Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
MANAGING INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Overseeing INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS - Essay Example A large portion of the EU exchanging happens in the middle of the European nations itself, attributable to its thriving nature it stands first among sending out and second among bringing in nations. The key ideas of European Union are, Integration-consolidating a scope of various pieces into a solitary body, or the expulsion of boundaries to empower the pieces to draw nearer together (Jones 2008,pp.88-87), Supranationalism †which express the intensity of EU choices that supersede those made by national governments at whatever point the two clash (Ibid ,pp.137-138) and the Intergovernmentalism †the possibility of various legislatures of EU cooperating to ensure its national advantages (Ibid 2008,p.87). The most significant key organizations of European Union are The board of the European Union speaking to the legislatures of the part states; European commission which comprises of the chiefs selected by the part expresses ,the official body and main impetus ; The European Cou ncil that involves the heads of state/administration of the part states which provides political guidance to the EU and sets strategy plan and techniques for the EU and European Parliament chose by the individuals of the part state, law-production body. ... n spreads some valuable exercises to the entire world through their incorporated endeavors and exercises which whenever put into impact may empower every person to live in harmony and concordance around the world. References Jones, A. (2008) A Glossary of the European Union. Edinburgh University Press. The EU and Supply Chain Management The Supply Chain Management (SCM) can be characterized as the†the executives of upstream and downstream relationship with providers and clients so as to convey better client esteem at less expense than the flexibly chain†which alludes to an arrangement of associations in moving an item from provider to the client (Christopher, 2011, p. 3). SCM vigorously relies upon the regions of activity the executives, coordinations, obtainment, and data innovation (Ibid). Some recommend it is progressively exact to utilize the term â€Å"Supply network†, seeing the gracefully chain as â€Å"a system of associated and related associations comm only and helpfully cooperating to control, oversee and improve the progression of materials and data from providers to end users†(Chopra and Meindl 2010). Distinctive SCM models were proposed for the better understanding and deliberate coordination of the business capacities. For example, Supply Chain Council advances Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) while the Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) advances SCM Model. By going really worldwide with the SCM, business firms can comprehend the seriousness and can distinguish huge connections in the system. It likewise assists with concentrating on long haul issues. As indicated by Chopra and Meindl (2010), the choice periods of a gracefully chain incorporates 3 stages the Supply Chain Strategy or configuration, Supply Chain Planning and the Supply Chain Operations. Basically the key job of SCM is to encourage the
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Best Theaters in the World
Best Theaters in the World The Most Beautiful Theaters in the World You Will Never Forget Home›Tips for Students›The Most Beautiful Theaters in the World You Will Never Forget Tips for StudentsPeople have always come to the theater for different reasons: to relax, to be amused or entertained, to have a good laugh, to enjoy the acting of their favorite actors. If you are a real theater lover, this list is especially for you. You ought to visit, by all means, one of the following performing venues before you kick the bucket. Put off all your work, read the list carefully and start planning your cultural vacation.Plunge into the atmosphere, history, and character of the most beautiful places on earth â€" theaters.Minack Theater, Cornwall, EnglandRowena Cade’s brainchild â€" one of the today’s most amazing theaters â€" was built in the garden and dedicated to the local amateur players. Even today, only amateur groups use this venue. The season runs each year from May to September, so don’t miss the chan ce.The Seebühne, Lake Constance, AustriaHave you ever dreamt about seeing the musical performance or a large-scale opera on the floating stage? If yes, you have a chance to buy one of the possible 7,000 tickets to any event at the Bregenz Festival.The Winter Garden, Toronto, CanadaThe Winter Garden belongs to the must see places because it is the last operating double-decker theater today together with the Elgin Theater. Moreover, it is one of the last surviving Edwardian stacked theaters in the world.The Odeon of Herodes Atticus, Athens, GreeceThe so-called ‘Herodeon’ is situated on the Acropolis. Built in 161AD, this stone theater really charms with its beauty. Since the 1950s, the Odeon of Herodes has been the main venue of the Athens Festival. You can revel in dancing, music, and theatrical performances.Sydney Opera House, Sydney, AustraliaIt really belongs to the amazing theaters with a charming beauty. The Sydney Opera House experiences more than 1,600 multiple performanc es each year. A famous world’s landmark hosts annually near 1.2 million visitors. That is why it is considered to be one of the world’s busiest theaters.It is not much of exaggeration to say that theater really influences the way you think and feel about your own life and encourages you to take a hard look at yourself, your values, and your behavior. So, book tickets now in order not to miss the chance to make one of your inmost dreams come true. The way to arts is always open to us. Just find time to spare in your busy life. Art never dies, it is perpetual.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay about St. Anselm of Canterbury - 1110 Words
