centre of the house, surrounded by all the other, much smaller rooms and lit by clerestory windows above. The surrounding rooms are linked in a logical way for middle-class households (the man's and the woman's rooms both lead into the bathroom, the womans room connects with the nursery and so on). M...
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Find Your Birth Parent or Child
How to Find Your Birth Parent or Child It is estimated that 2% of the U.S. population, or about 6 million Americans, are adoptees. Including biological parents, adoptive parents, and siblings, this means that 1 in 8 Americans are directly touched by adoption. Surveys show that a large majority of these adoptees and birth parents have, at some point, actively searched for biological parents or children separated by adoption. They search for many different reasons, including medical knowledge, the desire to know more about the individuals life, or a major life event, such as the death of an adoptive parent or the birth of a child. The most common reason given, however, is genetic curiosity - a desire to find what a birth parent or child looks like, their talents, and their personality. Whatever your reasons for deciding to start an adoption search, it is important to realize that it will most likely be a difficult, emotional adventure, full of amazing highs and frustrating lows. Once youre ready to undertake an adoption search, however, these steps will help you get started on the journey. How to Begin an Adoption Search The first objective of an adoption search is to discover the names of the birth parents who gave you up for adoption, or the identity of the child you relinquished. What do you already know? Just like a genealogy search, an adoption search begins with yourself. Write down everything you know about your birth and adoption, from the name of the hospital in which you were born to the agency which handled your adoption.Approach your adoptive parents. The best place to turn next is your adoptive parents. They are the ones most likely to hold possible clues. Write down every bit of information they can provide, no matter how insignificant it may seem. If you feel comfortable, then you can also approach other relatives and family friends with your questions.Collect your information in one place. Gather together all available documents. Ask your adoptive parents or contact the appropriate government official for documents such as an amended birth certificate, petition for adoption, and the final decree of adoption.Medical historyHealth statusCause of and age at deathHeight, weight, eye, hair colorEthnic originsLevel of educationProfessional achievementR eligion Ask for your non-identifying information. Contact the Agency or the State that handled your adoption for your non-identifying information. This non-identifying information will be released to the adoptee, adoptive parents, or birth parents, and may include clues to help you in your adoption search. The amount of information varies depending upon the details that were recorded at the time of the birth and adoption. Each agency, governed by state law and agency policy, releases what is considered appropriate and non-identifying, and may include details on the adoptee, adoptive parents, and birth parents such as: on some occasions, this non-identifying information may also include the parents ages at time of birth, the age and sex of other children, hobbies, general geographical location, and even the reasons for the adoption.Sign up for adoption registries. Register in State and National Reunion Registries, also known as Mutual Consent Registries, which are maintained by the government or private individuals. These registries work by allowing each member of the adoption triad to register, hoping to be matched with someone else who might be searching for them. One of the best is the International Soundex Reunion Registry (ISRR). Keep your contact information updated and re-search registries on a regular basis. Join an adoption support group or mailing list. Beyond supplying much needed emotional support, adoption support groups can also provide you with information concerning current laws, new search techniques, and up-to-date information. Adoption search angels may also be available to assist with your adoption search.Hire a confidential intermediary. If youre very serious about your adoption search and have the financial resources (there is usually a substantial fee involved), consider petitioning for the services of a Confidential Intermediary (CI). Many states and provinces have instituted intermediary or search and consent systems to allow adoptees and birth parents the ability to contact each other through mutual consent. The CI is given access to the complete court and/or agency file and, using the information contained in it, attempts to locate the individuals. If and when contact is made by the intermediary, the person found is given the option of allowing or refusing contact by t he party searching. The CI then reports the results to the court; if the contact has been refused that ends the matter. If the person located agrees to contact, the court will authorize the CI to give the name and current address of the person sought to the adoptee or birth parent. Check with the state in which your adoption occurred as to the availability of a Confidential Intermediary System. Once youve identified the name and other identifying information on your birth parent or adoptee, your adoption search can be conducted in much the same way as any other search for living people.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition Essay Essay Example
Definition Essay Essay Example Definition Essay Essay Definition Essay Essay SANTELICES, Rhey Elmerson S. ENGLCOM EW2 Definition Essay Draft August 16, 2011 Death is the one thing in life we can be sure about and that is why religions have beliefs about what it means. Everything else might happen to us: we might get married, be rich, be happy, have children, open our own business or travel the world, but the only real certainty is that we will die. The major western religion Christianity has borrowed heavily from the Egyptian model of what happens after death. The idea of final judgment, physical resurrection and heaven being a garden with a river running through it, are all ideas borrowed from the Egyptians. We must also remember that mans life is in Gods Hands. Only He determines the moment of death and the destiny of every soul on separation from the flesh. For this reason, attempts to produce experiments in this field are in conflict with the Will of God and bring the experimenter into contact with the fallen spirits of that world. Christians believe fervently that there is a life after death on earth. While the actual nature of this life is not known, Christians believe that many spiritual experiences in this life help to give them some idea of what eternal life will be like. Christianity has historically taught that everyone has only a single life on earth. After death, an eternal life awaits everyone either in Heaven or Hell. There is no suffering in Heaven; only joy. Torture is eternal without any hope of cessation for the inhabitants of Hell. The overwhelming majority of mainstream Christian denominations rejects the notion of reincarnation and considers the theory to challenge basic tenets of their beliefs. In standard Christian theology, the soul is an individual entity which is totally separate from other souls and can become totally separate from God. There is one God and a plurality of souls. Every person has exactly one soul. In the Genesis version, as believed by young earth creationist theologians, humans were created on the Saturday of the first week, after God had created land, sea, stars, planets, birds, beasts, fishes, etc. , during the previous Monday to Friday. Since only humans have souls, all these features existed quite concretely in the absence of observers. In contrast, theologians who believe in evolution subscribe to the soul-injection theory, which states that There came a moment in the evolution of hominids when God intervened and injected a human soul into a previously animal lineage. All the features of the world existed in the absence of souls, in this case for many hundreds of millions of years rather than one working week. So, to the Christian, reality is totally objective and souls have no part in determining the existence of the real world. If Jesus is the only way to God, it is because the salvation of the person, body and spirit, is a hope profoundly different from all other religious hope. It gives a new dimension to salvation not found anywhere else. Spiritual life is walking after the spirit by the spirit, focused on the spirit, exercising and strengthening our spirit, substantiating things unseen. Such is the life, in Christ Jesus, the only help that could ever work, authentically, for us helpless sinners in achieving victorious life: with Christ, Christ in me, and for Christ. Resurrection means to return back in the same physical body with the same face. Rebirth is when a soul which resides in a human body returns back to another human body after the previous bodys death. Now to begin with no one knows what happens to the soul after it leaves the body, so for arguments sake, for a soul to return, it requires a body which can sustain it, which evidently is not a rotten corpse which is nothing but decayed bones, whereas a newborn or a foetus is much more apt for a soul to make it its dwelling. So from a rational point of view isnt it more appropriate for a soul to take rebirth rather than claim the old rotten body it once used to reside in. Belief in the resurrection of the dead, and Jesus Christs role as judge of the dead, is codified in the Apostles Creed, which is the fundamental creed of Christian baptismal faith. The Book of Revelation also makes many references about the Day of Judgment when the dead will be raised up. However, there are also many Christians who do not believe that individual consciousness continues after death, and a higher number who do not believe in a place or condition of eternal punishment for sins. Christians believe there is an afterlife. Christian views of the afterlife generally involve heaven and hell, with Catholicism adding an intermediate realm of purgatory. Except for purgatory, these realms are usually assumed to be eternal. Although the body dies and is buried or cremated, they believe that their unique soul lives on and is raised to new life by God. Christians believe that God is just and fair, and so cannot let evil go unpunished. Most believe in the idea of judgement after death, and that God will treat people in the afterlife according to how they lived their life on earth. Historically, Christianity has taught Heaven as a place of eternal life, in that it is a shared plane to be attained by all the elect. Roman Catholics believe that entering Purgatory after death cleanses one of sin period of suffering until ones nature is perfected, which makes one acceptable to enter heaven. This is valid for venial sin only, as mortal sins can be forgiven only through the act of reconciliation and repentance while on earth. In Protestant Christian sects, eternal life depends upon the sinner receiving Gods grace through faith in Jesus death for their sins, see atonement, his resurrection as the Christ, and accepting his Lordship authority and guidance over their lives. If the soul could satisfy the gods, the soul was straightway gathered into the fold of Osiris. But if it could not, if it was found wanting when weighed in the heavenly balances, then it was cast into a hell, to be rent to shreds of the Devouress. For only the righteous souls, only the guiltless, were thought to be deserving of life everlasting. The concept of heaven and hell in traditional Christianity heavily depends on the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. The Bible is even less specific about hell, and Christians have very different ideas about this too. Some Christians believe that hell is a place of suffering, and of separation from God. Others believe that hell is a spiritual state of being separated from God for eternity. The word Salvation signifies deliverance from actual trouble or threatening danger. Salvation is the gift of God given by a covenant with man where God acts by grace to save man from the slavery and evil effects of sin. Only in Christianity is this path of Salvation made clear by Gods covenant with man through Jesus Christ who is the sacrifice of God for the sins of the whole world. Christians believe that salvation was made possible by the sacrificial death of Christ by crucifixion. The word atonement, one of the few theological words of English origin, is used to describe this concept. The verb atone derives from the adverb at one, and therefore means to reconcile. The notion of deification is based on the perspective that when Christ was incarnate in the man Jesus, he did take on just one human nature, but all of human nature. He thus made it possible for the reverse to occur for humans to participate in the divine nature. The Son of God, as the one through whom the process of creation was fulfilled, came down from heaven into the world and became
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Answering Questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Answering Questions - Research Paper Example more, Swift also rose to a respected position in society, in league with Irish noblemen who maintained wealth, rental estates and worked with business leaders to promote commerce. During this period, many Irish landlords did not adequately maintain their rental properties and also used their resources to promote exportation of products rather than allocating them for domestic consumption. These noblemen were often criticized by the poor and disadvantaged for these behaviors due to the suffering it imposed. Swift, rather than flatly risking his position of respect in the community, chose to use irony to get his point across without angering nobleman landlords with direct accusations and statements. By adding humor to his rather harsh and critical essay, he could gain favor and keep his position of brotherhood with other well-to-do Irish and British citizens. Swift’s determination that the best course of action for curing the plight of the destitute was to use children as food for the impoverished, suggesting they be fattened like cattle to provide greater sustenance. The ironic approach to providing literary criticism was to shock audiences after they began to empathize with the situation of the impoverished. Much of this was due to Swift’s personality in which he labeled himself a person who served interests of human liberty and could not be imitated. These were direct self-observations on Swift’s self-written epitaph, therefore he wanted to use irony to distinguish himself from other satirists and authors as one who was innovative in approach and that would leave a lasting legacy on culture and society. Moreover, during this time period there were growing tensions between Ireland and the British Empire during a period where Britain was using its military might to consume regions and make them part of the Empire. Many of the aforementioned noblemen were loyal to the British throne and worked with ambassadors of the Crown to promote trade and business
Friday, October 18, 2019
Write about the picture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9
Write about the picture - Essay Example The colors are quite penetrating and forceful, particularly the white and the brown. There is not much of a contrast between the dark and light shades, the lines are blurred but very distinct. The viewers may have the feeling that they are observing a landscape, and the general impact is surreal. The impact of graphic closeness opposes the complicated strategies that were applied to the creation of the painting. Although this seems to be a hasty, spur-of-the-moment work, thorough analysis reveals that Vivian George perfected it in phases and picked and capitalized on her materials to highlight her imaginings and subtle meanings. As I look systematically at the painting, I am sometimes drawn to the light shades on the left, yet persistently returning to the center, where the whole image collapses into one indefinite appearance. This shift takes place mainly due to the contrast between the left and the right side, with the left side showing the few light touches. Most of the colors are vivid or quite saturated, and their contrast with one another also adds to the backward and forward movement of my eyes as I observe the details of the canvas. If the dark colors were not as saturated, greater emphasis would be on the left side of the canvas, it would hold greater ‘massâ⠂¬â„¢, and my eyes would focus at that side. Consequently, the composition of the painting would become uneven. The painting induces neither happiness nor sadness. The colors are intense, and pastel hues normally produce positive feelings, but I largely felt puzzled, and perhaps somewhat disordered. I would want to know more about the painting and the artist in order to understand the image. The colors are quite calm, and even the dark colors have lightness in them, yet the enclosing images show a natural landscape. Therefore, I believe this is what Vivian George is trying
CANCER PREVENTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CANCER PREVENTION - Essay Example Drug research has shown that tamoxifen and raloxifene have limits when it comes to patient acceptance (Goss et al., 2011). In addition, Aromatase inhibitors protect against contralateral breast cancers and show fewer side effects compared to tamoxifene in patients that are fighting with an early stage of cancer (Goss et al., 2011). With such progressive research it can predicted that the future of cancer prevention drugs is bright. Testicular cancer (TC) is a major problem among male cancer patients but it is one of the most curable cancers (Richardson et al., 2012). The survival rates of 100% have been observed in patients that undergo appropriate therapy and proper treatment (Richardson et al., 2012). The same study has also concluded through statistical data that there is an increased risk of developing testicular cancer in low income population (Richardson et al., 2012). The treatment and therapy is available but it is recommended that men should get an annual examination of their testicles to catch the disease at an early manageable state. Richardson et al. (2012) Testicular cancer: A narrative review of the role of socioeconomic position from risk to survivorship. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations. 30(1), p.