In the following I intend to prove that the ontological argument is in and of itself, insufficient in proving that God exists. There are a few problems with the argument that I will be discussing in detail in an attempt to illustrate exactly why ‘The Ontological Argument’ is unsatisfactory. The Definition of ‘Greater’ St. Anselm of Canterbury defined God as â€Å"that-than-which-a-greater-cannot-be-thought†(Bailey, 2002). The problem with this definition is that the term ‘greater’ is surely up for interpretation. The term ‘greater’ requires a comparison between itself and one or more things, which could pose a problem for Anselm’s argument; however Professor Thorp states that the only difference between these two things is that one exists†¦show more content†¦One person may perceive their ‘real beer’ as a Corona, a Molson or other, and still their ‘real beer’ is better than their ‘imaginary’ Corona or Molson or other. Whose beer is better is merely a preference and no amount of reasoning can safely or conclusively determine a ‘greater’ between the two. This is exactly the problem with Anslem’s ‘Ontological Argument’ and is sufficient in itself to prove that even with the accept ed definition of God, â€Å"that-than-which-none-greater-can-be-thought†(Bailey, 2002), Anselm cannot prove that a God exists, but rather, that each individuals perceptions of their own God in their mind must exist. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; With regards to the above objection, I do admit that I have not disproved Anselm’s argument to the point where I could say that his first two premises of his argument being true, that God doesn’t have to exist. My objection only stands to establish that Anselm has failed only to prove the existence of a single and only God in existence. He has not proved the existence of a God but of everyone’s personal view of God in their own minds. I believe my next objection causes more serious problems for Anselm’s Ontological argument. My second problem with Anselm’s Ontological argument resides once again in Anselm’s use of the word ‘Greater’ but this time in a very different context. In Anselm’s Argument, ‘Greater’ implies infinity. ForShow MoreRelatedSt. Anselm Of Canterbury2376 Words  | 10 Pagesphilosophers have been concerned with proving the existence of god, and from this has sprouted many arguments attempting to prove or disprove god’s existence from a wide variety of different perspectives. St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury has proved a true pioneer in the study of the philosophy of religion. Anselm provided one of the most crucial and influential solutions to solving the mystery of god’s existence, the Ontological Argument. While there were many different arguments (along with their originators)Read MoreThe Cathedral Of Canterbury Cathedral1209 Words  | 5 PagesGreek ‘Kathedra’ meaning seat. The Canterbury Cathedral is located in England, United Kingdom. The Cathedral is one of the most famous and oldest Christian structures in England. 597 AD was the founding of Canterbury Cathedral. The cathedral’s physical context is located in a sprawl area meaning ther e is low density residential, there are many other attractions around such as the theatre,hotel and museum. Saint Augustine was the first ever Archbishop of Canterbury. The style of the Cathedral is Gothic;Read MoreAssess the Ontological Argument818 Words  | 4 Pagesargument demonstrates the existence of God. (30 marks) The ontological argument was first formulated by St. Anselm in the 11th century. It argues the existence of God from a deductive and a priori stance. God is a being than which none greater can be conceived. This is the response given by St Anselm to the fool in the psalm who believed there was no God. St Anselm the Archbishop of Canterbury and of the Benedictine Order explained that for God to exist in the mind he would not be the greatest beingRead MoreSummary and Analysis of Various Documents1852 Words  | 7 Pageswrite an essay analyzing separately each of the texts in the attached documents. I would like each analysis to start with a summary followed by a transition to analysis of the document. From the Prosologion, Anselm of Canterbury 1077, Hopkins and Richardson trans. (Chaps. 2-5) Summary: St. Anselm argues the existence of God based on the following premises: God exists in our understanding which means that the concept of God exists as an idea in our mind. Anything that exists in our understanding hasRead MoreEssay on The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God1545 Words  | 7 Pagesintroduced by Anselm of Canterbury in his book Proslogion. Anselms classical argument was based on two principals and the two most involved in this is St Anselm of Canterbury as previously mentioned and Rene Descartes. The ontological argument argues that if you understand what it means to talk about God, you will see His existence is necessarily true. Anselm defined God as that than which nothing greater can be conceived, hence God must exist. Anselm also believedRead MoreQueen Matilda Of England And The Marriage Table A Dowry Of Estates1168 Words  | 5 PagesPope supported William in his invasion of England in 1066. William claimed he was going to revive the Anglo-Saxon church and bring it back in line with religious orthodoxy. Additionally, the Archbishop of Canterbury at the time, was a pluralist, holding the sees of Worcester and Canterbury concurrently, and, per Duke William, King Harold supported the sins of the Archbishop. The Church was eager to see Duke William return the Kingdom of England to the Churches authority. William fulfilled theRead MoreThe Arguments For The Existence Of God1056 Words  | 5 Pagesthat he s a perfect being meaning He is flawless, ideal and he has all the required or desirable elements, qualities, and characteristics. The ontological argument was first concocted by St Anselm in the eleventh century, his book Proslogium, Chapter 2. Anselm was a Benedictine monk, Archbishop of Canterbury, and one of the great medieval philosopher-theologians. In his argument, he derives the existence of god from his concept, which is being than which no greater can be conceived. He reasonedRead MoreThe s Ontological Proof For The Existence Of God Essay1134 Words  | 5 Pages1077-1078, St. Anselm of Canterbury, introduced the first formulation of his ontological proof for the existence of God. In an effort to gain a deeper knowledge and acquaintance with his creator, Anselm set out to logically deduce God’s existence from the very definition of God. In the Proslogion he writes, â€Å"God is that which a greater cannot be thought. Whoever understands this properly, understands that this being exists in such a way that he cannot, even in thought, fail to exist†(Anselm, 101). Read MoreAnshelm ¬Ã‚ ¥s Proof of God ¬Ã‚ ¥s Existence1466 Words  | 6 Pagesissue to this day! In the following I will commit myself to the ab ove-mentioned question by firstly reconstructing Anselm ´s proof of God ´s existence and secondly considering his position in the light of the critique put forward by Gaunilo, Aquinas and Kant. St. Anselm (1033-1109) was an Italian philosopher and monk who later left his country to become Archbishop of Canterbury. As Anselm firmly believed in God, he wanted to prove God ´s existence through use of logic and reason and thus set out to demonstrateRead MoreOntological Argument999 Words  | 4 Pageson pure reason alone. They attempt to show that we can deduce God’s existence from, so to speak, the very definition of God. St. Anselm of Canterbury proposed the first and most well known ontological argument in 1078 in his Proslogion, but it was actually Immanuel Kant, an 18th century German philosopher, who first called the argument â€Å"ontological.†In his argument, Anselm defines God as â€Å"that than which nothing greater can be conceived.†This can be interpreted as defining â€Å"God†as maximal perfection
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Jean Mcguire, A Land Salesperson For The Company Sunrise...