Psychology of personal adjustment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Psychology of personal adjustment - Term Paper Example The word adjustment is quite often used in our daily life. It refers to the establishment of a healthier relationship with the environment and others. No two individuals are alike. So, all the individuals behave or interact in their own ways. The right of one person may not be the right of the other person. Similarly the wrong of one person may not be the wrong of another person. This is because of the fact that different people may have different perceptions, thoughts and attitudes. Since man is a social animal, he needs to adjust with other people who possess different opinions, views etc. Same way, it is necessary for the people to adjust with the changing environment. The environment is not a static entity and it changes rapidly. A person who fails to adjust with such environmental changes may face difficulties in leading a successful life. In short, proper adjustments with the environment and others are necessary for a person to lead a successful life. It is difficult to see two people with same personality. Personality development depends on heredity and environmental factors. ... The adjustment ability of a person depends on so many factors such as the nature of the situation, his socioeconomic status, his physical and mental health, his personality etc. For example, different people may react to the death of a beloved one differently. This is because of the differences in abilities of the people with respect to the adjustments while facing tough life situations. The person who tackled the death of a beloved one with less worry may be said to be well adjusted. On the other hand some people may even develop mental disorders while facing the death of beloved ones. In this case, we said that the person was maladjusted. Adjustment is closely related with the mental health of a person. In fact adjustment can make or break a person. Better adjustments will always help the person in leading a successful life whereas maladjustments will destroy a person. People with good mental health will always adjust well whereas people with weak mental health will struggle to adj ust well. â€Å"To some, mental health implies living securely, enjoying life, being productive, and having a sturdy ego that is capable of withstanding stress. Others say that these properties are a prerequisite to mental health, but not mental health itself†(Adjustment Problems, n. d). In any case, it is an accepted fact that the ability to adjust well is a strong indication of better mental health. A person with better mental health will always take analyze things based on the realities of life. Facts will be the things which motivate such people rather than fiction. Mentally healthy people will always take decisions based on their wisdom rather than emotions. All these positive qualities help him to better adjust when he faces tough situations. Heredity and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
PROJECT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
PROJECT - Assignment Example The management has to determine and evaluate the performance of each employee which is difficult. Decreasing the labor force also demotivates the remaining work force which may result in poor performance and the management has to assure the remaining employees of a long term relationship and motivate them. This article will cover the strategies of reducing the workforce and include other changes that can be adopted to improve the overall performance of the organization (University of Washington n.d) We have to bear in mind the laws governing employment termination, treat the employees fairly, preserve and protect the employee’s dignity, make the reasons for termination confidential and handle the termination process professionally. We can adopt various strategies to measure the performance of the employees in order to know which employees should be terminated. The first measure is to determine the quantity in terms of units produced by the employee in case of a production industry which can be quantified. The other factor to be considered is the quality of the goods produced or the services offered. Quality can be determined by complaints received from customers, the output that has to be redone and the quantity of work rejected. Timeliness should be considered in terms of the speed of completion of activities. We should also evaluate the cases of delays of an employee in completing the tasks assigned and in the case of a manufacturing industry, determine the number of u nits produced per hour (Hakala 2008). We should as well consider the cost-effectiveness of each employee. This will determine the responsibility of each employee in terms of cost control over the organizational spending. This should also include misuse of organizational resources such as using organizational vehicles for personal convenience. We should evaluate absenteeism of
Lab Management Software Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Lab Management Software - Research Paper Example (Erhabor & Adias, 2012, p. xx) Key features included in Lab Management software (but not limited to) are workflow, data searching, flexible architecture, efficient data exchange interfaces, and remotely accessible. (Azad, Auer, & Harward, 2012, p. xx) These features completely "support its use in synchronized environments." These features and uses of Lab Management Software have shown advancement over the years from straightforward sample searching to an ERP tool that administers several features of laboratory processes. Lab Management Software is dynamic because of the evolving requirements of the modern laboratories. These requirements are evolving rapidly and vary from lab to lab. For this reason definition of LMS eventually depends on the interpretation by the entities or groups involved. A Laboratory Management System (LMS) is management software that enables us to efficiently manage samples and associated data to develop lab effectiveness. It automates flow of work, integrates equipments, and manages data and associated information. Labs using LMS increase their level of professionalism and their ability to meet up the requirements of customers in two ways. One is LMS helps labs produce precise and reproducible results quicker and more reliably and second is LMS helps lab to evaluate and improve operational efficiency by making data from sequential processes making it easier to store, quicker to track, and assess over time and across experiments. Some of the most familiar challenges may include; managing with the ongoing and significant increase in the throughput and volume of data associated with processing. Finding scalable methods to arrange and track samples and linked information. Managing connections between samples and linked information from the moment samples enter the lab to when data is processed. Reducing time expense that was spent during manual processing of samples. Storing and reproducing information associated
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Psychology of personal adjustment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Psychology of personal adjustment - Term Paper Example The word adjustment is quite often used in our daily life. It refers to the establishment of a healthier relationship with the environment and others. No two individuals are alike. So, all the individuals behave or interact in their own ways. The right of one person may not be the right of the other person. Similarly the wrong of one person may not be the wrong of another person. This is because of the fact that different people may have different perceptions, thoughts and attitudes. Since man is a social animal, he needs to adjust with other people who possess different opinions, views etc. Same way, it is necessary for the people to adjust with the changing environment. The environment is not a static entity and it changes rapidly. A person who fails to adjust with such environmental changes may face difficulties in leading a successful life. In short, proper adjustments with the environment and others are necessary for a person to lead a successful life. It is difficult to see two people with same personality. Personality development depends on heredity and environmental factors. ... The adjustment ability of a person depends on so many factors such as the nature of the situation, his socioeconomic status, his physical and mental health, his personality etc. For example, different people may react to the death of a beloved one differently. This is because of the differences in abilities of the people with respect to the adjustments while facing tough life situations. The person who tackled the death of a beloved one with less worry may be said to be well adjusted. On the other hand some people may even develop mental disorders while facing the death of beloved ones. In this case, we said that the person was maladjusted. Adjustment is closely related with the mental health of a person. In fact adjustment can make or break a person. Better adjustments will always help the person in leading a successful life whereas maladjustments will destroy a person. People with good mental health will always adjust well whereas people with weak mental health will struggle to adj ust well. â€Å"To some, mental health implies living securely, enjoying life, being productive, and having a sturdy ego that is capable of withstanding stress. Others say that these properties are a prerequisite to mental health, but not mental health itself†(Adjustment Problems, n. d). In any case, it is an accepted fact that the ability to adjust well is a strong indication of better mental health. A person with better mental health will always take analyze things based on the realities of life. Facts will be the things which motivate such people rather than fiction. Mentally healthy people will always take decisions based on their wisdom rather than emotions. All these positive qualities help him to better adjust when he faces tough situations. Heredity and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Lab Management Software Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Lab Management Software - Research Paper Example (Erhabor & Adias, 2012, p. xx) Key features included in Lab Management software (but not limited to) are workflow, data searching, flexible architecture, efficient data exchange interfaces, and remotely accessible. (Azad, Auer, & Harward, 2012, p. xx) These features completely "support its use in synchronized environments." These features and uses of Lab Management Software have shown advancement over the years from straightforward sample searching to an ERP tool that administers several features of laboratory processes. Lab Management Software is dynamic because of the evolving requirements of the modern laboratories. These requirements are evolving rapidly and vary from lab to lab. For this reason definition of LMS eventually depends on the interpretation by the entities or groups involved. A Laboratory Management System (LMS) is management software that enables us to efficiently manage samples and associated data to develop lab effectiveness. It automates flow of work, integrates equipments, and manages data and associated information. Labs using LMS increase their level of professionalism and their ability to meet up the requirements of customers in two ways. One is LMS helps labs produce precise and reproducible results quicker and more reliably and second is LMS helps lab to evaluate and improve operational efficiency by making data from sequential processes making it easier to store, quicker to track, and assess over time and across experiments. Some of the most familiar challenges may include; managing with the ongoing and significant increase in the throughput and volume of data associated with processing. Finding scalable methods to arrange and track samples and linked information. Managing connections between samples and linked information from the moment samples enter the lab to when data is processed. Reducing time expense that was spent during manual processing of samples. Storing and reproducing information associated