Jean McGuire works as a land salesperson for the company Sunrise Land Developers. Six months into the job, Jean has lost more than made sales for the company and is thinking about using the sales technique described by her boss. Other sales representative’s use it and have proven to be a success, however, it involves deceiving clients by giving misleading information, which Jean instinctively objects to. The technique is to make the interested client think that someone else is also interested in buying the same property, thus encouraged to buy before someone else does. Jean objects to this use of psychological manipulation; however she does not express her reservations to anyone for fear of endangering her job. The situation is more serious for Jean as she is also a single mother with two daughters to support, so it’s imperative that Jean provides the financial support they need. An ethical dilemma does exist in Jean’s situation with respect to the choices she fa ces; use the technique and improve her sales, remain loyal to the sales team and company or voice her objections and risk losing her job as well as much needed financial support for her family. This essay first discusses how Jean’s situation constitutes an ethical dilemma, followed by comparative analysis drawn from consequential perspectives of egoism and utilitarianism about the situation, then finally possible suggestions, based on my learning, that could help Jean in her decision making. The term ethical dilemmaShow MoreRelatedEthical Dilemmas : What Should Jean Do? Essay1551 Words  | 7 PagesEthical Dilemmas: What should Jean do? Jean McGuire works as a salesperson of land property in Sunrise Land Developers. Jean’s superior Wright Boazman, the sales director, described the importance and efficiency of using â€Å"deal-closing techniques†. This technique is usually used to motivate the prospect into buying the lot, because often people really want to buy a lot but hesitate at the last few minutes of signing agreements. Wright introduced the most effective closing technology termed â€Å"the otherRead MoreLegal And Social Environment Of Business Essay1240 Words  | 5 Pages Jean McGuire works as a land salesperson for a real estate company called Sunrise Land Developers who specialise in selling lots to prospective clients. Her clients require her to represent the lots in an accurate light. The company’s sales director Wright Boazman demonstrated effective sale closing techniques to McGuire when she first began at the company however these techniques where based on physiological manipulation putting them into a now or never situation. Jean felt uneasy about
Ibp Exam Question Free Essays
Martin is an American, working for an American company, Hydropower, that is undertaking a new project in an African country.Martin has been sent by his company to perform 3 specific duties: (1) to work with the national government of the African country and with the local community that will be affected by the new hydro scheme to ensure that the company gets all necessary permissions to proceed with the project; (2) to establish an office and hire people to work in that office to look after such matters as purchasing, staff recruitment, customers and immigrations issues, and (3) help foreign visitors (mainly the company engineers) become accommodated and oriented when visiting the African country.Martin is no stranger to Africa. We will write a custom essay sample on Ibp Exam Question or any similar topic only for you Order Now After graduating from university in the USA, he joined the Peace Corps and worked in several African countries. He tried to avoid just mixing with the expatriates (mainly Westerners) in these countries, and developed his own creed of ‘Don’t draw attention to yourself, and above all, learn and respect the culture. ’ Martin had been working for Hydropower in the African country for about 18 months and his American manager was now in the process of deciding whether to keep Martin in his African position.The manager had some concerns about Martin. There were no concerns about Martin’s performance. He had completed the first stage of the hydro development before the scheduled time and under budget. The concern lay around other matters. Firstly, although there were no written company rules about how expatriates lived overseas, it was expected that they should live in a way that reflected a prosperous international company. Martin, however, had avoided living with other expatriates, choosing to live in a middle class African neighbourhood.The company thought this may be setting a poor example for other expatriates. Secondly, Martin had not followed the employment practices of the American head office, but had followed local practices of employing workers who were known and recommended by other workers, especially family members. Martin recognised that providing a living to friends and family in a country with low standards of living, high unemployment and where ‘connections’ were important, could be a benefit to the company.Also, Martin was not averse to providing tips and payments to suppliers, government officials and customers officers to ensure work was performed and permissions granted in a timely manner. Furthermore, Martin had provided a payment and participated in a ‘pagan’ ritual required by the owners of the land whose property was been affected by the new hydro scheme to ‘pacify the gods’. The ceremony was ‘successful’ and permission to use the land was given. However, Martin’s manager, who was a Christian, thought this did not reflect well on the image of the American company.Martin’s manager must now make a decision about the future of Martin’s appointment in Africa †¦ Question Discuss the reasons why you believe who was right, Martin or his manager, about the controversial actions Martin took in the African operation. Also discuss what might have been the results if Martin has not taken the actions described. (33 marks) Question 2 Identify and discuss the most important operating challenges a company may have to consider when establishing a business in another country. 33 marks) Question 3 List and discuss the factors that make the pricing of goods for the international market more complex than the domestic market. (33 marks) Question 4 Discuss the reasons and motives a company would have in establishing collaborative agreemen ts for their overseas operations. (33 marks) Question 5 Discuss how changes in technology, global institutions and international trade and investment policies have expanded the globalization of markets and production. (33 marks) How to cite Ibp Exam Question, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
To Kill A Mocking Bird By Lee Essays (510 words) -
To Kill A Mocking Bird By Lee In the classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, there are two families that are textbook examples of complete opposites on the moral ladder, and in the community. The Cunninghams and the Ewells have two distinctly different reputations. The Cunninghams, although extremely poor, are highly respected throughout Maycomb County. The Ewells, being just as poor as the Cunninghams, are deeply despised. The Cunninghams are very respected by the citizens of Maycomb. They take nothing, unless they can pay it back, and that is virtually nothing. On the first day of school, the youngest of the Cunningham family, Walter, had no lunch. The new teacher didn't know the ways of Maycomb, or the Cunninghams. She tried to offer Walter money to buy lunch, and could not comprehend why he could not accept. Scout tries to explain to Ms. Caroline, "Walter's one of the Cunninghams, Ms. Caroline. They never took nothiin' they can't give back-no church baskets, no scrip stamps. They never took nothing off anybody, they get along with what they have. They don't have much, but they get along on it." Walter knew he could not pay back the quarter, so he did not take it. On that same first day of class, Bob Ewell's son Burris also had an altercation with Miss Caroline. She asked him to go home and wash his hair with lye soap, and then treat his scalp with kerosene to get rid of the "cooties." Burris would have none of it. He told Miss Caroline that he was on the virge of leaving anyway. When Miss Caroline questioned his response, one member of the class tried to explain, "He's one of the Ewells ma'am. Whole school's full of 'em. They come the first day every year and then leave. The truant lady gets 'em here 'cause she threatens 'em with the sheriff.... You're supposed to mark 'em absent the rest of the year." Burris' father was a uncaring, jobless, drunk, who never even pretended to care about the education or well being of his many children. Walter Cunningham(Sr.), along with most whites before the trial, believed Tom Robinson to be guilty. He showed up at the jail where Tom Robinson was being held, with all intentions to kill Tom. After a one sided conversation with Scout, Mr. Cunningham realizes that he has no reason to be at the jail, and has even less of a reason to use his rifle. Bob Ewell cost Maycomb two lives, while Mr. Cunningham, at least for a while, saved one. Among the many things Bob Ewell had little value for, human existence proved to be right at the top. After finding his daughter Mayella kissing Tom Robinson (a black man), Bob accused Tom of raping and beating his daughter, though he had done it himself. After being found guilty, Tom Robinson was shot while supposedly trying to escape. All Bob Ewell could think about however was the fact that his word was held in only a slightly higher standing than that of a black man. He tried to kill Scout and Jem for retribution against Atticus, but eventually was killed himself by Aurthur "Boo" Radley.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free Essays on Paradise Lost & Frankenstein
In the story Frankenstein and Milton’s epic Paradise Lost there are beings of enormous power. We often times give them the name gods. In Paradise Lost Milton’s god is the same God we all believe to be the one creator. The God who created Satan and booted him out of heaven. Through many a dark and dreary vale they passed, and many a region dolorous, o’er many a frozen, many a fiery alp, rocks, caves, lakes, fens, bogs, dens, and shades of death, a universe of death, which God by curse created evil, for evil only good, where all life dies, death lives, and Nature breeds, perverse, all monstrous, all prodigious things, abominable, inutterable, and worse than fables yet have feigned, or fear conceived, gorgons and Hydras, and Chimeras dire. (Milton lines 618-628) In Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein assumes the role of god and creates his own devil. Milton’s Satan had the idea of fun. He liked fun and fun got him kicked out of heaven. That’s when he got the idea that he would try his hardest to corrupt all of God’s creations. Satan does become successful as we read about Adam and Eve. He is able to tempt Eve with the fruit that in turn later gives it to Adam. Frankenstein created his own Satan, which later turned on him. His creation later basically corrupts his life by destroying it. Dr. Frankenstein becomes sorry for ever creating such a creature. Satan continues to fight against God. He seems to start off strong in his attempts to corrupt God’s creations. God always remains strong while Satan seems to wind down like a clock. What though the field be lost? All is not lost; the unconquerable will, and study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield: and what else is not to be overcome? (Milton lines 105-109) Here Satan and his followers just get booted out of heaven for â€Å"shaking†God’s throne, and he sounds all fired up to go and make the best of the situation that appears hopele... Free Essays on Paradise Lost & Frankenstein Free Essays on Paradise Lost & Frankenstein In the story Frankenstein and Milton’s epic Paradise Lost there are beings of enormous power. We often times give them the name gods. In Paradise Lost Milton’s god is the same God we all believe to be the one creator. The God who created Satan and booted him out of heaven. Through many a dark and dreary vale they passed, and many a region dolorous, o’er many a frozen, many a fiery alp, rocks, caves, lakes, fens, bogs, dens, and shades of death, a universe of death, which God by curse created evil, for evil only good, where all life dies, death lives, and Nature breeds, perverse, all monstrous, all prodigious things, abominable, inutterable, and worse than fables yet have feigned, or fear conceived, gorgons and Hydras, and Chimeras dire. (Milton lines 618-628) In Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein assumes the role of god and creates his own devil. Milton’s Satan had the idea of fun. He liked fun and fun got him kicked out of heaven. That’s when he got the idea that he would try his hardest to corrupt all of God’s creations. Satan does become successful as we read about Adam and Eve. He is able to tempt Eve with the fruit that in turn later gives it to Adam. Frankenstein created his own Satan, which later turned on him. His creation later basically corrupts his life by destroying it. Dr. Frankenstein becomes sorry for ever creating such a creature. Satan continues to fight against God. He seems to start off strong in his attempts to corrupt God’s creations. God always remains strong while Satan seems to wind down like a clock. What though the field be lost? All is not lost; the unconquerable will, and study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield: and what else is not to be overcome? (Milton lines 105-109) Here Satan and his followers just get booted out of heaven for â€Å"shaking†God’s throne, and he sounds all fired up to go and make the best of the situation that appears hopele...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
The Most Selective Colleges, Why, and How to Get In