Debut albums Essay Example for Free
Debut albums Essay High School. Those two words can either bring fear or happiness to anyone. Besides college, the most life altering period in one’s lifetime is the four years we must go through to finally reach that milestone of getting a diploma. High school is that time to find yourself. It’s that time where you’re expected to conduct yourself like an adult, but you still get treated like a kid, a time of confusion. Because I cannot speak for everybody’s opinions about high school, I will just share mine. I’ve realized that there is no other place in this world where you will find such a large array of people other than a public high school. You have your jocks, your honors students, your geeks, your goths, your skaters, your princesses (a. k. a. cheerleaders), your drama kids, and then you have those kids that don’t really fit into any other category but â€Å"you know, those kids. †Logically, you would think that there is absolutely no way all of those different types of people could get along, but for some unknown reason we do. School is like a whole other separate community, a business community. The C. E. O. and head honchos are the main office, the teachers are the workers, and we students are merely the entrepreneurs. With that said, I have figured out a reason on why we all get along. Every entrepreneur does what they do for all the same reasons, just like all of us students attend school for the same thing. Of course some of us attend more voluntarily than others but nevertheless, we all show up every morning for the same reason. We show up to learn, to prepare ourselves for the real world and what is to come. Most of us show up to better our chances of succeeding in education after high school. Another thing I’ve learned about high school is that for a place that is supposed to be all good and fun and educational, there sure are a lot of things that aren’t. The food isn’t good, the stressful work isn’t fun, and some classes might be educational but I sure don’t understand why the heck I have to take them, like Introduction to Animal Sciences for example. How is that helping me be prepared for the real world? However, because of these problems in the system of just about every high school, I’ve learned possibly the most valuable lessons of all: Life isn’t fair, you don’t always get what you want, and you can’t change people. The point of me telling you all of this isn’t to say what a great learning experience I’ve had or how I know that my way of life has been shaped by my experiences in school, but rather to point out that you can’t always focus on the differences, or the negatives in life, but instead to realize what you have in common, or what is good.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Health and Nutrition of Developing Nations
Health and Nutrition of Developing Nations Timothy Lee It may seem as an overwhelming task when attempting to understand the factors that are related to the health and nutrition of many, if not all, of the developing nations around the world. There is though one reoccurring factor that is constantly mentioned no matter where you begin your research into the issue, poverty. The mentioning of the term â€Å"developing nation†has become synonymous with the term poverty in my own mind. The issue at hand is how to turn these nations from developing to developed, which in turn would also contribute to the improvement of proper health needs and adequate nutrition standards for all. From malaria stricken nations to malnourished nations across the developing spectrum poverty plays a role. It is becoming more difficult now though to just blame poverty since there has been such a large influx in foreign aid to these developing nations[LL2]. Help is being offered, and it is upon the citizens of these unhealthy nations to take full advantage of these benefits, even if that means teaching the local populations the benefits of say sleeping under a bed net or feeding your children proper nutritional meals even on the low income budget that they have, as a few of the Millennium Development Goals have referenced. Source[LL3]: One of the biggest health related diseases that impacts such a large number of people and yet can be prevented is that of Malaria. In the case of providing bed nets to all families of developing nations to help in the prevention of malaria, the cost of providing the nets is very small and are in rather ample supply[LL4]. The benefits from using the bed nets, those being less infected citizens, stronger workforce due to the advancement of the individuals’ health, etc.., greatly outweigh any monetary cost[LL5]. The individuals that would use the bed nets would get sick less often, be able to work harder, and the overall income gains would easily cover the initial costs plus more. There are two sides to the argument of providing these simple bed nets for free. The first being that in developing nations where malaria is rampant, the poverty trap is so deep that they are to the point where they can’t even afford to purchase the necessities for the prevention of the disease, thus people like Jeffery Sachs suggests that if we were to finance malaria eradication for these developing nations then they would end up on the right side of his S-shaped curve on the road to opulence. The other side of the argument is that skeptics are not positive that malaria is the actual cause for that countries poverty and that maybe it is because of a corrupt government for their failure to eradicate malaria, and if that is true, then getting rid of the disease wouldn’t help. In my opinion, both arguments make valid points. It is reasonable to assume that a country is poor because of the health of its citizens and if health improved then so to would its economy[LL6]. That being said, it could also be seen as being naà ¯ve to think that the health of a nation would be the only factor in that nation’s economic well-being[LL7]. Despite the size, governments of all countries play an enormous role in their citizens well-being health wise, economic wise, and etc. b ut to look at a poor country and determine that one cause, that being malaria in this case, is the reason for that nation’s poverty, in my opinion, would be a misinterpretation of the causes of poverty as a whole. Note that Malaria is not the only disease that is rampant and plaguing developing nations but is by far the easiest example to point to and say, â€Å"It can be done†, the â€Å"it†being the prevention of the disease, the repossession of several million able body workers into the workforce, and ultimately the building of a weak economy. The next step for a developing nation would be to tackle the nutritional standards of its population and ensure that those needs are being met in a way to guarantee that the population stays healthy. â€Å"Just as micronutrient deficiencies can lead to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, infectious disease can also contribute to micronutrient deficiencies since the body requires increased micronutrients when combating disease. Worldwide, between 140 and 250 million children suffer from Vitamin A deficiency (VAD[LL8]).Primary VAD is usually caused by prolonged dietary deprivation, in particular lack of vegetables and animal products, and is particularly endemic in areas where rice is the staple food (Muller Krawinkel, 2005).†The absence of adequate vegetables and animal products cannot be blamed on the average citizen but rather on the lack focus on the ecology, the economy, and the culture of the regions being observed[LL9]. Sachs view on the health of developing nations is that we should begin â€Å"scaling up†our efforts on the international side and support community health workers. While in previous Sachs arguments, that being about the poverty trap, I would’ve agreed with his views, but when it comes to providing educational matters related to health, or providing all the tools to a nation to improve their own health care system then when would that nation become self-sufficient and no longer need aid, educational help regarding nutrition, or their basic needs be met? [LL10]How long would we as the international community stand by and continuously pour money into these nati ons? In conclusion, there is without a doubt a definite need for foreign aid when it comes to the health and nutritional standards of developing nations[LL11]. These countries are in a rut, also known as â€Å"The Poverty Trap†, and can only climb out of such trap when the proper ladder is offered to help bring them out from the hole they find themselves in as Sachs explains it. This doesn’t however excuse these developing nations from all responsibilities involving their population and the providing of proper education, food, and economic well-being for its citizens. When a nation [LL12]has so called â€Å"low-hanging fruits†available to them but doesn’t or won’t take full advantage of these â€Å"fruits†even after the international community has exhausted its capabilities to educate, influence, and integrate proper health and nutritional standards then in my opinion said nations should be coerced [LL13]into following the protocol that other de veloping nations are following by having some sort of aid reduction policy implemented so that countries would feel obligated to begin doing for themselves what they should be doing all along[LL14], and until they show evidence of taking advantage of the â€Å"low-hanging fruits†. Works Cited[LL15] Banerjee, Abhijit V., and Esther Duflo. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. New York: Public Affairs, 2011. Print. â€Å"Micronutrient Deficiency.†Ih887 /. Web. 25 June 2015. Muller, O., Krawinkel, M., (2005)Malnutrition and Health in Developing Countries.CMAJ, 279-286. Sachs, Jeffrey. A Call to Scale-Up Community Health Workers. The Huffington Post. Web. 25 June 2015. [LL1]Nice job Tim. Organization needs a little more work though. It’s a little hard to tell if your focus is on aid or health, or both and you’re missing a few opportunities to apply more critical analysis. Esp. conclusion seems a bit abrupt and doesn’t seem to link closely to your intro. It’s a bit short of the word count laid out in the syllabus, and a bit short on analysis and discussion in a few places. Otherwise, a nice project. Grade: 80 [LL2]Can you develop this more? How does the influx of aid make this more difficult? [LL3]Need to discuss/explain/introduce this graphic as part of your discussion. This is a bit choppy. [LL4]Need to cite these two claims. [LL5]According to who? So why don’t more people use them? [LL6]Develop this argument a bit more. [LL7]Good point. [LL8]Citation? And why is this bad? [LL9]Can we blame any other factors? Why are there fewer elephants in Kenya than in Zinbabwe? [LL10]I think I get your basic point, but the wording /structure is making it hard to follow you. [LL11]Not sure you’ve established this point†¦ your intro seemed to suggest that you saw merit in the idea that aid might hurt more than help†¦ [LL12]Do you mean the government/members of government or the population at large? [LL13]By who? We should send in the army? [LL14]Need to develop this idea a bit more in the preceding paragrphs†¦ what are some things that can be done, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of these proposals? Do they seem reasonable to you? Etc. [LL15]Works cited doesn’t seem quite uniform
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Troubled Bruno in The Hostage :: essays research papers
The Hostage A hostage inside himself, and troubled soul that has had very many bad influences in his life. Bruno, a boy, makes many mistakes and has had very many tragic instances like his father dieing, and nothing will, and can go right for him. As the reader will find out is he is very quiet and has a large stature that was feared by many, and has a lot of things that trouble him. Bruno goes though a tough time and bad situations that help influence his actions, feelings, and words, though his life, and holds him hostage within himself. Bruno was very built and had a very large physique, which people found threatening and scary. He looked much older than even one as if he was in junior high. His hair was sleeked back and was very dark and oily with a large neck and shoulders. Even though he had this big overpowering body he let it be known to every one with the cloths he wore. He showed he was tuff, and muscular though those cloths. Bruno also had a scare one his forehead that rumors say he got when a pot of boiling water in a pan hit him. They think he may have pulled it and it fell or his mom dropped it. Through this large stature one might see how he was probably made fun of and harassed.†He spoke English with a strong accent, musical, yet people mocked him and embarrassed him silently†(1201). Written by Joyce Carol Oates the write of the Hostage. This lowered his self a steam that he held in anger and used it to hold himself hostage with in. Other people in Bruno’s class were scared of him and though being scared they respected him. Because he had this kind of scared respect for him he was voted class president and was left alone. People stopped seeing him at school for a while and soon found out that his dad died. He was killed in the mafia, which affected him strongly. When he came back no one said anything and at this time he really need some one to talk too. But no one did because they were scare of him. The only person that came was the narrator was the only person who even came up to him and he did not even let her say it. But she could tell that he really enjoy her even coming up to him to attempt to talk to him.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Telecommunications Act of 1996 Essay examples -- essays research paper
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 The Telecommunications Act of 1996 can be termed as a major overhaul of the communications law in the past sixty-two years. The main aim of this Act is to enable any communications firm to enter the market and compete against one another based on fair and just practices (â€Å"The Telecommunications Act 1996,†The Federal Communications Commission). This Act has the potential to radically change the lives of the people in a number of different ways. For instance it has affected the telephone services both local and long distance, cable programming and other video services, broadcast services and services provided to schools. The Federal Communications Commission has actively endorsed this Act and has worked towards the enforcement and implementation of the various clauses listed in the document. The Act was basically brought into existence in order to promote competition and reduce regulation so that lower prices and higher quality services for the Americans consumers may be s ecured. Of particular importance is the deregulation of the telecommunications industry as mentioned in the act (â€Å"Implementation of the Telecommunications Act,†NTLA). This reflects a new thinking that service providers should not be limited by artificial and now antique regulatory categories but should be permitted to compete with each other in a robust marketplace that contains many diverse participants. Moreover the Act is evidence of governmental commitment to make sure that all citizens have access to advanced communication services at affordable prices through its â€Å"universal service†provisions even as competitive markets for the telecommunications industry expand. Prior to passage of this new Act, U.S. federal and state laws and a judicially established consent decree allowed some competition for certain services, most notably among long distance carriers. Universal service for basic telephony was a national objective, but one developed and shaped through feder al and state regulations and case law (â€Å"Telecommunications Act of 1996,†Technology Law). The goal of universal service was referred to only in general terms in the Communications Act of 1934, the nation's basic telecommunications statute. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 among other things: (i) opens up competition by local telephone companies, long distance providers, and cable companies ... ...ns especially when it came to deregulating the telecommunications industry. The new law was expected to bring radical changes to the communications industry, providing high quality services to the masses at minimal cost. The act was also designed with the specific purpose of ensuring that advanced telecommunications will be available to every citizen as part of the policy for universal service. The FCC and the states, as the regulatory bodies, implement the law. Its been over three years since the law was passed and most critics have claimed that nothing worthwhile came out of the act besides the mergers of course. Ultimately however, the services brought to the public will depend on the providers of those services and their success in the marketplace. Bibliography 1.     â€Å"The Telecommunications Act of 1996.†Available online at: 2.     â€Å"Implementation of the Telecommunications Act.†Available online at: 3.     â€Å"The Telecommunications Act of 1996.†Available online at:
Friday, October 11, 2019
Accounting Ch16 Ex
Ex 16. 2 (Basic Types of Manufacturing Costs) Into which of the three elements of manufacturing cost would each of the following be classified? a. Tubing used in manufacturing bicycles. b. Wages paid by an automobile manufacturer to employees who test-drive completed automobiles. c. Property taxes on machinery. d. Gold bullion used by a jewelry manufacturer. e. Wages of assembly-line workers who package frozen food. f. Salary of plant superintendent. g. Electricity used in factory operations. h. Salary of nurse in a factory first-aid station. Ex. 16. 3 (Product Costs and Period Costs)Indicate whether each of the following should be considered a product cost or a period cost. If you identify the item as a product cost, also indicate whether it is a direct or an indirect cost. For example, the answer to item 0 is â€Å"indirect product cost. †Begin with item a. 0. Property taxes on factory building. a. Cost of disposal of hazardous waste materials to a chemical plant. b. Amount s paid by a mobile home manufacturer to a subcontractor who installs plumbing in each mobile home. c. Depreciation on sales showroom fixtures. d. Salaries of security guards in an administrative office building. e.Salaries of factory security guards. f. Salaries of office workers in the credit department. g. Depreciation on the raw materials warehouse. h. Income taxes on a profitable manufacturing company. Ex. 16. 5 (Preparing a Schedule of the Cost of Finished Goods Manufactured) The accounting records of NuTronics, Inc. , include the following information for the year ended December 31, 2007. | Dec. 31| Jan. 1| Inventory of materials| $ 24,000| $ 20,000| Inventory of work in process| 8,000| 12,000| Inventory of finished goods| 90,000| 80,000| Direct materials used| 210,000| | Direct labor| 120,000| | Selling expenses| 170,000| |General and administrative expenses| 140,000| | Overhead is assigned to production at $192,000. a. Prepare a schedule of the cost of finished goods manufac tured. (Not all of the data given above are used in this schedule. ) b. Assume that the company manufactures a single product and that 20,000 units were completed during the year. What is the average per-unit cost manufacturing this product? Ex 16. 9 (Preparing an Income Statement Using the Cost of Finished Goods Manufactured) Mayville Company, a sole proprietorship, reports the following information pertaining to its operating activities: | Ending Balance| Beginning Balance|Materials Inventory| $ 20,000| $ 40,000| Work in Process Inventory| 29,000| 60,000| Finished Goods Inventory| 52,000| 42,000| During the year, the company purchased $30,000 of direct materials and incurred $21,000 of direct labor costs. Total manufacturing overhead for the year amounted to $18,000. Selling and administrative expenses amounted to $60,000, and the company’s annual sales amounted to $200,000. a. Prepare Mayville’s schedule of the cost of finished goods manufactured. b. Prepare Mayvill e’s income statement (ignore income taxes).