The Most Selective Colleges, Why, and How to Get In SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips It's tempting to judge the quality of a school based on its admissions rate. Although this is a reasonable way to assess schools in most cases, there are some special circumstances that might result in extremely low acceptance rates at less academically demanding colleges. In this article, I'll list the most selective colleges in the United States, tell you why they accept so few of their applicants, and provide some advice on how to apply successfully. What Are Selective Colleges, and Why Are They So Picky? Selective colleges are schools that only admit a small percentage of the students who apply. For this article, I'm focusing on the most selective schools in the country, which I've defined as schools that admit less than 10% of applicants. There are several reasons why certain colleges end up with such low acceptance rates. Some schools are extremely selective because they’re looking for a certain specialized type of applicant, and very few students fit the bill. This category would include a school like Juilliard, which is only interested in admitting students who demonstrate virtuosity in music. Students must audition in front of members of the faculty as one of their application requirements. This group also includes military schools like West Point, where candidates must pass a physical fitness assessment and obtain a nomination from their representative in Congress or the Senate to be considered for admission. Other colleges are extremely selective because they’re looking for students with excellent credentials overall, and they can only afford to take the most high-achieving individuals out of the huge applicant pool they attract. These schools represent an intersection of popularity and very high standards. This includes Ivy League schools and schools like Stanford and MIT. These schools have strong name recognition even on an international level, so they attract a huge number of applicants. In 2018-19, Harvard offered admission to only 1,950 students out of 43,330 total applicants! In order to maintain their reputations, these schools can only choose the most outstanding students for each class. Usually, it takes more than just excellent grades and test scores to get in; you'll need these qualifications on top of other unique academic and extracurricular accomplishments. I'll go over the schools that fall into each of these categories in the next section. I assume this was the fate of most applications in the primitive time before the Internet. The Most Selective Colleges I've grouped the following selective colleges into two main categories: non-specialized schools and specialized schools. Non-Specialized Selective Schools First, I'll list some schools that have low admission rates because they're extremely popular and can only choose the strongest overall applicants. They're listed in descending order, starting with the most selective school. I'll also give you the statistics for the average GPA and SAT/ACT scores of admitted students. Keep in mind that even if your scores and GPA are technically at the same level as the averages at these schools, you can’t count on being accepted. Any school that has an acceptance rate of less than 15% is a reach school even for the best students, and any school with an acceptance rate of less than 30% is still very selective. College Name Acceptance Rate Average GPA Average SAT Average ACT Stanford 4.8% 3.95 1465 33 Harvard 5.2% 4.10 1520 34 Columbia 6.1% 4.14 1515 34 Yale 6.3% 4.12 1505 34 Princeton 6.4% 3.90 1500 33 MIT 7.2% 4.16 1528 34 Caltech 7.7% 4.22 1560 35 Pomona 8.4% 4.01 1450 32 University of Chicago 8.7% 4.29 1530 34 Claremont McKenna 9.0% 4.09 1490 32 Northwestern 9.2% 4.09 1490 33 Brown 9.3% 4.09 1488 32 UPenn 9.3% 3.93 1490 33 Dartmouth 10.4% 4.07 1478 32 Vanderbilt 10.7% 3.80 1475 34 Duke 10.8% 4.08 1485 33 The University of Chicago: subtly (or not so subtly) trying to inch its way into the Ivy League? Specialized Selective Schools Now I’ll list schools that are extremely selective because they have specialized programs and are looking for specific types of applicants. I'll also include the average GPA and test scores for each of these schools, although be aware that some of them do not report these statistics. In the case of highly selective music schools, test scores and grades are less relevant to a student’s likelihood of acceptance. These schools consider musical talent more strongly than academic performance. In this section, I’ve included a description of exactly why each school is so selective as well. College Name Acceptance Rate Average GPA Average SAT/ACT Why Is It So Selective? Curtis Institute of Music 4.0% Not reported Not reported This school is only looking for the most elite music students, and admission is "based on artistic promise alone." Curtis Institute also provides a full tuition scholarship to all of its students. These factors combined create an acceptance rate below that of even the most competitive colleges on the first list. The Juilliard School 5.9% Not reported Not reported Like the Curtis Institute of Music, Juilliard is only looking for a very specific and very talented subset of students. Students must audition for faculty members as a part of the application process, and performance standards are extraordinarily high. US Naval Academy 8.5% 3.94 1410 / 31 In order to attend the US Naval Academy, students must apply for and receive a nomination from a US representative, a senator, or the vice president. Students must also pass a physical fitness assessment and a medical examination. Academic standards are very high, so there is only a small subset of students who meet all the necessary requirements. US Military Academy (West Point) 9.6% 3.73 1300 / 25 West Point has such a low acceptance rate because it requires students to pass muster in other ways besides earning high test scores and grades. Applicants must complete a physical fitness assessment where they have to do as many push-ups as they can in two minutes (for me, this would be about 0.5), run a mile as fast as possible, and do a few other tests for agility and strength. They also have to apply for a nomination from a congressperson or senator from their state or from the vice president. Only students whose requests for nominations are granted will be offered a spot at West Point. Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art 13.1% 3.50 1393 / 31 Cooper Union is an all-honors college where every student receives a half-tuition scholarship and is automatically considered for additional merit scholarships; it also has highly specialized programs in architecture, fine arts, and engineering. Students applying to each of the schools must take "home tests" designed by Cooper Union to determine their skill levels. Admission is based significantly on creative abilities in addition to high academic standing, which makes Cooper Union both popular and picky. Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering 13.4% 3.90 1497 / 34 The small size of the student body (fewer than 100 students are accepted each year), combined with the half-tuition scholarship all accepted students receive, make Olin a desirable and competitive college to get into. Because Olin is an engineering school, students must demonstrate aptitude in areas like calculus and physics in addition to overall academic excellence. West Point graduation looks fun, but they're actually throwing up their hats in a very specific military formation. This is a tactic used to confuse and distract the enemy with its appearance of reckless exuberance. What to Do If You're Aiming for the Most Selective Colleges If you're hoping to attend one of these selective schools, that's great! There's no magic formula for acceptance, but you also don't have to rely on luck if you play your cards right. To have a solid chance of acceptance at one of the non-specialized selective colleges, you'll need to take the most difficult classes throughout high school while earning very high grades. As you can see by the average GPAs for admission at these schools, it's expected that most students will have high school transcripts dominated by As. SAT/ACT test scores are also very important; your scores should be at or above the average for admitted students. Even at non-specialized schools (but especially at specialized schools), it's important to show excellence in one academic or extracurricular area if you want to stand out from the crowd. Since you're competing with so many applicants, and most of them will have academic credentials that are just as good as yours, you need to find a way to demonstrate your value as a member of the college community that goes beyond grades and test scores. The most selective schools appreciate passion, drive, and outside-the-box thinking. If you can develop a specialization that shows them that you possess those qualities, your chances of acceptance will be very strong. Read this article for more advice on what it takes to get into extremely selective schools. What's Next? If you're hoping to attend a highly selective school, you'll need to have a very strong academic record in high school. Learn more about high school honors classes and societies. Not sure what your GPA means for your chances of college admission? Find out what a good or bad GPA might look like based on your goals. College ranking lists can strongly influence how people view the quality of certain schools. Read this article to get a more complete picture of what ranking lists really mean and whether you should trust them. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Friday, February 14, 2020
The Neo-Realist Understanding of State Conflict Essay
The Neo-Realist Understanding of State Conflict - Essay Example The study will also take the effects of the Cold War, and making of new contracts at regional, continental and global levels, which have introduced new alliances and rivalries among the nation-states. The study is also interested in exploring the causes behind the establishment of new alliances and rivalries, and consequences of the same on the administrations and subjects of the first and third world countries. The paper will also be supported by the classical and realist approaches of international relations in order to elaborate the topic under analysis. Attributed to the contemporary era US theorist and political thinker Kenneth Waltz, neo-realism approach views the modern age of international relations at the age of the growth and development of independent states system at the international stage (Waltz, 1988, p.617). The perspective is of the opinion that after the emergence of several former Asian and African colonies as independent states during 1945-1965, nation-states have turned out to be the most effective and influential actors of international politics (Baldwin, 1993, pp.26-7). As a result, the balance of power is expected to be shifting from the imperialist states to the poor countries as well. Consequently, the recently emerged nation-states would play a vital role, according to the perspective, in respect of the formation of political policies and strategic schemes by keeping in view the interests of the downtrodden masses belonging to the third world countries. In addition, these nation-states will also embark upon the arduous task of maintaining peace and condemning violence had been being practiced by the powerful states since perhaps the known history of the world at large. It is, therefore, neorealist perspective appeared in order to replace the age-old Realism theory, in the light of which there would be conducted researches in respect of international relationships, and nature and scope of state conflicts from various international plat forms (Powell, 1994, p.318). The claim has partly been articulated by keeping in view the distress, destruction, and damages the previously-subjugated nation had undergone from the eighteenth century onward at the hands of western imperialism (Ihuegbu, 2002, p.22). Since the subjects belonging to these colonised countries have witnessed cruel suppressions and oppressions unjustly inflicted by the foreign invaders upon them, these former colonies of European states must contain the natural tendencies in respect of condemning and protesting of atrocities on the weak nations by the strong and powerful nations at large, which is sure lead to lead the world Fascism, by challenging the Marxist doctrine of equality and democracy (Reich, 1980, pp. 6-7). As a result, the presence of these oppressed nations as the member of international forums and platforms including the United Nations, NATO, NAM and several others, the world would never witness the incidences of exploitations of weak and po or nations by the big powers of the globe. However, the time has turned down the notion supporting the rise of nation-states as completely sovereign and independent ones in such a way that they could be in a position of making policies regarding their internal problems and external affairs without undergoing any pressure or threat from the external powers. Nevertheless, the idea of being set free from the cruel clutches of former masters appears to be just a wild goose chase for the third world.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
WHAT HAVE BEEN THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN GENDER AND SEXUALITY OVER THE PAST TWENTY YEARS USE EXAMPLES TO ILLUSTRATE YOU ANSWER - Essay Example Wireless Networking, Broadband and WIKIs are all new terms brought about by the changes, and they add to peoples ability to communicate with each other on a global basis. Internet connections connect us with any type of research we can imagine within seconds. We also have the ability to freely conduct business, get an education or network with others, via these connections. "†¦is the defining trend of the world. Its driven by clearly identifiable, political, economic and technological changes that have removed barriers of contact across national borders†¦" (2004, p. 35). In the last twenty years, people have gained many things through the use of technology. They have been exposed to advertisements touting beautiful women and men with expensive cars and lifestyles. Life was once simple. Women didnt try as hard to look like models and "gender bending" meant something different than it does now. Because of this, people are obsessed with body image. They can change every aspect of the body through a variety of methods. Plastic surgery is now routine, fat goes away with liposuction, silicone implants increase breast size. These treatments were once hidden by those who were doing it, but now its become common place. Before technology, and up until the last few years, everyone wanted to look younger. This was emphasized through the media and created new diseases like anorexia and bulimia. However, as Baby Boomers age, they are more into looking good and showing their real selves. Although there is still a strong market for anti-aging products like wrinkle creams, the Dove Pro-age campaign created products, advertising and billboards geared towards real women and helped older women accept that though they were growing older, they werent ugly. Sex has changed since the late 1980s when HIV/AIDS came into global importance. People all over the world had to talk about sex more openly and had to redefine how they did sex. Altman states, "AIDS is both a
Friday, January 24, 2020
Jourody Journey of Homers Odyssey, Joyces Ulysses and Walcotts Omer
The Journey of Homer's Odyssey, Joyce's Ulysses and Walcott's Omeros    This essay explores how the theme of the journey, pervasive in Homer's Odyssey, find expression in James Joyce's Ulysses (1922) and Derrick Walcott's Omeros (1990), epics written in very different historical periods. Common to all three epics is a plot structure that involves a protagonist who longs for home but who must first endure a life-altering change before he returns. The theme of the "journey" provokes an image of both a natural and spiritual quest occurring simultaneously, both significantly viable because each passage contributes equally to the manifestation of the maturing male identity.            Homer's Odyssey, captures the essence of the "journey", a word signifying the movement from one place to another, by juxtaposing Odysseus's palpable journey against his spiritual one. Odysseus attempts to navigate at sea the ships and crew from Troy to Ithaca while a number of nymphs and demons make obstacles that impede his success. Both visible and invisible, the journeys produce a change in Odysseus that ensure his maturity into manhood before he returns to his wife, Penelope, in Ithaca.            Odysseus's journey begins at home where a summons to war prompts him to leave Ithaca for Troy. Odysseus and Penelope have a newborn son they name Telemachus. The war lasts ten years. Ending when Odysseus leaves a belly full of soldiers in a wooden horse at the beach before the enemy's compound. Thinking it a gift from the Greeks, the Trojan's roll it in and before dawn, a final siege occurs that ends the war. Smug and accomplished about the downfall, Odysseus sets sail for Ithaca. War inflicts Odysseus with a primordial disposition, and ... ...ort van he names the "Comet." Philoctete, a native African-Caribbean nurses a festering wound on his shin caught by a rusty anchor while timbering. A journey in a metaphor that denotes the survival and recovery of the African-Caribbean culture, spirit and mind after colonialism.    Works Cited Campbell, Joseph. Mythic Worlds, Modern Words: On the Art of James Joyce. New York: Harper Collins, 1993. Mamner, Robert D. Epic of the Dispossessed: Derek Walcott's Omeros. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1997. Hexter, Ralph. A Guide to The Odyssey: A Commentary on the English Translation of Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Random House, 1993. Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Random House, 1990. Joyce, James. Ulysses. New York: Random House, 1986. Walcott, Derek. Omeros. New York: Harper Collins, 1990.  Jourody Journey of Homer's Odyssey, Joyce's Ulysses and Walcott's Omer The Journey of Homer's Odyssey, Joyce's Ulysses and Walcott's Omeros    This essay explores how the theme of the journey, pervasive in Homer's Odyssey, find expression in James Joyce's Ulysses (1922) and Derrick Walcott's Omeros (1990), epics written in very different historical periods. Common to all three epics is a plot structure that involves a protagonist who longs for home but who must first endure a life-altering change before he returns. The theme of the "journey" provokes an image of both a natural and spiritual quest occurring simultaneously, both significantly viable because each passage contributes equally to the manifestation of the maturing male identity.            Homer's Odyssey, captures the essence of the "journey", a word signifying the movement from one place to another, by juxtaposing Odysseus's palpable journey against his spiritual one. Odysseus attempts to navigate at sea the ships and crew from Troy to Ithaca while a number of nymphs and demons make obstacles that impede his success. Both visible and invisible, the journeys produce a change in Odysseus that ensure his maturity into manhood before he returns to his wife, Penelope, in Ithaca.            Odysseus's journey begins at home where a summons to war prompts him to leave Ithaca for Troy. Odysseus and Penelope have a newborn son they name Telemachus. The war lasts ten years. Ending when Odysseus leaves a belly full of soldiers in a wooden horse at the beach before the enemy's compound. Thinking it a gift from the Greeks, the Trojan's roll it in and before dawn, a final siege occurs that ends the war. Smug and accomplished about the downfall, Odysseus sets sail for Ithaca. War inflicts Odysseus with a primordial disposition, and ... ...ort van he names the "Comet." Philoctete, a native African-Caribbean nurses a festering wound on his shin caught by a rusty anchor while timbering. A journey in a metaphor that denotes the survival and recovery of the African-Caribbean culture, spirit and mind after colonialism.    Works Cited Campbell, Joseph. Mythic Worlds, Modern Words: On the Art of James Joyce. New York: Harper Collins, 1993. Mamner, Robert D. Epic of the Dispossessed: Derek Walcott's Omeros. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1997. Hexter, Ralph. A Guide to The Odyssey: A Commentary on the English Translation of Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Random House, 1993. Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Random House, 1990. Joyce, James. Ulysses. New York: Random House, 1986. Walcott, Derek. Omeros. New York: Harper Collins, 1990. Â