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Detailed Overview Of Space Shuttles Engineering Essay
aˆ? Space birds are recoverable ballistic capsule designed to be used as a launch vehicle for Earth-orbiting experiments and as a short-run research platform. Earlier projectiles were used for puting spacemans and equipments in the outer infinite. But projectiles could be used merely one time i.e. they were non reclaimable. The thought of reclaimable â€Å" infinite bird †that could be launched like projectile and made to come in the Earth ‘s ambiance like an aeroplane appealed NASA. It began planing and measuring cost of infinite bird. Finally, after many old ages of building and testing, the bird was ready to wing and the dream became truth. As we will cognize in inside informations. A ) Definition: 1 ) Etymology: â€Å" infinite bird †consists of 2 words: Space: Space ( n. ) : Century1300, â€Å" an country, extent, sweep, oversight of clip, †aphetic of Old French espace, A fromA Classical Latin spatiumA †room, country, distance, stretch of clip, †of unknown beginning. Astronomic sense of â€Å" leading deepnesss †is foremost recorded 1667 in â€Å" Paradise Lost. †â€Å" Space is n't remote at all. It ‘s merely an hr ‘s thrust off if your auto could travel consecutive upwards. †[ Sir Fred Hoyle, â€Å" London Observer, †1979 ] Space ( v. ) : 1703, â€Å" to set up at set intervals, †fromA spaceA ( n. ) . Meaning â€Å" to be in a province of drug-induced euphory †is recorded from 1968.A Space cadetA †bizarre individual disconnected with world †( frequently connoting an familiarity with hallucinogenic drugs ) is a 1960s phrase, likely traceable to 1950s United States sci-fi telecasting plan â€Å" Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, †which was watched by many kids who dreamed of turning up to be one and succeeded. Shuttlecock: Shuttle ( n. ) : Old English scytelA †a dart, pointer, †from West Germanic skutilaz ( Old Norse skutillA †harpoon †) from Proto-Germanic skut-A †undertaking †. The weaving instrument so called ( 1338 ) from being â€Å" shooting †across the togss. In some other linguistic communications, the machine takes its name from its resemblance to a boat ( Classical Latin navicula, Gallic navette, German weberschiff ) . Sense of â€Å" train that runs back and Forth †is foremost recorded 1895, from image of the weaver ‘s instrument ‘s back-and-forth motion over the deflection ; extended to aircraft 1942, to spacecraft 1969. Hence alsoA shuttlecockA ( 1522 ) . Shuttle ( v. ) : 1550, â€Å" move quickly to and fro, †fromA shuttleA ( n. ) ; sense of â€Å" conveyance via a shuttle service †is recorded from 1930.2 ) Definition:There are many definitions for â€Å" infinite bird †:â€Å" a rocket-launched ballistic capsule able to set down like an unpowered aircraft, used for journeys between Earth and trade revolving the Earth. †â€Å" A reclaimable ballistic capsule with wings for controlled descent in the ambiance, designed to transport spacemans between Earth and an orbiting infinite station and besides used to deploy and recover orbiters. †â€Å" A infinite transit system ( STS ) developed by NASA. Consisting of a reclaimable, winged satellite ( what most people think of as the â€Å" Space Shuttle †) , a set of recoverable supporter projectiles, and a fuel armored combat vehicle. †B ) What is infinite bird?We can state it is any vehicle capable of going repeatedly between the Earth â⠂¬Ëœs surface and outer infinite transporting people or lading ; Any vehicle capable of repeatedly going between finishs in outer infinite transporting people or lading1 ) Space trade:It is a trade or machine designed for space travel. Spacecraft are used for a assortment of intents, including communications, earth observation, weather forecasting, pilotage, planetal geographic expedition and infinite touristry. Spacecraft and infinite travel are common subjects in plants of scientific discipline fiction.a ) Space bird:The Space Shuttle, portion of the Space Transportation System ( STS ) , and it is the chief portion of this trade, Space Shuttle on NASA ‘s America, which is officially called Space Transportation System ( STS ) , is the ballistic capsule is used by the Government of the United States manned infinite flight, is scheduled to be withdrawn from service in 2010. At launch, the shuttle consists of: * External fuel armored combat vehicle is orange in colour. A * Rockets to force two solid-fuel, thin white supremacists and the SRB. * The satellite, which is a vehicle similar to the aircraft wing, which represents the infinite bird can transport heavy equipment into infinite, every bit good as transporting orbiter launched into infinite. The bird can be transferred spacemans to outer infinite and convey them back to Earth with a warhead of up to 32 dozenss of unreal orbiters and worlds and equipment. One of the chief advantages of this vehicle is that it is reclaimable vehicle.B ) Satellite:A orbiter is an object which has been placed into orbit by human enterprise. Such objects are sometimes called unreal orbiters to separate them from natural orbiters such as the Moon. The first unreal orbiter, Sputnik 1, was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. By 2010 1000s of orbiters have been launched into orbit around the Earth. These originate from more than 50 states and have used the orbiter establishing capablenesss of 10 states. A few hundred orbiters are presently operational, whereas 1000s of fresh orbiters and orbiter fragments orbit the Earth as infinite dust. A few infinite investigations have been placed into orbit around other organic structures and go unreal orbiters to the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Satellites are used for a big figure of intents. Common types include military and civilian Earth observation orbiters, communications orbiters, pilotage orbiters, conditions orbiters, and research orbiters. Space Stationss and human ballistic capsule in orbit are besides orbiters. Satellite orbits vary greatly, depending on the intent of the orbiter, and are classified in a figure of ways. Well-known ( overlapping ) categories include low Earth orbit, polar orbit, and geostationary orbit. Satellites are normally semi-independent computing machine controlled systems. Satellite subsystems attend many undertakings, such as power coevals, thermic control, telemetry, attitude control and orbit Celsius ) Rockets:A projectile or projectile vehicle is a missile, ballistic capsule, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains push by chuck outing a jet of fast traveling fluid from a projectile engine. The action of the fluid against the interior of burning Chamberss and enlargement noses is able to speed up the fluid to highly high velocity, and this exerts a big reactive push on the projectile ( an equal and opposite reaction harmonizing to Newton ‘s 3rd jurisprudence ) .Rockets, in military and recreational utilizations, day of the month back to at least the thirteenth century. Significant scientific, interplanetary and industrial usage did non happen until the twentieth century, when rocketry was the enabling engineering of the Space Age, including puting pe s on the Moon. Rockets are used for pyrotechnics, arms, expulsion seats, launch vehicles for unreal orbiters, human space travel and geographic expedition of other planets. While relatively inefficient for low velocity usage, they are really lightweight and powerful, capable of bring forthing big accelerations and of achieving highly high velocities with sensible efficiency. Chemical projectiles are the most common type of projectile and they typically create their fumes by the burning of projectile propellent. Chemical projectiles store a big sum of energy in an easily-released signifier, and can be really unsafe. However, careful design, proving, building and usage minimizes hazards.vitamin D ) Automatons:Robot of the infinite is a mechanical device able to transport out operations of pre-programmed and command the public presentation are normally hard and unsafe Activities such as seeking for revelation of the ambiance and gaining control images of infinite, infinite land and the universe of mod ern engineering serves.after a batch of the design of the technology, applied scientists succeeded in doing a automaton can swim in infinite. The automaton has unreal intelligence and have the ability to acknowledge Patterns, place systems, concluding and decision with the development.They can travel, talk and have ability to gaining control and transportation of objects. the head of automaton transportation the computing machine signal to information, it can transport them out, so change over them to computing machine once more it has ability to change over audio signals are captured by a mike to a group of written words that the automaton understood and stored in a package of automaton that can analysis and simulation to understand natural linguistic communication.C ) Use:1 ) Advantages of infinite birds:infinite bird has ability to research the infinite by traveling spacemans to the surface of Moon to profit their societies. Peoples have begun to cognize about infinite and astronomical intents.that have made it possible to detect mountains and