Thursday, January 16, 2020
How Do people make economic decisions Essay
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how decision-making affects the economy and people. It is obvious that free markets perform much better than communist markets. The decision making principals, according to this there are four decision making principals. In the first principal people will trade off, they will give something up for another thing they want. Making decisions means people will have to trade one goal for another. The second decision is giving up something when they already had one thing. People make trade off according to the economy. People have wants and needs therefore they need to choose carefully how to spend their income and resources. Choosing and item will benefit and cost, it will also mean that the person will not have the benefit of the item he or she gave up. Third the margin is thought of in this step. When considering the margin people will take into consideration the marginal benefit and only then if it exceeds the marginal cost. Last, people will react to incentives. People will react to price and benefits associated with their decision. My example of purchasing my first home was based on marginal cost and marginal benefit. I was renting an apartment in California and rents seem to be going up because the economy going down. People were losing their homes due to foreclosure and had to live somewhere. House prices were going down and rents going up, there was no telling when they were going to stop. I did the math and figured my mortgage would be the same if not lower with some money down. The marginal cost would be greater up front in the form of cost associated with purchasing a home. However, my marginal benefit in the long term would be even greater. Therefore, if rent was cheaper now, I would have to pay more the longer I stay in that apartment. The marginal benefit to purchasing a home would be the same for the following 30 years. The only incentive that would have led me to make a different decision is if they guaranteed my rent for the next 30 years. The economics related to the decision making and the working of the economy can be demonstrated by me purchasing a tool for my job. When I purchase tools I get the benefit of making money based on my ability to fix the customers gas turbines. The economy benefits the store where I purchase the tool makes money. When I fix a gas turbine it allows the customer to pump and produce millions a dollars a day, and they sell the product and make money, in turn they sell the gas to customers which, get to work and make money. A market economy is a type of economic system in which the trading and exchange of goods, services and information takes place in a free market (Market Economy, 2010). These types of markets are governed by supply and demand. A centrally planned economy like Cuba and North Korea decision are made by the government. Mixed economies rely in the state and the private sector to make decisions on the market economy and economic system. In a free market people purchase and sell services and goods. In this type of market people are free to interact. In a communist economy, such as Cuba and North Korea the government decides what needs to be produced and where to work. Decision can be based on marginal cost or marginal benefit; there is no doubt that they are a huge part of the consumer’s decisions to purchase goods. Whether it is the cost of buying a home or just a simple meal people will always weigh the cost of goods.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
A History of AIDS and the Foundation that is Promoting...
In this wonderful world that we subsist in it has its fluctuating limits where in life an individual can have successes and fame to being unsuccessful. Life is precious, the way one can conserve it and their health is performing certain procedures that help maintain and sustain the human body. In addition, there are different elements that occur to impair a person’s health like physical and mental disorders, bacterial infections, and viral infections. These illnesses can cause minor to major fragments in a person’s life. A key virus that dumbfounds scientist and doctors till this day is the word â€Å"HIV†. This virus attacks the immune system, which is the body’s major component of defense against infections and disease. The reason why†¦show more content†¦During the timeline of aids, studies show that the virus probably transferred to humans in Africa between 1884 and 1924 (Anabel Kanabus, 2009). There were signs of it spreading through Haiti in 1966; estimations of this virus entering the United States are in the 1970. African doctors see a rise in opportunistic infections; this means that it takes advantage of the opportunity offered by a weakened immune system. Western scientists and doctors remain ignorant of the growing epidemic; this is what caused HIV to spread and kill innocent lives. The first case of aids found was through gay men, following by drug users injecting themselves not using a clean sterilized needle. In 1982, aids were reported in several European countries, the name â€Å"AIDS†(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), is created. In 1983, AI DS is reported among non-drug using women and children, Experts become more confident that the cause of AIDS is infectious. Consequently, three thousand AIDS cases have been reported in the USA; one thousand have died. At last in 1984, Scientists identify HIV (initially called HTLV-III or LAV) as the cause of AIDS, western scientists become aware that AIDS is widespread in parts of Africa. More than 38,000 cases of AIDS have been reported from 85 countries. The first drug was named â€Å"AZT†, which was approved for treating AIDS. Clearly, once the scientist realized thatShow MoreRelatedBlack Athlete5745 Words  | 23 Pagesneeded social services as a result of these explicit and implicit biases. Key words: Welfare reform; family policy; civil rights; gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT); heterosexism Welfare reform is fundamentally about family policyâ€â€about promoting and privileging particular kinds of families, and about penalizing and stigmatizing others. (Cahill and Jones 2002: 1). Two pieces of legislation were passed in 1996 that set an important tone for family policy in the United States: The 1996 PersonalRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 Pageswritten permission of the publisher. Thomson Higher Education 10 Davis Drive Belmont, CA 94002-3098 USA For more information about our products, contact us at: Thomson Learning Academic Resource Center 1-800-423-0563 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit a request online at Any additional questions about permissions can be submitted by e-mail to Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 10 09 08
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