craters on the Moon and planets Has proceeded so far more work forces on the Moon, and completed a broad scope of remote-controlled missions to the Moon and several planets. Discovered during the past 10 old ages entirely more than 150 planets outside our solar system. on planet of Earth, universe citizens have reaped tremendous benefits from infinite geographic expedition through infinite bird that support communicating, pilotage and meteoric systems, in add-on to other distant detection. And contributed to the engineering associated with infinite geographic expedition and scientific cognition had been gained in the industry of reckoners and robotic first-class public presentation, provinces are active in the field of infinite flight has been sent ballistic capsule mechanism other than worlds to all the planets in our solar system. We expect that humans walking on the Moon once more.The infinite bird encompass 11 infinite bird flights to infinite through scientific experiments conducted in the station, to better life on Earth and pave the manner for future infinite geographic expedition. the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and its secondary warhead, the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, from the United States. Involve all of those flights on some international cooperation.2 ) Disadvantages of infinite birds:Each infinite bird flight destroys 0.25 % of the ozone bed, the people in the remainder of the universe are now reasoning abou t the assorted theories that attempt to explicate the causes of the ozone hole, infinite bird flights destroy the ozone bed, The 300 flight of the bird will take to the devastation of the ozone bed wholly and so infinite bird missions, which releases immense measures of toxic chemicals in every second from the minute of launch, the usage of liquid-fuel engine cleansing agent in the missiles because they are more expensive than the dry-fuel engines. In add-on, there is besides the hazard of Damage on the land, if debris re-entry into Earth ‘s ambiance.II ) HistoryA ) Space history1 ) Space theories:Galileo Galilei ( 1564- 1642 ) is a physicist and uranologist who was born in Pisa, Italy. Galileo made a large part in the field of uranology. Galileo made the first complete astronomical telescope, discovered that the Moon is dark but it is reflecting with a reflected visible radiation from the Sun, he discovered that the surface of the Moon is n't level, it has uneven mountains, h e besides discovered that the Milky Way consist of many separate stars. Galileo discovered the four largest orbiters of Jupiter in 1610, he studied the egg-shaped form of Saturn but his telescope restriction stopped him from the resolution of Saturn ‘s rings. He besides discovered the stages of Venus, the musca volitanss on the Sun and he confirmed his credence of the Copernican theory of the solar system2 ) The dream became true:The development of big liquid-fueled projectile engines in the first of the twentieth century allowed the dream of researching the outer infinite to go true. Physical infinite geographic expedition happened through both human space travels and robotic ballistic capsules. Space geographic expedition helped in progressing scientific research, unifying many states, developing military advantages, and guaranting the future endurance of humanity.B ) Detecting SpaceDuring the World War II, German scientists took the first stairss into the outer infinite while proving theV2 projectile, the V2 projectile became the first human-mad e object in infinite. After the war, German scientists began to do projectiles in plans for military and civilian research. The cosmic radiation experiment which was launched by the U.S. on a V2 projectile in 1946 was the first scientific geographic expedition. In the same twelvemonth the first images of Earth was taken. In 1947, the first carnal experiment was achieved by raising fruit flies into infinite on a modified V2 projectile that was launched by Americans. But these experiments merely made a really short clip in infinite which was n't utile plenty. There was a infinite race between the Soviet Union and the United provinces. The Soviet Sputnik Satellite mission in 1957 was the first successful orbital launch, it went around the Earth at a tallness of 250 kilometer. It had two wireless senders which made bleeps that could be heard by wirelesss around the Earth. The wireless signals analysis was used to garner information about the negatron denseness of the ionosphere. Two months subsequently, the American infinite plan unsuccessfully tried to establish Vanguard 1 into orbit. In 1958, the U.S. successfully launched Explorer 1 on a Juno projectile, while the Soviet Canis familiaris Laika became the first animate being in the infinite in 1957. In 1961, Vostok 1 which carried the 27 old ages old Russian Yuri Gagarin, was the first successful human space travel. The ballistic capsule orbited the universe in 1 hr and 48 proceedingss. It was a presentation of the advanced Soviet infinite plan. Yuri Gagarin After one month, the U.S. launched a individual into infinite in Mercury-Redstone 3, John Glenn ‘s Mercury-Atlas 6. The first adult female in the infinite was Valentina Tereshkova who orbited the Earth 48 times in 1963. 48 old ages after Vostok 6, China launched Yang Liwei in Shenzhou 5 ballistic capsule.C ) Space Shuttle DevelopmentNear the terminal of the Apollo infinite plan, NASA functionaries were looking to the American infinite plan ‘s hereafter. They were utilizing one-shot, disposable projectiles. They needed something that was cheaper than a projectile, possibly something that was reclaimable. They liked the thought of a reclaimable â€Å" infinite bird †that could establish like a projectile and land like an aeroplane, and they thought that it would be a proficient accomplishment. NASA and many aerospace companies began to plan, cost and applied scientist surveies on a infinite bird, they besides explored the constructs. In 1972, President Nixon announced that NASA would develop a reclaimable infinite bird or STS ( infinite transit system ) . NASA decided that the infinite bird would dwell of an satellite attached to a solid projectile supporters and an external fuel armored combat vehicle. By that clip, ballistic capsules used ablative heat shields that would fire away when the ballistic capsule re-enter the Earth ‘s ambiance, so, for the infinite bird to be reclaimable, they have to utilize a different scheme. The interior decorators of the infinite bird thought that they can cover the infinite bird with many insulating ceramic tiles that could absorb the heat of the infinite shuttle re-entry without harming the spacemans. The infinite bird was meant to wing like a plane, more like a sailplane during the landing. The interior decorators built a working satellite to prove the aerodynamic design, but it was n't built to travel into the outer infinite. That satellite was called the Enterprise after the â€Å" Star Trek †film spaceship. The Enterprise flew many flight and landing trials, where it was launched from a Boeing 747 and glided to a landing at Edwards Air Forse Base in California. Finally, after many old ages of building and proving including the satellite, chief engines, external fuel armored combat vehicle and solid projectile supporters, the bird was ready to wing and travel into the outer infinite. NASA made four birds which are â€Å" Columbia †, â€Å" Discovery †, â€Å" Atlantis †and â€Å" Challenger †.D ) Trips and Catastrophes:In 1981 was the first flight with a infinite bird â€Å" Colombia †. Astronauts â€Å" John Young †and â€Å" Robert Crippen †piloted the infinite bird Colombia. Colombia performed good and the other birds shortly made several successful flights. In 1986, the bird â€Å" Challenger †exploded in a flight and the whole crew was lost. NASA stopped the shuttle plan for several old ages, while the grounds of the Challenger catastrophe were unknown and being investigated. After many old ages, the infinite bird flew once more and NASA built a new bird â€Å" Endeavour †to replace â€Å" Challenger †the shuttle fleet. In 2003, while the shuttle â€Å" Colombia †was re-entering the Earth ‘s ambiance, it broke up over Texas, the United States. The loss of Colombia was because of a piece of foam insularity in the size of a briefcase broke off the infinite shuttle external armored combat vehicle under the aerodynamic forces of launch. The debris struck the taking border of the left wing, that damaged the bird ‘s TPS, which protect the bird from the heat of re-entering the Earth ‘s ambiance. NASA stopped the infinite bird plan after the accident and worked difficult to do some alterations and return the birds to wing once more. The exact words of the President George W. Bush were: â€Å" This twenty-four hours has brought awful intelligence and great unhappiness to our countryA †¦ The â€Å" Columbia †is lost ; there are no subsisters. †And he announced that the infinite plan would go on: â€Å" The cause in which they died will go on. Our journey into infinite will travel on. †In 2006, the bird â€Å" Discovery †lost froth from its external fuel armored combat vehicle. NASA stopped the infinite bird plan once more and the scientists struggled to work out the job. The â€Å" Discovery †was launched two times in 2006, the first clip was in July and once more in December, harmonizing to NASA, this launch was the most photographed shuttle mission in history. The â€Å" Atlantis †was launched in September 2006, after hold due to endure, a job with the fuel cell and a faulty detector reading. The infinite birds are a antic technological progress, but they are limited when it comes to how much warhead they can take into orbit. The birds are n't the heavy lift vehicles like the Saturn V or the Delta projectiles. The bird ca n't travel to high heights orbits or get away the gravitative field of the Earth to go to Mars or the Moon. NASA is presently researching and seeking a new constructs to establish vehicles which van travel to the Moon or Mars.The â€Å" Colombia †CrewIII ) How does infinite shuttle work?A ) Space bird theorySpace bird theory is about get rid of gravitation by acquiring on a velocity of the similar velocity to get away from the ambiance. It is a Complex to cognize how to raise the 4.5 million lb ( 2.05 million kilogram ) bird from the tablet to revolve ( 115 to 400 miles/185 to 643 kilometers ) above the Earth.B ) Taking off and set downingaˆ? Taking off: On the twenty-four hours of a launch, after the concluding clasp in the countdown at T minus 9 proceedingss, the Shuttle goes through its concluding readyings for launch, and the countdown is automatically controlled by the Ground Launch Sequencer ( GLS ) , package at the Launch Control Center, which stops the count if it senses a critical job with any of the Shuttle ‘s on-board systems. The GLS hands off the count to the Shuttle ‘s on-board computing machines at T minus 31 seconds, in a procedure called car sequence start. aˆ? Landing: When a mission is finished and the bird is midway around the universe from the set downing site ( Kennedy Space Center, Edwards Air Force Base ) , mission control gives the bid to come place, which prompts the crew to: 1-Close the lading bay doors. In most instances, they have been winging nose-first and upside down, so they so fire the RCS pushers to turn the satellite tail foremost. 2-Once the satellite is tail foremost, the crew fires the OMS engines to decelerate the satellite down and fall back to Earth ; it will take about 25 proceedingss before the bird reaches the upper ambiance. 3-During that clip, the crew fires the RCS pushers to flip the satellite over so that the underside of the satellite faces the ambiance ( about 40 grades ) and they are traveling nose foremost once more. 4-Finally, they burn left over fuel from the forward RCS as a safety safeguard because this country encounters the highest heat of re-entry.C ) Inside control:When we are speaking about the inside control we know instantly that the spaceman is a really of import individual to command the bird, and is a individual trained by a human space travel plan to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a ballistic capsule. While by and large reserved for professional infinite travellers.IV ) Space shuttle constituents:A ) Outside:1 ) Space Shuttle Tank:a ) External Tank:Is vehicle that contains two liquids are hydrogen fuel and O oxidant. During acclivity it supplies the fuel and oxidant under force per unit area to the three infinite bird chief engines, external armored combat vehicles have non been re-used. The ET is the anchor of the bird during launch, supplying strong support for fond regard with the SRBs ( solid projectile supporters ) and satellite. This armored combat vehicle connected to the satellite and the SRBs. Over the old ages, NASA has worked to cut down the weight of the ET to increase overall efficiency. LOX ( Liquid Oxygen Tank ) : is at the top of the ET ( external armored combat vehicle ) , its Length: ( 16.6A m ) – Diameter: ( 8.4A m ) . LH2 ( Liquid Hydrogen Tank ) : is at the underside of the external armored combat vehicle, The armored combat vehicle is constructed of four cylindrical barrel subdivisions, the barrel subdivisions are joined together by five major pealing frames, the LH2 armored combat vehicle has a volume of 53,488A three-dimensional pess ( 1,514.6A M3 ) . its Length: ( 29.6A m ) – Diameter: ( 8.4A m ) . ET thermic protection system: consists chiefly of sprayed-on froth insularity, Thermal isolators are required for liquid H armored combat vehicle fond regards to prevent the liquefaction of air on open metal, and to cut down heat flow into the liquid H. Development of the ETs thermic protection system has been so difficult consisted of a battery power beginning, a receiving system, aerials and munition.B ) Internal:it joins the LOX armored combat vehicle and the HL2 armored combat vehicle. The internal armored combat vehicle length is ( 6.9A m ) , diameter is ( 8.4A m )2 ) Two projectiles:Those are called SRBs ( Solid Rocket Booster ) used during the first two proceedingss of powered flight, SRBs provide the chief push to raise the bird off the up to an height of about 46A kilometers, the two SRBs carry the weight of the external armored combat vehicle and satellite and convey the weight burden, the SRBs are the largest solid-propellant motors of all time flown, each SRB weighs about 1,300,000 lbs at launch. SRBs constituents are: keep down stations, electrical power distribution, hydraulic power units, thrust vector control, rate gyro assemblies, and propellent.3 ) The organic structure:is the orbital ballistic capsule of the Space Shuttle plan, the satellite is a reclaimable winged â€Å" ballistic capsule †, the ballistic capsule can transport crews, the Orbiter looks like an aircraft with double-delta wings. The Orbiter ‘s crew cabin consists of three degrees: the flight deck, the mid-deck, and the public-service corporation country. The upper 1 is the flight deck which seats the pilot, with two mission specializers behind them. The mid-deck, which is below the flight deck, has three more seats for the remainder of the crew members, and the galley, lavatory, sleep locations, and storage cabinets besides on the mid-deck. The Thermal Protection System ( TPS ) covers the exterior of the Orbiter, protecting it from the cold soak of -121 A °C in infinite to the 1649 A °C heat. The satellite is made chiefly from aluminum metal, although the engine push construction is made from Ti metal. Its length: ( 37.24 m ) – tallness: ( 17.25 m ) – empty weight: ( 68,585 kilogram ) . The crew: ( 6-7 â€Å" Commander, Pilot, 4-5 Mission Specialists and/or Payload Specialists †, 2 â€Å" Commander and Pilot †for lower limit ) .V ) Manufacturing infinite birdVI ) Latest events:Finally allow us turn to the latest events of infinite birds and the latest intelligence, engineerings, trips aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦..A ) Latest intelligence:Discovery: In 19/4/2010 The infinite bird Discovery and its spacemans arrived back on Earth, A wrapping up a 15-day, 6 million-mile journey to the International Space Station, taking a rare flight way that carried them over America ‘s heartland.A Discovery commanding officer Alan Poindexter and pilot James Dutton guided the trade, set downing on Runway 33 at Kennedy Space Center around 9:08 ante meridiem ET.A The sky over NASA ‘s Florida landing strip cleared plenty at dawn to give Mission Control the assurance to convey the seven spacemans place. An hr before the scheduled 9:08 ante meridiem touchdown, commanding officer Poindexter and his copilot fired the braking projectiles and began their descent.A It was Discovery ‘s thirty-eighth flight and penultimate flight.A Atlantis: Atlantis bird has made 31 flights and now is being prepared for the following flight. Space shuttle Atlantis was moved to the launch tablet in 22/4/2010 inA readying for the STS-132 mission, targeted for launch May 14 at 2:19 p.m.B ) Latest engineerings:â€Å" Lockheed X-33 Launch Vehicle †A is the paradigm for the new infinite bird to be used by NASA in the twenty-first century. Developed a usage Field-Programmable-Gatearray ( FPGA ) utilizing the verilog linguistic communication for an Advanced Flight Experiment. When commanded, this FPGA reads informations from the Advanced Gyro, Accelerometers, and Temperature detectors, so transmits the information back to the flight computing machine. Through the usage of the raising organic structure form, composite liquid fuel armored combat vehicles, and the aerospike engine, A NASAA andA Lockheed MartinA hoped to prove wing a trade that would show the viability of aA single-stage-to-orbitA ( SSTO ) design. An SSTO trade would non necessitate external fuel armored combat vehicles or supporters to make low-earth orbit. Making off with the demand for â€Å" presenting †with launch vehicles, such as with the Shuttle and the Apollo projectiles, would take to an inherently more dependable and safer infinite launch vehicle. While the X-33 would non near airplane-like safety, the X-33 would try to show that 0.997 dependability, or 3 bad lucks out of 1,000 launches, which would be an order of magnitude more dependable than the Space Shuttle system, was accomplishable. The 15 planned experimental X-33 flights could merely get down this statistical rating.
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